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NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Observes Three Merging Galaxies on Collision Course

NASA Hubble Space Telescope 3 Merging Galaxies
NASA / ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope observes three merging galaxies which are on a collision course with one another and can ultimately merge right into a single mega galaxy. As they draw nearer, their spiral construction might be distorted by way of mutual gravitational interplay. A very unrelated galaxy within the foreground seems to be floating close to this scene, whereas the small shapes of way more distant galaxies are additionally seen within the background.

NASA Hubble Space Telescope 3 Merging Galaxies
Astronomers have categorised these merging galaxies as SDSSCGB 10189, and this comparatively uncommon trio of enormous star-forming galaxies are all positioned inside 50,000 light-years of each other. This may sound like an important distance, however in astronomical phrases, this makes them far too shut for consolation. For instance, Milky Approach’s galactic neighbors are a lot additional away resembling Andromeda, which lies greater than 2.5 million light-years from Earth.

These galactic behemoths are referred to as Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) and – because the identify suggests – are outlined because the brightest galaxies in any given galaxy cluster. Astronomers suspect that BCGs kind by way of the merger of enormous, gas-rich galaxies like those seen right here,” stated NASA.

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