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Scientists Reveal Fusion Energy Breakthrough, Achieve Fusion Ignition for the First Time

Fusion Energy Breakthrough Ignition
Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced a fusion energy breakthrough today, or more specifically, a net energy gain called fusion ignition. This phenomenon occurs at incredibly high temperatures and pressures, making it very difficult to control, paving the way for advancements in national defense as well as the future of clean power.

Fusion ignition enables scientists to replicate for the first time certain conditions that are found only in the stars and the sun. This marks one significant step closer to the possibility of zero-carbon abundant fusion energy powering our world. Producing more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it provides unprecedented capability to support NNSA’s Stockpile Stewardship Program and will provide invaluable insights to achieve a net-zero carbon economy.

Fusion Energy Breakthrough Ignition

I am thrilled that NIF—the United States’ most cutting-edge nuclear research facility—has achieved fusion ignition, potentially providing for a new clean and sustainable energy source in the future. This breakthrough will ensure the safety and reliability of our nuclear stockpile, open new frontiers in science, and enable progress toward new ways to power our homes and offices in future decades,” said Eric Swalwell, U.S. Representative (CA-15).

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