Although many marketers have made content as a key component of their strategies, new research indicates that not all are seeing success in this area.

SEMrush recently published “The State of Content Marketing” report, and statistics suggested that the majority of marketers (39%) were only “somewhat successful” using content marketing in 2021. About 33% were “moderately successful,” and 9% were “unsuccessful” altogether.

In terms of challenges, most marketers (41%) cited difficulty attracting leads with their content. Approximately 39% said they were struggling to generate traffic and promote their content, while 31% stated that they were finding it challenging to develop content that resonated with their audience.

However, marketers are not giving up on content marketing just yet. Nearly 45% said that their goal is to increase brand awareness through content this year, while 37% want to attract more traffic to their website. About 36% would like to generate additional leads.

Finding Content Marketing Success with Video

As marketers look to improve their content strategies, previous research indicates that many are turning to video to do so.

Vidyard and the Content Marketing Institute partnered to conduct the “Content Marketing Video and Visual Storytelling Survey,” and data suggested that 88% of marketers are now utilizing video for content marketing. However, many are still newcomers to their area, with most marketers (38%) stating that they have only been leveraging video content for 1-4 years.

Approximately 83% of marketers claim that video has become more important to their business over the last two years, and 71% are getting at least “average results” with their video content.

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