Earlier this week, we formally learned that OnePlus is making a foldable. As we speak, we’re getting a really transient glimpse at what it’d seem like. No less than, that’s what we expect that is?

Technically, we are able to see hardly something, but when this video is displaying what we expect it’s displaying, it seems that the hinge system on this system is de facto easy trying. Actually, we are able to’t see any breaks within the bend of the body, so if we’re being trustworthy, now we have no clue what we’re taking a look at. Until OnePlus has discovered some type of bendable steel to make use of? Unlikely.

Right here’s a brightened model of the picture above, simply to make it clear that it seems like a chunk of bent steel.

This might simply be a tease for the concept of a foldable and never a take a look at the precise system itself. Based mostly on what we’re seeing right here, that appears extra possible, however once more, OP may very well be reinventing what foldables can seem like and the way they mechanically function, which I suppose could be fairly candy.

All we all know is that it’s going to be a protracted and drawn out tease course of for this system. It’s OnePlus, in order that a lot is assured.

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