AWS Amazon Polly - Text to Speech Converter - 1


Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech, allowing you to create applications that talk, and build entirely new categories of speech-enabled products. Polly’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) service uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesize natural sounding human speech. With dozens of lifelike voices across a broad set of languages, you can build speech-enabled applications that work in many different countries.

In addition to Standard TTS voices, Amazon Polly offers Neural Text-to-Speech (NTTS) voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Polly’s Neural TTS technology also supports two speaking styles that allow you to better match the delivery style of the speaker to the application: a Newscaster reading style that is tailored to news narration use cases, and a Conversational speaking style that is ideal for two-way communication like telephony applications.

Easy to Set Up:

Simply include your AWS IAM User Access and Secret Access Key and your AWS Bucket Name and you are all set!

Benefits of Amazon Polly:

  1. Natural sounding voices (Neural TTS)
  2. Store & redistribute speech
  3. Real-time streaming
  4. Customize & control speech output
  5. Simple-to-Use API
  6. Optimize Your Streaming Audio
  7. Adjust Speaking Style, Speech Rate, Pitch, and Loudness
  8. Synthesize Large Text directly to your S3 Bucket
  9. Very Low cost

Features of Amazon Polly Text to Speech Converter:

  1. Support for over 29 Languages
  2. Support for over 60+ Different Voices
  3. Various Combination of Voice Effects for Standard Voices
  4. Various Combination of Voice Effects for Neural Voices
  5. Support for MP3, OGG & PCM Audio Output Formats
  6. Instant Stream Capability or Download
  7. Easy to Customize and Add to your Project
  8. Fully Responsive with Bootstrap 4

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Cost of Running it:

  • You can use any hosting platform as you prefer for the application itself
  • AWS Account (Free to Open – You will be on Free Tier for the 1st year)
  • Amazon S3 Storage Cost (For Data Storage and Data Traffic Out)
  • Amazon Polly Cost details listed below:

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Installation Instructions:

Only AWS side needs to be setup (Note: Amazon Polly and Amazon S3 are paid services provided by AWS)
  • AWS PHP SDK v3 is Required (Already Included into the package) – Setup Link
  • AWS IAM User with S3 & Polly Access Policies attached – Setup Link
  • Amazon S3 Bucket with Public Access – Setup Link
  • Also Listed and Explained with more details in the Documentation


Release Notes – Change Logs:

16.05.2020 - 1.0.5
     - Update: Standard Voices character limit increase
     - Update: Neural Voices character limit increase
     - Update: Direct Keys include simplified
     - Update: Documentation

17.03.2020 - 1.0.4
     - Update: Support for raw PCM audio stream formats added for Large Text
     - Fix: JS bug fixes

30.01.2020 - 1.0.3
     - Update: Support for Neural TTS added, provides high quality life like voices
     - Update: Support for Large Text added, output results are directly sent to Amazon S3
     - Update: Additional voice effects are added for Neural TTS
     - Update: Additional voice effects are added for Standard TTS
     - Fix: Minor bug fixes

16.11.2019 - 1.0.2
     - Update: AWS PHP SDK v3 is now included with the package
     - Update: App can now run directly with only IAM Access and Secret Access Keys
     - Update: Additional voice effects are added

11.11.2019 - 1.0.1
     - Fix: Audio Player play/pause fix during direct play
     - Fix: Additional Settings dropdown sign fix

29.10.2019 - 1.0.0
     - Initial Release

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