Change log

9 Jan 2019

+, Fix after adding items show item count at cart icon

8 Jan 2019

+, Fix adding Food and extras Food ( just replace two files add.php and edit.php in application/views/backend/food folder )

14 Dec 2018

+, change the new way show currency
+, fixed calculate total price 

5 August 2018

+, Update all package to lastest stable
+, Fixed: Minor bugs
+, Convert App to Lazy Load Module ( Make app run faster)
+, Allow enable, disable push
+, Change language in app 
+, Fixed: Minor bugs
+, Added: Paypal Payment
+, Added: Admin LTE admin themes
+, Fixed: Minor bugs
+, Added: Login, Signup, Login via Facebook
+, Added: Tracking order
+, Fixed: Minor bugs
+, Added: Push notification use OneSignal
+, Added: Call Direct to restaurant ower
+, Added: Auto send email confirm order to client
+, Init

Version 1.0

This source code come with admin panel cms will help you build your own restaurant app faster.

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Pizza - Ionic 3 Restaurant App with Admin Panel - 2


Pizza - Ionic 3 Restaurant App with Admin Panel - 3

APK: Click here

You have always the option to try the Ionic Framework App by downloading the Ionic View. Then, use the following App Id to fetch a preview of the app:

Pro ionic view: ded32fa4

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Pizza - Ionic 3 Restaurant App with Admin Panel - 5

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What’s people say about us?

Pizza - Ionic 3 Restaurant App with Admin Panel - 7


  • Build with ionic 3, codeigniter 2
  • Full Applications with admin panel
  • Nice Design
  • Login, Signup, Login via Facebook
  • Tracking Order
  • Powerfull admin panel
  • Search, Favoriest, Offer, Sharing function
  • Integrated Payment use Stripe
  • Integrated Payment use Paypal
  • Push Notification use OneSingal
  • Calling Direct to restaurant
  • Send confirm order email to client
  • i18n Integrated
  • Easy to setup
  • Ionic Native 3.x
    • ”@ionic-native/core”: “3.10.2”,
    • ”@ionic-native/in-app-browser”: “4.0.0”
    • ”@ionic-native/social-sharing”: “4.0.0”
    • ”@ionic-native/splash-screen”: “3.10.2”
    • ”@ionic-native/status-bar”: “3.10.2”
    • ”@ionic-native/stripe”: “4.0.0”
    • ”@ionic/storage”: “2.0.1”
    • ”@ngx-translate/core”: “7.0.0”
    • ”@ngx-translate/http-loader”: “^0.1.0”


Php 5.4 later with Curl, Mysqli, Mod_rewrite enable


Image demo just for preview, it will not distribute in the source code, thank all

Pizza - Ionic 3 Restaurant App with Admin Panel - 8 Source