Firebase Admin Dashboard With Auto API & Form Builder
It is a Firebase dynamic admin panel that works for every firebase live database. You can manage the whole database from one place after configure its. Now in you are able to use as API of mobile application (View, Insert, Update, Delete). You can make a table with a form builder.
Just follow our documentation step to configure connection file.It take only 4-5 minutes for you.
Login Detail :
Demo Link :firebase.deadlockinfotech.com
Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456
Key Features :
1. Create a table on Firebase with Form Builder.
2. You can add data on tables and perform view, update, delete operation.
3. API will be automatically created with sample request that you can use on mobile application.
4. API Support View, Insert, Update, Delete operation.
5. Form Builder contains a default form field.
Notes :
We can provide firebase backend for your application or your database as your requirement.you can request customization in this script
Email : [email protected]
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