– Version: 2.6 – Youtube Channel Support Ticket Plateform
– Last update: 16/01/2022
– Files Included: Full Android Source Code, Full IOS Source Code , Full PHP script for dashboard, Project Documentation ( installation & configuration guide )
– Setup & installation guide : AndroidIOS .
– This is Exclusive Product Licence from Envato.

Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 1
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 2
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 3
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 4
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 5
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 6
Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 7

Why should you buy the app?

Dealfly is a fully native application available on both Android and ios, it offers its users the best user experience with super fast navigation, beautiful animations, a clean and stable version without any external dependencies.

We provide the best support possible, our goal is to support our customers from the start of their projects, until the maturity stage, we guarantee the proper functioning of the technical part and let the customer concentrate on the business part

Finally, our team will always be listening to your needs, email, or via our support platform, just prepare your question our team will assist ASAP .

No dependencies are needed , buy once and get access to all the unlimited features provided with the project

How I can earn from the DEALFLY solution :

  • Display and Describe Your Products Clearly
  • Start an E-Commerce Store
  • Create a membership plans for your vendors
  • Get a commission from each item sold on the platform
  • Hire delivery boys , and get commission for each item delivered
  • Sponsored ads target shopping queries or products, and can occupy high-visibility placements on app
  • Monetize and promote your app with AdMob.

Features 1

Available Features

Full e-commerce features Order one or more items , choose item variants , add to cart , and pay using different type of paymet gateway

Multi Currencies, Multi Languages, RTL easy to add/edit/delete a currency or language, switch or set default.

Multi Payments COD, Paypal, Razorpay, webview payment: your local payments, checkout, and shipping are available, more detail.

Powerful campaigns system Create custom campaigns for your shops , deals , products . Example : daily deals , shops nearby , recently added products …

Discount , Countdown deals Promotion offers , create dicount for one or more product on the list , expired deals ( date start , date end )

Diverse Products product Variant, difference type of Layout (Colors, Dropdown, Box), Product Images options , .

Google Analytics easy to track the user online and number of registration via Firebase as the realtime.

Booking feature Create services , add option for booking , use custom field to retireve data from customer such as : booking date , booking time , number of participant and on …

Vendor Admin panel Vendor can manage his content directly from the dashboard : shops , offers , products , campaigns …

Sponsored Ads target shopping queries or products, and can occupy high-visibility placements on app.

Real-time Chat easy to chat with vendor/admin, Firebase Realtime Chat

Powerful User Setting Bookmark and notification agreement , Order Tracking, Rate App on app stores, Smart Chat setting, switching languages, enable push notification , change mobile template , Currencies …

Android and IOS Apps Features

  • Google Directions.
  • Real-time delivery tracking
  • SMS phone verification
  • Chat Realtime & Unlimited
  • Add products to my shopping cart
  • Order status timeline
  • Countdown deals , discont
  • Manage custom fields
  • Razorpay ,Paypal, credit cards integration.
  • Cash on delivery and payment on pickup methods
  • Integrate commission platform
  • Checkout
  • Notifications
  • Google Maps for showing restaurants on the maps with direction to them
  • User Profile
  • User Orders
  • Business Bookmark
  • Push notification using FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
  • Permanent data storage (chat messages, stores informations) on a MYSQL database
  • Login
  • Register
  • Forgot password
  • Home
  • Market Details
  • Maps Explorer
  • Easy to restyle and theming by on your branding sites.
  • Awesome animations are ready to use: Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations , lottie animation
  • Currency management
  • Custom offers
  • Support RTL languages (Arabic, Farisi…)
  • AdMob
  • Navigation drawer menu with categories
  • Cool Mobile UI Interaction
  • Material Design pattern
  • Pull Down Bouncy UI.
  • Share on Facebook
  • Share on Twitter
  • Call Integration
  • SMS Integration
  • Website redirection
  • Advance Search
  • About Us Panel Added
  • Image Pinch and Zoom
  • Well documented
  • Parallax scrolling effect
  • App Settings
  • App Languages
  • Help & Supports
  • Account Settings

What you get

  • Full Applications Android + iOS Source Code
  • Full PHP source code for the backend
  • Project Documentation ( installation & configuration guide )

Demo APK:

Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 8

Demo iOS using TestFlight:

Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 9

Demo Admin :

Admin URL:

Username: admin
Password: 123456

Username: owner
Password: 123456

Note: This account gives you only limited access to see the dashboard with the features that have, you will not be allowed to change any information through the demo version.
To get more accessibility please create a customer account
to be able to create and edit the content in the dashboard

Dealfly - E-commerce & multi-vendors marketplace,Offers, Subscription system - iOS & Android - v2.6 - 10

Features 1

Features 1

Features 1

Features 1

Features 1


    ——————————— Change log & Upgrading ———————————————————
v2.6.0 16/01/2022   

New Features :
      - Integrate report content on Stores , Event , Offers
      - Integrate Apple pay for IOS device

    - Home page ui adjustments
    - Upgrade all API to the latest version support now Android 30 and higher
    - Optimize project source code
    - Remove unnecessary resources

Bug fixed:
     - Fix payment issue ( token not found)
     - Gradle issues with the latest version of Android Studio 

v2.5 22/09/2021

    New Features :
    - Store likes
    - Product , offers views counter

    - GPS permission not required on splash screen
    - Remove item from bookmark 
    - Get delivery detail on order tracking

       Bug fixed :
    - Fix issue related to delivery tracking
    - Null on banner
    - Get nearby content fixed
    - Location search issues fixed
    - Checkout issues fixed
    - Technical issues reported on crashlytics

v2.2 19/06/2021

    New Features :
    - Integrate opening time for stores
    - Order items from only opening stores ( can be enabled or disabled)
    - Distance Unit  ( Km , mile )

    - UI / UX improvement
    - Send an email to the business owner for each new order
    - loading time and performance 
    - featured offers , products

        Bug fixed:
    - Cart item menu click
    - Show more products issue
    - Sort ,Recent products , top picks for you
    - Deals expired should be removed from product discount
    - reported issues on crashlytics   
    - store item show Random discounts
    - stock issues on dashboard
    - bookmark issues on android
    - offer campaign issues
    - notification item redirection
    - show all item on offer detail 
    - countdown issue
    - pick location on checkout page
    - fixing bugs related to subscription
    - make it as a deal issue when editing offer 
    - create offer issue

V2.0 – 10/04/2021

    New Features:
    - Product management 
    - Product Variant management 
    - Create offers and deals from one or many products on the list
    - Shopping cart
    - Integrate Razorpay payment gateway
    - Bookmark Shops, notification agreement: receive notification from 
      only shops on the Wishlist
    - Advanced search filter: Search item by City, range, categories, or price range
    - Delivery commission
    - Delivery module 
    - Track Delivery boy
    - Update order status 
    - Delivery balance and analytics
    - Auto-generate invoice ( monthly )   
    - Firebase SMS phone verification
    - Sales statistics ( daily, monthly)
    - Export order list (CSV, XML, JSON)
    - Shimmer animation 
    - Switch from km to mile and vise versa 

    Improvements :
    - UI / UX Improvement
    - Enhance the app performance for both android and iOS
    - Integrate tabs on Edition and Creation page
    - Improve app structured, Optimize source code
    - Order invoice, Order detail 
    - Offers could be associated to one or many products
    - Currency formatter 
    - Enable or disable quick access for mobile app
    - Upgrade Google APIs 
    - Notify business owner of each new order using email
    - Items are hidden rather than removed, serves for analytics and data monitoring 
    - UI Animations 
    - List products on grid view or on horizontal card view
    - RTL improvement 

    Bugs Fixed:
    - Expired deals are not automatically hidden
    - Dashboard UI issues on mobile devices
    - Technical issues reported from crashlytics
    - Website URL can't be edited or removed
    - Qty issue when creating a new offer 
    - Can't create subscription Pack
    - Big number of notifications received
    - Token issues when submitting a new order from the app

    V1.2.2 – 29/08/2020

    Bugs fixed: 
    - Install script issue 

    V1.2 – 06/08/2020

    New Features :
    -  Subscription module is integrated now in the source code project
    -  Users can set a quantity when ordering new offers
    -  Shimmer loading for both mobile apps
    -  Filter offers by distance or by nearby location

    - Android application now works without activating GPS
    - Increase application performance, less loading time on most views and layout
    - New input types have been integrated into the custom fields  ( Date, time )
    - Improve payment transaction

    Bugs fixed: 
    - Payment action bug fixed for some devices
    - Geo maps bug fixed
    - Offer tags displayed in the store list are fixed
    - Fix technical issues reported from Crashlytics
    - SlideShow click bug fixed
    - Categories counter bug fixed
    - RTL Main Fragment bug fixed
    - Item order expands bug fixed

    V1.1 – 21/06/2020

    New Features :
    - Integrate commission for offers .

    - Migrate from fabric to Crashlytics
    - Custom field cash support 
    - Clear search filter on both stores and offers a list
    - Geo business map improvement, offers section
    - Updating Firebase APIs

    Bugs fixed: 
    - Fixing bugs related to taxes
    - Fixing technical issues reported from Crashlytics

    Changed files log included in the project.