Game Station + Reward Coin is a mobile app which run under Android platform
that used for your own HTML5 games application, and support from Android 4.2 and
higher. With powerful and responsive Admin Panel can manage unlimited category
and sub category and publish unlimited games. This application created by
Android Studio for client side and then PHP MySQLi (Codeigniter) for Admin side.
Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the
world. Using this application you can save your money and time in creating
application for your own game app.
Live Preview
Download Android Demo: http://gamestation.inw24.com/dl/gamestation.apk
Admin Panel Demo: http://gamestation.inw24.com/dashboard
- Username: demoadmin
- Password: 123456789
Admin Part Features
- Publish unlimited HTML5 games
- Multi level user role (super admin, admin, employee, regular and VIP user)
- Determine access permission to each user role
- Unlimited category, sub category and sub sub category…
- Assign specific game to Regular or VIP user
- Admin can approve or reject games that submitted by VIP users
- Enable cache for games to load faster
- User list, along with search, editing, and management tasks
- Admin can block user accounts
- User activities
- View, approve, or delete user rate / review
- Manage app releases
- Manage app pages
- Images slider
- Assign to open specific game on click on image slider
- OneSignal push notification (send via Admin Panel)
- Send big image via push notification from admin panel
- Sending push notification to all or specific user
- Manage maintenance mode
- Google AdMob (enable/disable from Admin Panel)
- Hide Google AdMob for specific user
- Google Firebase analytics
- Reward coin configuration
- Enable / Disable reward coin
- Withdrawal coin as a cash configuration
- Send email configuration
- API key configuration
- RTL mode (right to left)
- UTF-8 support
- Multi languages support
- Google reCAPTCHA to increase security
- Captcha library to increase security
- Prevent XSS attack
- CSRF protection is enabled
- Form validation
- Email verification
- Full user manual (video & article)
User Part Features
- Multi slider splash screen
- User registeration and login
- User dashboard
- Reward coins by clicking on AdMob
- Reward coins by writing a review
- Reward coins by playing game
- Reward coins by referring your friend
- Withdrawal coin as a cash via PayPal, BitCoin, WebMoney, Offline Bank and…
- Users can delete their account under GDPR law
- User can write a review on games
- User can rate games
- User can hide AdMob with coins rewarded
- User can upgrades account to VIP
- VIP user can access to all games
- VIP user can publish new game (requires admin confirmation)
- Bookmarks, share and search
- Load more supports at games list
- Load more supports at reviews page
- RTL mode (right to left)
- UTF-8 support
- Multi languages support
- Security minifyEnabled
- R8, The New Code Shrinker From Google is Enabled
System Requirements
- Linux Web Hosting
- PHP Version: 5.6 , 7.0 , 7.2 , 7.3, 7.4
- PHP Extensions: Curl with
SSL, GD2 Image Library, JSON
Support, MBString, Iconv, Encrypt (only for php 5.6 and 7.0) - MySQL 5.5.x / MariaDB 10.x.x or newer
- FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla)
- Android Studio 4.1 or newer
Be Aware
This item required intermediate knowledge of server & android application compilation. If you don’t know what & how this item is working, you have someone with you who is technical enough to understand all this things. Though you can ask our support for installation service but this service costs you.
We are NOT providing support for learning to customize or installation. When committing a purchase you agree to rely on the User Manual we provide with the project and eventually resolve issues on your own.
Users are responsible for publishing the application on Google Play or other markets. The author makes no commitment to approve or disapprove the application on Google Play or other markets.
Once you have purchased the item, it is not possible to refund the money because you have full access to its codes. Therefore, be careful in your purchase.
Installation & Customization
Rate Application
When you are purchasing this app, don’t forget to give a 5 star rate if you think this app is useful for you. This will make us more effort to improve the application in future releases.
Regular or Extended License
By following Envato License Type, you must use Extended License if:
- Publish your app as a PAID app.
- Your App is In-App Purchase (mean your user able to buy some feature).
- Sell your app on Auction Markets.
Both Regular & Extended license are allowed to be installed on One Domain. The main difference between these licenses is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve purchased) is distributed free of charge, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold or otherwise limited to paying customers.
For more information visit: https://codecanyon.net/licenses/standard?license=extended
Change Log
Version 1.8.0 – January 07th, 2021
– Update project to the latest Android Studio. – Update gradle to the latest version. – Update dependencies to the latest version. – Improved back-end security. – Improved performance and fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 1.7.2 – July 03th, 2020
– Fix a minor bugs
Version 1.7.0 – June 03th, 2020
– Send big image via push notification from admin panel – Users can update their profile information and image from both Android & Web dashboard – Compatibility codes to the latest Android Studio – Upgrade to the latest Android Studio – Upgrade gradle to the latest version – Upgrade dependencies to the latest version – Fix a minor bugs
Version 1.6.0 – January 18th, 2020
– Google reCAPTCHA has been added – On playing game activity, users reward coin after 30 seconds – Enable/Disable reward coin for specific action – Added 2 widget on admin dashboard – Redesigned user manual – Updated gradle to the latest version – Updated sdk to the latest version – Updated dependencies to the latest version – Fixed a few minor bugs
Version 1.5.6 – December 9th, 2019
– Withdrawal coin as a cash via PayPal, WebMoney, WesternUnion, Bitcoin, Offline Bank and etc... . – GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) page added. – Users can delete their account under GDPR law. – Update gradle to the latest version. – Update dependencies to the latest version. – Update SDK to the latest version. – Improved performance and fix a minor bugs.
Version 1.4.0 – November 4th, 2019
– Upgrading codeigniter to the latest version 3.1.11 – Prevent game deletion if any image slider is assigned to that game. – Admin can block user accounts. – Update gradle to the latest version. – Update dependencies to the latest version. – Fix a few minor bugs.
Version 1.3.0 – September 15th, 2019
– Prevent to delete a user, if there are any game(s) assign to him/her. – After delete a user, all related data in tables will be clean. – After delete a user, user's avatar will be removed from server. – The problem of sending a verification email to users who registered in through the website was resolved.
Version 1.2.0 – September 10th, 2019
– Disable / Enable: Force email verification to permit login. – Show toast during earning reward coin. – Show users registeration device. – Admin can manually verify or unverify the user email. – Send push notification to specific user (required user registration). – Prevent to turn off the screen on game activity. – Update firebase to the latest version. – Improve performance.
Version 1.1.0 – September 8th, 2019
- Update gradle to the latest version. - Update dependencies to the latest version. - Fix a few minor bugs.
Version 1.0.0 – September 7th, 2019
- Initial release.