Want to take back a message that you just sent to someone on Snapchat? If so, it’s easy to delete that message. You can do this on both your iPhone and Android phone, and we’ll show you how.
RELATED: How to Use Snapchat: The Basics of Sending Snaps and Messages
When Can You Delete a Snapchat Message?
You can only delete a Snapchat message if it has not been viewed yet. Even then, Snapchat says the following about deleting sent messages:
When you delete a message, we’ll attempt to remove it from our servers and your friends’ devices. This might not always work, like if someone has a bad internet connection, or if you and your friends are running an old version of Snapchat.
So as soon as someone views the message, you can no longer delete it. You also cannot delete messages that the other person has saved.
In addition, when you delete a message, Snapchat adds a note to the chat saying that a message was removed. It does not reveal the actual message, but the recipient knows a message was deleted from the chat.
Delete a Message in Snapchat on iPhone and Android
To begin deleting a message, open the Snapchat app on your phone.
At the bottom of the app, tap the “Chat” option (a bubble icon).
On the “Chat” page, find the chat in which you want to delete a message. Then tap that chat.
On the chat conversation page, find the message to delete. Then tap and hold on that message.
From the menu that opens, select “Delete.”
In the “Delete Chat” prompt, tap “Delete Chat.”
And you are done. Your selected message is now removed from your chat conversation. Enjoy!
If you use WhatsApp, Instagram, or Telegram, you can delete messages in those apps, too.
RELATED: How to Delete WhatsApp Messages

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