With zCart application you can build your own Multi-Vendor E-Commerce marketplace like Amazon, eBay, Esty. Very easy to set up with a friendly built-in installer.
All useful PLUGINS are available here!
Single shop version is here. oneCart
Allow vendors/store owners to sell their products on your marketplace and charge them monthly subscription fee + commissions%(optional) + per transaction fee(optional).
Each vendor (store owner) has an individual Admin panel. A vendor can add staff users to manage their store. You can limit the number of users and also can limit the number of listing a vendor can have.
The default vendor subscription billing provider is Stripe. If you want to use Mollie or PayPal’s Braintree instead of Stripe. Please make a request for the Braintree version. A conversion charge may apply, please check this link for details or contact us directly from the support tab on the top of this page.
Frontend demo::
Merchant Landing Page
Backend demo::
Admin Demo
User Name:: [email protected]
Password:: 123456
Merchant Demo
User Name:: [email protected]
Password:: 123456
Customer Account
User Name:: [email protected]
Password:: 123456
- Cross-Selling feature
- Multilingual support
- Beautiful PDF invoices
- Search autocomplete
- Activity logged with detail history
- Advance Product search algorithm like Amazon
- Advance catalog system like Amazon
- Secret Login to any account
- Low inventory alert
- Product attributes
- Guest checkout system
- Role-based user permission (Full dynamic control)
- Multiple Payment methods (PayPal, Stripe, COD, Bank Wire transfer)
- Buyer Rating system for both products and sellers
- Order tracking system
- Dynamic filters to find products
- Multiple shopping carts
- Ajax based shopping cart
- Featured categories
- Wishlist
- Coupons
- Theme based front end
- A different theme for vendor landing page
- Support Ticket system
- Full-featured Message inbox
- Refunds and Disputes
- Block sellers and customers
- Can block user IPs
- Fully Google analytic integration on the dashboard
- Visitor graph report without any third party API
- Maintenance mode for the whole platform and individual shop
- Products key feature list
- Linked items with your listing
- Auto find related items
- An algorithm to find top selling/trending product to highlight
- Different shipping rate base on price, weight and shipping zone (auto)
- Shipping zone based tax system (auto)
- Premium Packaging options for delivery
- Social media login system with Facebook and Google
- Newsletter subscription with MailChimp
- Subscription-based vendor registration(Auto renewal)
- Full controlled resource allocation(users/listings) for vendor
- Sliders and banners widget can be placed in multiple widget areas
- Activity log(history log) for important resources
- Bulk upload customers and inventories (CSV)
- Admin can limit the number of records in a batch for bulk upload
- Global Announcement system
- Push notification system
- Advanced reporting
- Advanced FAQ system
- Static pages
- Blog
- Customer-seller conversation on order page
- SEO optimized
- Bulk inventory and product import option.
- Cookie consent notice to comply with GDPR
- Mass actions for all the tables
- RTL language support
- Dynamic Language change option
- Vendor approval system
- Vendor verification system (ID, Address and Phone Number)
- Verified badge on the vendor name
- Admin can update customer and user password from admin panel
- Now admin can set vendors to use their own catalog products
- Admin can set active business area for the marketplace
- Trash and restore option for banners and sliders
- Order invoice/receipt (pdf)
- Vendor subscription invoice/receipt (pdf)
- Contact seller feature added on product page
- Complete inbox module for customers
- New customer dashboard
- CyberSource payment gateway
- SEO fields for all categories
- Vendor can add admin note to orders
- 4 translation files included for free
More features will be added…
Please view our online Documentation for installation process and other information
Indexing:: (Meaning of symbols on the left side)
‘+’ Added
‘*’ Fixed
‘-’ Removed
‘=‘ Improved
Version 2.4.0 (09 January 2022)
+ Admin can hide product conditions(New/Used) from the catalog + A complete vendor profile page. + A complete brand profile page. + The banner effect is back again + Banner effect can be turned on/off + Login using Apple account (Plugin) + Show merchant info as the vendor. Admin can set. + New design for featured categories on the default theme + Rating evaluation as a background task that recalculates ratings once a day + Scroll bar added on category mega menu + Optional phone field added on the merchant registration * Promotions update issue when no records on the table * Minor fix when the default packaging info is missing * Permission issue on the customer address section * Package installation issue in some cases * Wallet transaction invoice issue * Page content formatting issue = All promotions settings are now optional = Separate products page for vendors. = Separate products page for brands. = Google ReCaptcha validation removed when not configured = Social media login configuration is now optional = Laravel Framework upgraded to the latest available 8.* version
Version 2.3.9 (27 November 2021)
* Address state filed autocomplete issue * Removed product edit restriction * Flash Deal timer issue on Safari (plugin) = Now vendor can update slug of the shop = Now vendor can update catalog product even when has listings
Version 2.3.8 (10 November 2021)
+ Implemented global announcement section * Disabled payment option showing issue in mobile app * Address form validation issue with Google Place * Sitemap issue on some restricted servers * Key features duplicate issue on inventory create form * Address creating issues when Google place is on * Merchant panel trial ends notice issue * Product list access issue 'vendor can use own catalog only' is on * Wallet access issue when the system is on maintenance mode * Fixed flash deal timer issue on safari Packages:: * FlashDeal version 1.3.0 released * Fixed oneCheckout issue + Razorpay Payment plugin released
Version 2.3.7 (6 September 2021)
+ Google place API added to autocomplete address on the checkout page + Google Recaptcha added on customer registration * item listing hover button z-index issue * listing width issue on some places * Page cover image issue * Flash deal loading issue * Slug validation issue * Banner image upload issue * Coupon issue on the checkout page * Theme select option issue on admin panel * Search suggestions issue when Pharmacy plugin on * Shop logo issue on the checkout page * Admin authorization issue for currency and business area modules * Permission caching issue when login from multiple browsers * Maximum discount value will be cart total even if the coupon value is greater than the cart total = Now chat message will send on press enter = Product page zoom image thumbs = Improved address form = Improved default theme
Version 2.3.6 (2 August 2021)
+ Search autocomplete feature on the main navbar + Province/State added for Brazil, Russia, Chile, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Singapore, UK, Pakistan, Nepal, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Cameroon, Kenya, Niger, Seychelles, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Armenia, Turkey, Georgia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and UAE. (Works on new installations only) * Some API issues * Order feedback issue * Popular items calculation issue * User role permissions cache issue * Cart weight calculation issue on update * Currency symbol view issues on admin * Refund initiation issue on admin panel * Cart auto-update issue on the checkout page * Confirm goods received and give feedback issue * The discount calculation issue when quantity changes. * Wallet redirect issue when impersonated into the vendor account - Language code maximum length restrictions = The zooming on product page = Moved all theme options to Promotions = Added quantities value on checkout/payment page.
Version 2.3.5 (3 July 2021)
+ Obtaining the real IP address behind the Cloudflare and any proxy + Added add to cart and wishlist button on deal of the day section + Category icon image upload option in addition to icon font + Now vendor can send messages to guest customers from the order page + Checkbox to agree to terms and policy on the checkout page * Loading time issue for a large number of inventory (tested with 45K+ records) * Condition field issue when editing the inventory using the translation * Attachment download issue on tickets * Remember card issue on guest checkout * Decimal point issue on admin/merchant panel * Stock availability issue of featured items and Deal Of The Day * Language change issue on smaller devices * Vendor logo and cover image delete issue * Boost site loading time by caching common data * Email verification notification issue on merchant register * Cache clear option on admin panel * Inventory creation with variants when product created by another vendor * Cart taxes issue * Slider issue in mobile screen = UX of Mobile menu improved = Out of stock checking when reorder using old order = Ajax data-table implemented on inventory for faster loading Packages:: * Wallet:: Transaction view issue when payable info missing * dynamicCommission:: The commission calculation issue = OneCheckout:: Compatible with Pharmacy package = FlashDeal:: Improved loading time
Version 2.3.4 (8 May 2021)
* Checkout issue when vendor get paid directly * Few styling issues on the default theme * Shop activation on super admin panel * Mobile slider image upload issue * Refund initiation issue on admin * Newsletter subscription issue * Paystack redirection issue * Paysatck payment issue * Product list view issue * Chat multiple submissions * Deposit issue on customer wallet = Responsiveness improved = Improved UX for customers = Mobile devices will load mobile slider images Packages:: * oneCheckout:: issue on Paypal * Wallet:: Customer deposit issue
Version 2.3.3 (1 May 2021)
+ System will notice admin for misconfiguration on subscriptions + Multiple notifications added before expiring local subscriptions(Configurable) + Added config cache clear option for admin * Permission issue on inspectable inventory edit (Inspector package) * Local wallet based subscription swapping issues * Google analytic visitors report * Stripe card save issue solved. * Admin menu left issue on mobile * Default theme CSS styling issues * Wallet based subscription issue * Customer wallet access issue * oneCheckout package issue * FlashDeal package issue * Product upload from CSV duplicate issue. * Inventory CSV upload number formate issue. * Customer refund with wallet issue. * Inspectable inventory edit permission issue. * Wallet deposit save the card for future use issue. * Currency symbol issue on PDF invoice for non-ANSII characters * Featured brand issue on front end theme * CSS issue on category dropdown section * Algolia search API version compatible issue * Wallet not accessible on customer dashboard issue * Feedback form star icon issue = Inventory loading speed improved on the admin section = Wallet balance showing on shop list table = Category dropdown navigations = Brand name formatting on product filter = Some icons updated for better views **Packages** *= oneCheckout *= zCart Wallet *= Local Subscription *= Dynamic Commissions *= Inspector
Version 2.3.2 (6 April 2021)
+ Added secondary footer + Modal login form added * Vendor list page issue * Stripe payment issue fixed * Merchant Logo issue solved. * Stripe Card Save issue Solved. * Live chat issue for guest users * Deal of the day HTML tag issue fixed * Deal of the day key feature issue fixed * Configure payment method is not required for a vendor when admin get paid * Disputes Order reply issue solved * Wrong featured category issue solved * Admin section - Disputes: error reply issue solved * Mandrill Secret Added * Local Subscription package issue * Flash deal package compatibility issue * Products CSV import issue fixed = Category mega dropdown
Version 2.3.1 (1 March 2021)
* Slider loading issue * Cart page content width issue * Checkout issue * Banner API issue fixed * Quick view styling issue * Promotions file name issue = Improved homepage loading speed
Version 2.3.0 (27 Feb 2021)
+ Shiny and new default theme + Deal of the day + Featured brands + Featured categories + Featured products + Best finds under price value + Today's popular items + Monthly popular items + Push notifications for apps + Admin can turn off the social auth option + More banner widgets + New modern main slider + Promotional TAGLINE with link + Selected category based TRENDING NOW items + All vendors and all brands list pages * Paypal payment config issue * Stripe card update issue * Item image issue on dispute page
Version 2.2.0 (21 Jan 2021)
+ New order reports with many filters + New product reports with filters + New order payment reports with filters + Package/Plugin management module + Dispute status on order list and detail page + Payment instructions for manual payments on the order details page + Delete option for the order module + Now platform users can access and manage orders + Now platform users can access and manage carts + Now platform users can access and manage refunds + Admin can set order cancellation fee for vendors. (Need wallet module) + Admin can receive payments. (Need wallet module) + Vendor can request for payout. (Need wallet module) = Disabled subscription config options when the subscription is off = System is ready to install packages to extent functionalities * Order link issue on guest checkout with the "account create option" * Prevent multiple form submission when clicks multiple times * Now canceled item will be marked on the invoice * No more 404 error for stock out item pages * Cancellation request issue on the customer end