Hello how are you? This is a professional project for those who want to offer their customers MailWizz – Email Marketing in the Android application format with native features with personalized display screen, 3 presentation screens, push notifications, page transition screen and more.
To do this you have to buy the product (MailWizz – Email Marketing Application), install it on your hosting server and then with your MailWizz URL you convert into android application with our Android studio project. Our project goes with React Java + PWA Progressive technology to make your users feel in a native app when they browse.
Change Log – new version 3.0 – January 08, 2019
- Pull to refresh animated.
- PUSH unlimited notifications Firebase or Onesignal
- Updated documentation for use of Firebase³.
- Super Cache storage for browsing (Bug fix).
- Custom page not found (PNG, GIF, JPG).
- Custom app opening screen (seconds setting).
- Slide presentation (1-3 images).
- Security level google play (27)
- Code correction (cleaner)
- I´cone de carregar páginas .gif/.png.
- Navigation bar in navigation color.
- Super fast system cache (Bug fix).
Change Log – new version 2.0 – December 20, 2018
- Animation on page load with custom icon to your liking.
- PUSH unlimited notifications via Firebase.
- Updated documentation for use of Firebase.
- Super Cache storage for browsing.
- Custom page not found.
- Custom app opening screen.