All marketing is multi-channel at this point, with needs to be addressed in social media, SEO, PPC, email, and more. Marketers and business owners need to follow what’s trending, or they’ll fall, possibly hopelessly behind. There is no shortage of digital marketing tips, tools, tricks, and trends across all industries. Here are our suggestions for the trends to watch as the year progresses.

Hand with marker writing the word Trends

Increased use of artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) allow computers to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as analyzing data and making decisions. In marketing, these technologies can automate certain tasks, such as email campaigns and social media management.

AI and ML can also be used to analyze data about consumer behavior, such as what products they have purchased in the past or which ads they tend to click on. This information can help marketers better understand their target audience and tailor their efforts accordingly.

For example, an AI or ML system might be trained to analyze customer data and identify patterns that can be used to create personalized marketing campaigns. These campaigns might include targeted emails or ads that are more likely to be relevant and effective for each individual consumer.


Personalization refers to the practice of tailoring marketing efforts to individual consumers. This can involve using data and technology to deliver customized messages, advertisements, and other communications that are more relevant and likely effective for each person.

Personalization can be achieved through various tools and techniques, such as segmentation, data analysis, and machine learning. For example, a marketer might use data about a customer’s purchase history, demographics, and interests to create personalized email campaigns or recommend specific products.

Personalization can help improve the effectiveness of marketing efforts by making them more relevant and engaging for consumers. It can also help companies stand out in a crowded marketplace, as consumers may be more likely to respond to personalized messages and communications.

The rise of micro-moments

The concept of micro-moments refers to the short periods of time when consumers turn to their devices to take action on something they need or want at the moment. These moments can be triggered by various factors, such as a desire to learn something new, the need to make a purchase, or the desire to be entertained.

Marketing in the age of micro-moments requires a shift in focus from long-term campaigns to real-time, context-driven interactions. It involves meeting the needs of consumers in the moment and in the context of their daily lives rather than trying to interrupt them with generic messages.

To effectively market in micro-moments, companies need to understand the specific needs and preferences of their target audience and be able to deliver relevant, timely messages and experiences. This can involve using data and technology to analyze consumer behavior and deliver personalized messages and recommendations.

Beyond the Funnel

Many marketers have fully internalized the marketing funnel as their basic model for marketing. It’s looking like it may be time to acknowledge this approach is a bit stale, and that could be why you’re not seeing sales results that are to your liking.  

The flywheel marketing approach may just be what’s next in marketing models. First presented by HubSpot, this model takes a new view of the buyer journey. Here all customer-facing roles—including customer service, marketing, and sales—interact with customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey and past the point of purchase.

The funnel focuses on getting new customers and engaging them to turn them into quantifiable leads. Using the flywheel means continuing to attract, engage, and delight past the point of purchase. Your company continues interacting with customers rather than treating them as one-time-only prospects. This, in turn, keeps you top-of-mind, so they are more likely to recommend you to their personal network.

Shop with Social Media

Close to half the world is now using social media, making it more or less mandatory that your brand, products, and/or services are available on these platforms. This has resulted in the sales funnel being shortened by combining the steps from awareness to purchase through the proliferation of shoppable posts. A single click of a button takes you from prospective buyer to customer on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. These shoppable posts have been gaining traction and should be the norm in 2022 marketing strategies.

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Content is (still) king

Although content does remain significantly important in 2023 marketing strategies, the trend is to present quality over quantity in your content and also to present more diverse content. High-quality content shows your expertise and allows you to communicate with your customers from a place of authority.

Diversify your 2022 content strategy by varying the way you attract customers.  Try creating more video and interactive content. Regular blogging and other longer forms of written content are still invaluable, as they drive visibility and strong SEO. Likewise, they provide a great way to show your brand personality.

Do stay aware that overused or saturated content, or content posted just for the sake of posting, will affect engagement negatively. You don’t have to have something to post every day. Work on attracting and engaging your audience while being careful not to annoy them by presenting low-quality and simply space-filling content.

Optimizing for voice search

When you’re trying to attract a consumer’s attention via a social media post, blog post, or search engine results listing, you can use several keywords to help that consumer find you. But when the customer is shopping using, for example, Alexa, the only relevant keywords are within the command spoken to Alexa. You need to have the most relevant words all over your online marketing and your reviews and ratings.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

It is admittedly early in the game when it comes to using VR and/or AR in digital marketing. The impact will become huge, but the timing is unknown. These methods are not the same, and no one can say which will dominate.

There is a bit of a consensus that, initially, AR will dominate. A good example is IKEA’s app which allows customers to bring furniture home digitally before making a purchase.

For a bite-sized version, you can look to the AR Snapchat filters that put dancing figures wherever you point your camera. This enables placing a brand figure or logo directly in a personal space for each user.

Normal is a Chatbot

The novelty of chatbots will fade or maybe it already hasbut their use will become more widespread, and they will be ever easier to use. To be ahead of the curve, develop a chatbot for your brand. This can be the difference between closing a sale or losing the customer to a competitor with an easy-to-use chatbot already up and helping customers.

Interactive Content

Greater interactivity provides new experiences for buyers when they go online.

  • Interactive content is different and still new, so it stands out.
  • Visitors will tend to stay on your page longer when there’s interactive content presented.
  • This kind of content is very shareable, and that virality helps build brand awareness.
  • Interactive content is simply more engaging, and users enjoy it more than other types of content.

Promote Community-First Content

To create more of a meritocracy for content makers, Instagram has been testing not showing likes to anyone but the poster. The intent is to help nurture the community and smaller creators. This reflects an emerging trend of focusing on community instead of status chasing.

As platforms focus on quality and ad-friendly content that both users and platforms can monetize, there will be a move toward promoting community and connection. Probably a good trend to watch and encourage in the coming year!

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