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This Just Might be the Smallest Rocket Flight Computer Possible

Smallest Rocket Flight Computer
Even though it can’t run an Atlas V, this just might be the smallest rocket flight computer capable of powering Shreeek, a three-stage rocket from BPS.Space. The 16mm x 17mm board comes equpiped with a Microchip SAM D21 32-bit Arm processor and can be programmed with an Arduino IDE development board.

Aside from the microcontroller PCB, it also features an inertial measurement unit (IMU), voltage regulators, and switches (MOSFETs) required for proper flight operations. One caveat: it does not have an EEPROM for data logging. The lack of data logging makes it far more difficult to fix issues with the rocket, although Joe Barnard does manage in the end. Unfortunately, you cannot yet purchase the ‘Silk’ rocket flight computer nor are there instructions on how to build one at home.


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