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Arduboy Mini is an 8-Bit Console That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand, Comes Loaded with Over 300 Games

Arduboy Mini 8-Bit Game Console
While it won’t run NESOS, the Arduboy Mini is still a highly capable 8-bit console that fits in the palm of your hand. Priced at just $29 USD, it features a crisp 128 x 64 monochrome OLED panel, a 16MHz ATmega32u4 processor, 2.5KB of RAM, 16MB of external flash memory, a 2-layer circuit board, a USB-C port attached, and 6 buttons.

If you want to add a speaker and rechargeable lithium battery, there are pads available for adding them. This 8-bit console may be small, but it includes over 300 games, all of which are open source and created by passionate Arduboy developers Fromm around the world. There are more than a dozen educational tutorials available for free on the Arduboy Community, so anyone can get started with programming for the console in C++. Check out the Kickstarter here.

Arduboy Mini 8-Bit Game Console

Arduboy Mini reduces the cost, being more affordable for scenarios like a school , where all of the bells and whistles are not necessary to experience the joys of developing games on 8-bit hardware. Without the case, you can see and touch the electronics you are programming and can be used to teach what each of the components do,” said its creator.

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