Tracking campaigns is the essential step in planning a perfect marketing strategy. Apart from collecting data, this practice helps you to know your users better, and the visibility of reaching your targets helps you to optimize your campaigns.

Today push notifications are a major part of marketing campaigns and it is essential to track these push campaigns. And there are a few important push notifications KPIs that marketers must watch out for. Among them, the push notifications open rate has high priority and you need to follow a few tips to improve this factor.

What is Push Notifications Open Rate? 

The push notifications open rate can be calculated as the total number of notifications opened to the notifications sent to the push subscribers. It gives a clear perspective of users towards your push messages.

The open rate is different in emails and push notifications because of the structure of the campaigns. For emails, you can see the subject line in the notification panel and you need to open the email to get complete content. Whereas with push notifications, the user can see the complete information with one glance and should tap on CTA buttons or drag to open the push notification. So, the push notification open rate and click rate are closely connected or sometimes the same. 

Before knowing about tips to optimize web push notifications to increase the open rate let us see a few facts about push notification open rate KPI.

  • The average push notification open rate is 50% higher than emails.
  • Open rate of push notifications is 4.6% in Androids and 3.1% in iOS.
  • Action words in push titles have high open rate than other phrases.
  • Timing and day affect the push notification open rate.

How To Increase Push Notifications Open Rate

Push notification open rate affects the success of your push campaigns. As the lower open rates will reduce the click rate, engagement and conversions. So, you should always keep your push notifications open rate higher. And there are many ways to optimise your notifications and increase this KPI. Here are some tips that will make sure you do this right.

Use Content to Boost Open Rate

Did you notice the push notifications you receive on desktop or mobile devices? Yes, you can have a complete preview of the message on the notification panel, unlike emails. And we can use this situation to boost the push notification open rate. 

You can play with words and build curiosity among push subscribers and make them open notifications. For this, you need to write push notification samples by following the tips with a touch of your creativity. Also, use the right action words for CTA buttons as they push the subscribers to know what’s on the other side.

For more clear perception observe the below examples

push message example

 You can see a skincare products website using a popular phrase from a television series to promote winter essentials. This creates interest among the users to click and open the push messages. Also, try to include numbers in the content as they represent more than words. Check the CTA button in the example which is representing the discount value.

Here is another example from a blogging website.

push notification example

Observe and let me know what’s not there in this push message that doesn’t make users open this push message.

The push title and description are engaging and emojis are the added value. The CTA buttons have action words that can make users click straight away.

Improve Relevancy of Push Notifications

Every notification or message you receive is personalised these days. The apps and social media platforms on your devices know everything. Marketers need to put effort into understanding the users to send personalized notifications. But using Truepush, free push service it is easy and simple to send these web push notifications. You can use features like segmentation and schedule timings and make users open your push notifications.

Check out our blog on how to include personalization in push notifications in different niche industries to increase the push notification open rate.

Send Rich Push Notifications

With the increasing popularity of push notifications, you receive notifications from every app or website. And to catch the eye of your users, plan to send rich push notification campaigns. Also, rich push messages exhibit a 25% high open rate compared to others.

Leverage the power of using images, GIFs, emojis, and CTA buttons to engage and get a click on them. 

Check the below notification example, which has every element of a rich push notification. It has an interesting title with emojis, brand logo, and product image to attract audiences.

average push notification open rate

This practice will also increase the user experience with your push notifications and increase brand credibility.

Create FOMO

Creating FOMO among the users will increase the chances of push notification open rate. Add words like Shop Now, Last Day, Read Now, and Update Today to build urgency which pushes your subscribers to open and click the notification. This web push notification practice will increase brand awareness and keeps you on top of users’ mind.

Ensure you blend words in the push messages and not forceing them to create urgency among the users. Conduct push notifications A/B testing and find the best ways to boost the average push notifications open rate of your campaigns.

Here are a few push title examples,

free notifications

The push title in the above web push notification creates FOMO among the users to plan for the day. It has the words like Reminders that create urgency among subscribers to make a conversion.

Another example,

web push notifications

Check this web push notification from an OTT who wants to promote new releases on the platform for the weekend. The content in the CTA action button also encourages users to open the push notification.

Send Updates & Informative Notifications

The trick for increasing the push notification open rate is to engage the users. You can send the latest app updates & informative notifications in an interactive way to win your audiences. Try to use friendly and action words in the push titles and descriptions. 

For example, 

  • Hey, the seasonal sale is around the corner
  • Sorry, your flight is delayed
  • Plan this trip easily! Book flights + hotels
  • Ready to fly, Click for your boarding pass
  • New version of the app is available now 

These types of push notifications will capture the user’s interest and will not give a chance to not open push messages.

Segment to Target Audience

You can see an increase in the average push notification open rate when your messages reach the right audience. Segment your users with attributes like state, platform, OS, date of subscription and others. With this, you can send notifications to the particular group of subscribers who will open and click the push message.

Marketers can easily group users with our free web push notification service, Truepush using the intelligent segmentation feature. 

User Segmentation- truepush

You can access other advanced features like automation, triggers, rich push notifications and more for free. Send unlimited push notifications to your users with this free notifications plan.


After optimizing your push notifications using the aforementioned tips you need to track the push notification open rate. Know which practice is showing results for your industry. Remember to test different push notification formats regularly as no one method works every time. 

Push notifications are one type of marketing strategy which are easy to implement and exhibit results. Sticking up to optimizing push campaigns regularly can bring a huge difference in your push notification open rate, click rate and conversions.

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