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GB Interceptor is a Game Boy Capture Cartridge That Lets You Stream Gameplay Directly to a Computer

GB Interceptor Game Boy Capture Cartridge Capture
Sure, there are plenty of Nintendo Game Boy emulators out there, but GB Interceptor lets you stream gameplay directly from an unmodified console to a computer over USB. This capture cartridge slots between the Game Boy and cartridge, as it connects to the console’s memory bus, utilizing a Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller to emulate the game you’re playing.

The Raspberry Pi RP2040 runs a custom emulator that searches for events mimicking in-game actions, which it then replicates and transmits to the computer over USB-C. Unfortunately, it does not yet capture audio, which means you’ll still need to connect a speaker cable to the Game Boy’s headphone jack for the sound to sync up. Fortunately, everything is open source, so you’ll be able to make your own. More information here.

GB Interceptor Game Boy Cartridge Capture

While we are on the subject of synchronizing our emulator to the real Game Boy… We of course also need to synchronize our PPU to the one of the real Game Boy. Otherwise any effect that requires changes in the VRAM midframe would lead to glitches and at least we would see some tearing effects as data is updated in VRAM randomly,” said the developer.

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