The House of Representatives has voted to pass a $3 trillion coronavirus stimulus package. The bill brings the total amount allocated for Covid-19 relief to more than $4 trillion. The bill would increase unemployment benefits for workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic and provide an additional $1,200 stimulus check for taxpayers.

Democrats wanted to include provisions that would force employers to take steps to protect workers from coronavirus and expand funding for testing, but Republicans shot the proposals down. Both sides criticized each other for playing politics during the pandemic, but said they were willing to keep talking about how to help Americans economically recover.”

Stimulus Check In Line For California

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The Senate followed suit earlier this week, passing the bill with unanimous consent — a rare occurrence in today’s political climate.

The measure is designed to provide financial relief for communities affected by the virus and encourage investment in infrastructure that will allow those communities to rebound after being ravaged by the coronavirus.

  • This bill will provide an additional $1,200 stimulus check for all taxpayers, raising the total payment to $1250 from $600.
  • It also includes provisions that would force employers to take steps to protect workers from coronavirus.
  • The bill brings the total amount allocated for Covid-19 relief to more than $4 trillion, according to The Wall Street Journal.

    The bill would increase unemployment benefits for workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic and provide an additional $1,200 stimulus check for taxpayers.

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    The legislation has already been passed by California’s Senate and Assembly and is on its way to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is expected to sign it into law.

    The bill would cost $3 trillion over 10 years, according to estimates from the state legislative analyst’s office.

    Both sides criticized each other of playing politics during the pandemic, but said they were willing to keep talking about how to help Americans economically recover.

    Republicans came out with a bill in February that would have given $20 billion in tax cuts and aid, while Democrats pitched a plan worth $60 billion.

    Democrats say Republicans are playing politics with the pandemic. They also say their bill will create more jobs than the GOP proposal, which focuses on small businesses and farmers.

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