When Musk took over Twitter, he voiced out his vision for the social media app to be a platform that encouraged free speech. As he restructures Twitter, he introduced a feature called ‘Community Notes” which was previously known as Birdwatch and is gaining a lot of eminence.
With millions of tweets getting posted every day about all the happening events, it is difficult to decipher what the actual facts are or whether the information posted are from trusted sources. On November 6th, Musk tweeted, “Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That is our mission”. He later tweeted that Community Notes is now available to everyone worldwide and expects it to have a powerful impact on falsehoods.
Community Notes works similarly to Wikipedia. Anyone can contribute to it. One should have a verified phone number from a US-based carrier and must be on Twitter for at least 6 months without breaking any violations of Twitter rules. The contributors can add notes to any tweet they think may need to context or needs to be corrected. Before the note gets public, other contributors are asked to rate the changes made are helpful with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.
Ever since its emergence, there has been a lot of notes and context added to tweets posted by Donald Trump and Mr. Must himself.
Community notes underwent tests for almost a year and was released to the US public in October.
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