LinkedIn closed out November with a flurry of new advertising features and enhancements to pages on its platform.

The professional network’s new Group Identity option leverages its first-party data by grouping members based on shared professional traits such as company, industry or job title, letting business-to-business marketers measure, optimize and target without needing individual trackers across sites.

LinkedIn rolled out a free tool that lets marketers run campaign tests on a secure, virtual device, providing them with real-world insights while adhering to privacy restrictions.

LeadGen Forms on the professional network will now prefill with members’ business domain email addresses, rather than their personal emails associated with their LinkedIn accounts, letting marketers more seamlessly qualify and nurture leads while reaching them in the most relevant inbox.

LinkedIn’s new Recommendation Hub helps marketers optimize campaigns by providing a centralized experience spotlighting the most relevant model-based recommendations to enhance data-driven decisions and cut through campaign data, in order to pinpoint the most impactful performance drivers.

Members with newsletters on the professional network can send a one-time notification to page followers and ongoing notifications to their newsletter subscribers in order to boost engagement,

In addition, members who search for a page on LinkedIn can subscribe to that page’s newsletter directly via the search results.

LinkedIn director of product marketing Ting Ba said in a blog post Wednesday, “To gain visibility and traffic when your audience is searching off LinkedIn, you can intentionally incorporate SEO best practices by setting your article’s SEO titles, descriptions and tags.”

The professional network added two features to product pages: Products can now be discovered via in-platform search, by category, company or product. And product highlights can be used to showcase specific product content.


Finally, the LinkedIn Pages Competitor Analytics dashboard was upgraded on desktop and mobile to enable members to track engagement rates, follower growth and recent posts to see what their competitors are discussing and how members are responding, as well a to quickly surface trending content from competitors.


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