Before we start, let’s set the record straight- No, this article is not a prank. Yes, we are indeed going to share with you some of the best April Fool’s email examples out there!
April Fool’s Day presents brands with an excellent opportunity to wow their subscribers by showcasing their wit and humor. It is a brilliant occasion to get creative with interactive and visual elements and craft stunning and engaging campaigns for your subscribers. While a certain degree of cheekiness is definitely encouraged in these emails, ensure that you don’t go overboard. Your “prank” should just aim to tickle your customers’ funny bones, not invite their wrath. Walking this fine line is what makes creating April Fool’s campaigns a tricky affair. But, worry not! The email inspirations that we have up our sleeves today are sure to get your creative juices flowing. Let’s dive in then, shall we?
Budsies LLC
Subject Line: Product Launch
The folks at Budsies decided to launch a new product to celebrate April Fool’s Day. And the said product? A “Boopsie” that would let users boop their pet’s noses anytime and anywhere. As you can see in their email over here, presiding as the Director of Market Research and VP of Product Development were Chewbacca and Maggi-Poo, respectively, two gorgeous and adorable shaggy dogs (talk about wanting to deliver an authentic experience). If you haven’t already guessed it by now, let us break it for you- the product launch was a prank.
However, Budsies didn’t keep their subscribers in the dark for long. They revealed the matter in their subsequent email. Take a look.
The copy is simple and written in good humor to make sure that the recipient doesn’t take offense at the prank. The design layout is unfussy, effectively drawing the reader’s attention to the products Budsies ACTUALLY have to offer. Chewbacca and Maggie-Poo continue to head the team, of course.
Subject Line: This is not a joke
As a brand, when you’re genuinely offering a deal or discount on April Fool’s Day (and not pulling a prank), consider picking up a trick or two from this email by Reuzel to secure your customer’s trust successfully.
Barring the subject line, Reuzel state their intentions, loud and clear, right at the start of the email. The visual complementing the copy in the hero section will not just grab your attention but will definitely coax a chuckle or two out from you. Upon scrolling down, we land upon the discount codes, followed by a section that explains what the user can do should the codes fail to work on the site. The content is crisp and to the point, which prevents visual clutter. Additionally, the CTA (call-to-action) buttons contrast sharply against the background and hence are very prominent for the reader.
VitaClay Chef
Subject Line: New Normal: The Joke’s (NOT) On You!
In the last couple of years, with the onset of the new normal, if there’s anything we’ve learned, it’s this: our health is our most valuable asset. Naturally, the quest to lead a healthy life is deemed as no joke. This is exactly the ideology that VitaClay Chef have reflected in their email. This well-crafted copy emphasizes the impact our diet has on our health. VitaClay follows up the message with a couple of scrumptious recipes, making the act of clicking on the CTA button almost irresistible for the reader.
Metal Unlimited
Subject Line: Last Call! No Pranks.. Just $10 Signs
When minimalism has been ruling the roost in Halloween, Christmas, and New Year email campaigns, why mustn’t brands make use of it for their April Fool’s campaigns as well? Well, Metal Unlimited, for one, most certainly has. As soon as one opens the email, the header copy will spark curiosity in their minds. Further, the email visually cues the reader to scroll down, leading them to believe that they’ll possibly uncover something if they do. And discover they do- a special code that will let them purchase their favorite monograms for as low as $10.
Walkee Paws
Subject Line: We were pulling your tail
As we have mentioned earlier, if at all you’re deciding to pull a prank on your subscribers, do clarify it at the earliest as well. And explain in a manner that agrees well with them. If you’re looking for inspiration, this Walkee Paws email should help. After tricking their readers with the fake launch of a Sniffr doggie dating app in an earlier email, this one contains their confession.
The visuals are downright adorable, the layout is neat and highly easy-to-navigate, and the copy is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. How many pet owners do you know would not click on that “PREORDER NOW” button after seeing a picture of a pooch in fit leggings?
holtz leather
Subject Line: Tushy Bidet /bd/ & AN APRILS FOOLS JOKE!
Irrespective of the occasion, an email with good storytelling will never fail to attract your readers’ attention. More so, when the tale is about the company’s origin story. Not many would pin their hopes on a bidet company to enthrall them with a delightful inception story, but well, holtz leather breaks convention in this regard. To mark April Fool’s Day, they decided to do a bidet giveaway, and after reading that story, we are sure that many would have participated!
Songbird Ocarinas
Subject Line: Trololo April Fools Ocarina Video!
What better way to make your April Fool’s Day enticing than by including a video in it? That’s precisely the route that Songbird Ocarinas have taken over here. An ocarina cover of the “Trololo Song”? Count us in! Whimsical is just the shade that will help you endear yourself to your readers on April Fool’s Day.
Subject Line: This BOGO is no joke
Getting a “Buy One Get One” offer on your favorite keto essentials on April Fool’s Day can, admittedly, seem a little suspicious. But, if the email is from KetoLogic, you have nothing to worry about. Using your hero section to announce your offer is one of the oldest yet trusted tricks in the book, and KetoLogic has executed it to perfection over here. Additionally, they’ve neatly showcased their products along the borders as well, which elevates the hero section’s visual appeal by a great degree. Besides containing enough information for the reader to act on, the above-the-fold section also includes two CTAs to incentivize them further.
Swanky Badger
Subject Line: These Gifts are No Joke
You can either spend April Fool’s Day by cooking up a practical joke or by presenting your loved ones with a practical gift. The team at Swanky Badger urge you to do the latter in their email. The template is uncluttered and contains high-quality images of their offerings, making it extremely easy for the eyes. Additionally, the content has been arranged in a zig-zag manner which makes the layout easy to navigate.
Email Uplers
Subject Line: We Are Upto Something Bizzare At Email Uplers
Last year, to observe April Fool’s Day, we decided to develop mood-responsive emails for our customers. Yes, code that would detect the subscriber’s mood and come up with copy, design, and offer accordingly! Sounds too good to be true? Well, it was. But to expose our trick, you had to click on the CTA button (Although, on a personal level, we don’t think that day is not far when mood-responsive emails will actually become a possibility).
Subject Line: We just spent a lot of money
Sometimes, subscribers can cleanly see through the pranks the brands are trying to pull on them. On other occasions, they’re kept on the edge, much like Disco has over here. Although their claim of having installed the world’s largest Disco ball sounds somewhat dubious, they don’t outright deny it. Nor do they accept it. As a result, the reader’s curiosity piqued, leaving them with no choice but to click on the CTA to find out more.
Subject Line: How to April Fool Your Kids
Noops well and truly understand that every parent’s dream April Fool’s prank is to trick their children into eating healthier. And it capitalizes on that exact sentiment in this email to promote their offerings. The layout makes use of the all the latest email design trends- soft background colors, bold typography, and ample whitespace- which truly makes it an example to behold. Our favorite part, however, is the clever CTA phrases.
Wrapping It Up
You may not have thought of the perfect prank yet, but we are sure that by now, you must be bubbling with ideas for your April Fool’s campaigns! Bring them to life, and let your wit and humor captivate your customers’ imaginations!
Have an idea and need help with executing it? Talk to our email champions and let them realize your vision!
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