WooCommerce to Geo POS Importer

WooCommerce to Geo POS Importer is a plugin created for Geo POS – Point of Sale, Billing and Stock Manager Application

Note: It is a plugin, you need to purchase Geo POS application to use this plugin.
--- Changelog -----
Change Log v 2.0
- New Feature - Product warehouse & Product category selection
- New Feature - Product Import Images
- New Feature - Product  Status Filter
- New Feature - Product  Default Tax & Discount
- Minor Tweaks - Error Reporting improved


  • Auto/Manual WooCommerce store orders & products import to GeoPOS
  • Auto Sync WooCommerce store stock to GeoPOS stock
  • Product List Name, Qty & Price, Image Importer
  • Auto Customer & Transactions(Paid) Import with Orders
  • Based on WooCommerce API so no compatibility issues
  • Easy to configure , help documentation attached.
Note: This plugin is especially, designed to import WooCommerce orders, product importing and sync has basic import functionality like product name, price and stock status. Woo to Geo Only

WooCommerce to Geo POS Importer - 1

Demo Details (Please Check Preview Screenshots)

Login section for employees


It is a plugin, not a full application. You need login to the application with Business Owner role to manage WooCommerce plugin settings . Business Owner is the superior role. Please go to Plugins>WooCommerce to see plugins settings.

Business Owner/Admin

Email: [email protected]

Password: 123456
