Owndrive is an online cloud storage file manager application based on codeigniter. This will help you to create a custom cloud storage file manager to your team, your office or services even start your own cloud storage management system. you can send & recieve file (upload & download files with sharing option) Make your own cloud storage service.create user & rights to user customer & private directory solution, just install on your server and its start.its provide private owndrive clould directory and file system you can manage easily and fast.

Features :

Use google drive your file storage synchronization easily
Dropbox file mangement
manage file & Folder
Control who can access to download.
Create Folders and sub folders.
Create user groups for quick assignment.
Control what user has access by folder
File type icon support.
Searching and Sorting Option.
Download link labels.

Add to Favorites
Add to Collection
Supports any language (google language tools)

Files & Folders management

Rename Files and Folders
Sortable items by name, date and size
Download Folders
Group actions
Download multiple files as .zip archives *
Delete files and Folders
Move files through directories
Copy files through directories


Multiple roles with custom permissions
Sharing one or more specific directories per user
Optional Max available space per user
User Sign Up (optional)
Users panel
Users can upload files
Users can download files
User panel
Users can only view their profile
Profile picture & default avatars
Upload notifications between users
E-mail notifications to new users


Upload BIG files
Remote uploader
Multiple file uploading *
Upload progress *

File sharing

E-Mail form notification
SMS Notification
Link expiration enable & disable

All uploaded files will immediately available on either g Dropbox through API & Google Drive
Any changes on owndrive or Dropbox and google drive will immediately reflect on the application
Files thumbnail feature
Delete files with just 1 click
Download files with just 1 click
User Add by Admin
Password reset
Accessible from all devices

Click on :Demo Link
Username : admin
Password : admin Source