
Salem, NH-based specialty adhesives manufacturer Appli-Tec, Inc. provides website visitors with technical data sheets (TDS) for its adhesive products. Previous to the TDS redesign, the engineering team would create the TDS in MS Word and then save each document as a PDF, which was then uploaded to the website.

Problem: The PDFs couldn’t be optimized for search, and it was next to impossible to track website inquiries for them.

Solution: Make each TDS an html web page, and include the option for PDF download — without having to create a separate document in Word or Adobe.

Result: Using information from Google Analytics, the sales and marketing team can see which TDS pages prospects viewed or PDFs downloaded before initiating contact. Prospects can also easily contact Appli-Tec — directly from the web page or the PDF.

Other benefits of the TDS redesign include:

  • Increased Organic traffic by 49% YoY to the TDS pages as they’re now found in searches
  • Reduced process inefficiencies for engineering and customer service
  • Increased inquiries directly from the TDS pages, allowing sales to close the loop

“Back in the 1990s, says Appli-Tec CEO Tim Walsh, “every company needed to be ISO certified if you wanted to quote specific types of projects. Being certified was a big differentiator. To differentiate your company today, and get a seat at the table, you need a professionally-developed website that gives people the info they need to decide to contact you.”

Visit the Appli-Tec website:


Dianna Huff is the founder and president of Huff Industrial Marketing. She’s also a passionate advocate for Made in USA and a geeky backyard birder.

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