The iPhone and iPad are only going to get faster around the world as the global 5G rollout continues.

According to new data from analytics firm OpenSignal, in 95 of 100 markets, smartphone users are experiencing faster average download speeds when comparing 2019 to 2021. Markets that launched 5G early are experiencing a boost in the global speed rankings, including countries like South Korea.

South Korea now tops global Games Experience, up from 10th place at the start of 2020. Markets where 5G arrived later (e.g. Malaysia, New Zealand, Czech Republic) or where new wireless spectrum capacity for exclusive 5G usage is in short supply (e.g. Singapore) have fallen down the download speed rankings. While those with ample new 5G spectrum have risen, notably Finland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, the UK, and the UAE.

National average download speeds have also broken the 100 Mbps barrier for the first time. South Korea is also a winner here, reaching average download speeds of 129.7 Mbps at the end of 2021.

In South Korea average download speeds were 129.7 Mbps at the end of 2021, up from 52.4 Mbps at the start of 2019, before 5G. Similarly, our users’ speeds more than doubled in Germany rising from 22.6 to 48.7 Mbps, in the Philippines (from 7 to 15.1 Mbps), Saudi Arabia (13.6 to 31.1 Mbps), and in Thailand (5.7 to 17.4 Mbps) — all of which are 5G markets.

All of these advancements are boosting cellular performance of the latest iPhone models. Apple originally rolled out 5G support in the iPhone with the iPhone 12 series in 2020. The company then brought 5G to the iPad Pro and the redesigned iPad mini. When the company launched the iPhone 13, it added even more bands to support 5G in even more countries.

Apple is also rumored to be hosting an event on March 8 where the company will announce a new iPhone SE with 5G support, a new iPad Air (which may also finally get 5G support added), and at least one new Mac.

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