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Sonantic Uses Artificial Intelligence to Generate a Flirtatious Female Human Voice – TechEBlog

Sonantic Artificial Intelligence Human Voice Woman
Startup company Sonantic collaborated with a Hollywood client entitled “What’s Her Secret?” to generate a flirtatious female human voice. The woman you see on screen is a real person, but the main character speaking is actually generated using artificial intelligence. These voice models can now not only express a wide range of human emotions from happiness to sadness, but also convey subtleties such as flirty, coy and teasing, amongst others. Read more for a video demonstration and additional information.

Sonantic also developed the ability to capture non-speech sounds such as breaths, scoffs, and laughs. When all of these advancements are combined in speech synthesis, it makes the company’s platform more comprehensive than ever before. In the future, even the AI-generated humans will be able to giggle, breathe and pause, just like a real person.

Human beings are incredibly complex by nature and our voices play a critical role in helping us connect with the world around us. At Sonantic, we are committed to capturing the nuances of the human voice, and we’re incredibly proud of these technological breakthroughs that we have brought to life through ‘What’s Her Secret?’. From flirting and giggling to breathing and pausing, this is the most realistic romantic demo we’ve created to date, helping us inch closer to our vision of being the CGI of Audio,” said Zeena Qureshi, Sonantic CEO.

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