All digital marketers know the importance content plays in enhancing a website, and dense, robust content is non-negotiable when it comes to website performance. The most common mistake business owners make when it comes to their website is having slim content: some service pages are so thin on content they barely have three hundred words on a page. Slim content is terrible for the on-page user experience because it subconsciously tells the website user that there isn’t much on the page to see.

Today we’re taking a look at why written content is so important for every website. Let’s jump in!

1. Google’s backlash on slim content

When it comes to keyword rankings, Google’s algorithm punishes pages low on content. As a result, web pages with thin content will sporadically see volatility. This means that one week your page might be ranking in the top 5, whereas the next week the page may dip out of the top 10. Especially given recent algorithm updates, Google has become very volatile. If you do not have adequate content on your website, your keyword rankings could dip drastically.

2. Competing pages

If the word count on your page is under 800 words, Google will more likely stray away from your webpage. Here is where competing pages can benefit: if a competing page has over 1000 words, they will likely blow your webpage away. In comparison, a page with 300 words condensed into one paragraph will not stand a chance.

If you are writing about your service, product, or expertise, you can be sure that at least 10 other websites have already written about the same topic. Most subjects have been covered at least 10  times. This is why dense high-quality content is even more essential. And, at the end of the day, the Google algorithm is here to reward good content. Therefore, the better the content, the more likely you are going to beat out other pages and rank for the keywords you are striving towards.

3. Quality content

Content is essential to having any success with your organic marketing efforts. But that doesn’t mean content for content’s sake, but high-quality content in particular. There is a marriage between content and its quality, where you can not succeed in SEO without good content and precise keyword placement. Quality content increases conversion rate, while also helping reduce bounce rate. In addition, quality content increases dwell time and reduces exit rate.

4. Content evolution

In the early days of Google, you were able to be successful with your organic results without a lot of written content. However, Google’s algorithm has drastically evolved throughout the years. Billions of words have since been added to Google, and your page could be lost in the fold if you do not differentiate yourself. This means it’s extremely important that your website contains enough distinct content to satisfy the algorithm.

5. Written content vs. video

When it comes to search ranking, written content is more essential than video content. This is due to Google’s algorithm not being as good at interpreting the content on a video compared to the actual written word.

Although you were once able to drive up your rankings by posting a video, this isn’t the case any longer. Videos can help with your page’s ranking, but if there is no rich and dense content attached to that video, the page will suffer in its rankings.

Content Writing Tips

Here are a few tips on how to make your content stand out.

  • Formatting Your Content

    • The more paragraphs the better. It is important to spread out your content into brief paragraphs. If you keep everything condensed into large paragraphs, readers won’t want to read it.
  • Sub-header

    • Sub-headers let you spread out your content. It allows visitors to pick and choose what they want to read. Suppose a visitor to your page does want to read your entire page, sub-headers help them narrow down exactly what they are searching for.
  • Font Size

    • Maintaining a standard 10 – 12 font size in body text is crucial. Some pages try to get away with slim content by using larger text. However, Google can see right through this.
  • Font Type

    • Using easy-to-read fonts is also important. Writers will want to reach towards complex fonts, however, staying away from these fonts will benefit you. Sometimes these extravagant fonts can be difficult to read. Do not be afraid of using traditional fonts like Arial or Verdana.
  • Bullet Points

    • Bullet points emphasize what is important in your article, and what the reader can take away.
  • Spread the Content Out

    • The more you spread out your content the better. Make sure to keep your content interesting, while highlighting essential information.
  • Images

    • Do not be shy about using images. Using crisp photos will help out with your reader’s engagement level.

Solving a Problem

At the end of the day, people turn towards Google to either find something they enjoy or to solve a problem they have. That is where strong content comes into play. The better your content, the more likely it will provide answers. And the more likely your content solves a solution someone is searching for, the more likely Google is going to reward your website. If you satisfy user intent and provide better answers, the more likely Google will reward you.

To learn more about strengthening your website’s content and SEO rankings, why not contact the experts at TechWyse? We’re waiting to hear from you!

Post By Marc Caughlin (1 Posts)

Marc graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2018, where he studied communication studies. Marc joined TechWyse in September 2021 as an Account Manager. He currently manages over 30 different SEO and Paid media accounts. He oversees a wide variety of industries, from Insurance companies to dental offices.

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