Car Workshop System is PHP, JQuery, AJAX Web Base Application.
Owner, Service Advisor & Technician Roles for Car Workshop System.
Service Advisor take care of open new service for customer and assign service to technician and issue materials and generate invoice and etc..
Technician only take care of check car and request material to Service Advisor and complete the service.

Easy to use Car Workshop System and able to manage Inventory and manage Profit & Loss and much more.

Car Workshop System can be used online, offline, iPads, Android Tables & Laptop. Responsive on any Devices

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  • Simple & User Friendly Interface
  • Three User Roles (Owner(Admin), Service Advisor, Technician)
  • Service with Tax
  • Service Package for Japanese/Korean & Continental Cars and assign Discount Applicable for Service Package
  • Create Tasks for Service Package
  • Able to assign tasks to Each Service Package.
  • Customer groups with discount (General, Staff, VIP Customer Groups)
  • Handling one customer for multiple cars
  • Split Payment for generate Invoice
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order from Supplier with Tax
  • Material with Inventory
  • Inventory updated History
  • Able to add Supplier with Tax
  • Able to make Purchase Order to Supplier
  • Print Purchase Order Sheet to give Supplier
  • Receive items from Suppliers with receive item qty. & item cost
  • Deduct stock qty. from Inventory when Service Advisor issued inventory to Technician
  • Profit & Loss Report
  • Setting
    • Date Format (Select any date format from 9 Available date format)
    • Set Currency for the Application
    • Set Timezone for the Application
    • Set Tax for the Service
    • Set Pagination Limit
  • Payment Method
    • Able to add, Enable/Disable for Payment method
  • Easy to install the project
  • Many more features will come for futures update

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Request feature for next update

We are accepting the feature requests till 14th April 2017. Please email your detailed request to
[email protected]
Thank you


If you are having any difficulty in understanding the project or you have any questions, We encourage you to contact us.
Email us at [email protected] for fast response. We will response back within a few hours.
We will be glad to help you.