Why Having a Mobile App for your E-commerce Business is Crucial? Tips for Beginners

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Going apps only for e-commerce business: Understanding all the Pros of selling only through a mobile app

The size of the e-commerce markets in India is $ 20 Billion and growing at a rate of 40-50% per annum. The mobile market in India also stands at an astounding 980 Million mobile users with a penetration of 140% which is quite huge.

The e-commerce market in India is poised to grow with the increase in per capita income and increasing internet users across the country.

With such a scope of expansion the biggies would try to expand as much as they can, but how going mobile app only is the answer to it?

There has been a huge distortion in the market with everyone discussing the e-commerce giants Myntra and Flipkart going mobile only.


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app only for e-commerce

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What are the Benefits for Building an App for your eCommerce Business 


The startups are confused and they are not clear about weather to start with an e-commerce website or launch with an app in the market considering the fact that the two biggies have shut down their websites.

In this article we will highlight how app only helps e-commerce business:



1. Loyal customers


Consumers do not go about downloading any app they would rarely shop from. They only download only a couple of apps for shopping. The e-commerce companies are also assured they have created a captive market who have downloaded their apps and they do not have to incur the acquisition cost again and again. These days the acquisition cost in e-commerce business is too high due to ever soaring competition.



2. Low cart abandonment rate


Let’s first see why cart abandonment happens in most of the cases:


a. High shipping costs
b. Complicated checkout and payment navigation
c. Signup before purchase


Now let’s see how mobile apps help beat these concerns:


A. High shipping costs: consumers who have downloaded a shopping app have already in most cases have shopped from their e-commerce website. So they are already aware of their shipping cost and are okay with it. Check out in this article: Why free shipping is must for retail sites?


B. As compared to a website in an app it is much smooth checkout and payment procedure and most of the mobile phone users are quite acquainted with it. Find out the major payment gateways in India.


C. While most shopping websites ask to signup before making a purchase, in an app you are signed up once for all if you do not signout on your own. So there is absolutely no hassle of signing up again and again.



3. More sales


Mobile app guarantees more sales from the loyal customers as they have chosen to download the app and therefore shop from it.

Also, there are less chances of distraction when shopping through a mobile app as compared to a shopping site where a customer can get deluded from shopping to many other things, like official work, personal works as well as instantly opening competitors shopping sites to check similar products.


4. Improved Customer experience


Mobile apps helps marketers to improve customer experience on their e-shop by showing more relevant products while they are surfing as they have assessed their behavior and understand their choices from the past purchases, favorites and wish lists.


5. Secure customer information


Customer information in case of a mobile app is secured and the companies are not scared about the biggies like Facebook and Google or other web browsers to acquire their information.

In the case of a website there is a lot of risk from the competition to get to know your customer’s data which is a big blow to the one who is spending money to acquire more and more customers ethically from the market.



6. More Targeted marketing


In the case of mobile apps the marketers can carry on more targeted marketing as they have much more information about the customers than when they are surfing on a website as an anonymous without log in.

This helps marketers send more relevant push notifications which yield better results also as compared to generic ones.



7. Easy accessibility


Mobile users carry their phones all the time while they are not in front of their desktops 247 so they can instantly go to the mobile app and shop for something as soon as they wish to or get inspired to shop for the product even when on the move.


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