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Please email at: [email protected] if you face any difficulty.

Skype: nazmul.hosan24

Please mention that any data or images shown in demo is for demo purpose, we do not provide those with the copy

Update Log

Version: v1.8 (Date: 2021-07-26)
        Fixed all issues caused in last update
    Improved Transfer Feature
    Improved Profit/Loss Report

Version: v1.7 (Date: 2021-07-17)
    Complete modern UI
    Direct print facility than browser print
    Service/delivery charge configuration in setting 
    Support for some difficult server
    White label facility
    Friendly update process
    Waiter Sale Report
    Service Charge Report
    Delivery Charge Report
    Waiter tip option and Report
    Attendance by login
    Food Sale Report
    Transactional data reset facility
    Separate price for each outlet
    Quick category section in POS
    Future order facility

Version: v1.6 (Date: 2021-04-13)
Bug Fixes/Changes:
    Number format issue fix
New Feature:
    Bill details for waiter app

Version: v1.5 (Date: 2021-04-02)
Bug Fixes/Changes:
    Responsive issues are fixed in POS 
    Percentage discount was not working properly
    Tax fields was appearing even Tax Collection is set to No 
    Register issue fixed
    Prepayment issue fixed
    Fixed installer issue
    Register Report Data 
    User experience improved in POS
    Allow to install in same URL
New Feature:
    Support 2 and 3 decimal after amount
    Set currency position before or after the amount
    API added for waiter app

Version: v1.4 (Date: 2021-02-18)
  Fixed bug in Register
  Tax issue fixed in food menu
  Add form validation language file
  Future Sales module added
  Custom Sale date available
  Food menu barcode generate module
  Print issue fixed for profit/loss report
  Transfer module added

Version: v1.2 (Date: 2021-01-11)
New Features: 
    New modern and responsive UI
    Item choose option for each outlet
    Assign user to multiple outlet
    Outlet deactivate option
    Outlet wise dashboard filtering
    Outlet wise report filtering
    Support for 80mm invoice format
    RTL Support 
    Show logo in invoice
    Full screen mode in pos
    Default Payment Method choose option 
    Default Customer choose option 
    One click update facility
    Print Bill Before Payment
    Print BOT
    Sound effect 
    Set tax field's percentage in tax setting and auto populate percentage in add food menu
    Show table name and customer name in running order rather than Order Number
    Code removed from invoice to reduce invoice height
    Reduced the number of clickable option on the order process 
Bug Fixes/Changes:
    Missing language labels 
    Compatibility with php 7.4
    Food upload issue
    Numpad not working issue in pos screen
    Issue in Delete attendance
    Other than Admin role gst not working
    Expense report issue
    Attendance report dropdown issue
    Attendance report result issue 
    Customer due receive does not come to proft loss 
    Boolean issue
    View Invoice in Sale List  

Update_2019_10_07 Version: 1.1
- Cross Site Scripting security enabled
- White Label Facility Added
- Customer add error fixed