Edu Expression Exam Pro. - 1

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Edu Expression Exam Pro. - 2

Edu Expression Pro : Online Examination System

Edu Expression is built on Idea that Online examination systems can be far more convenient and performance oriented.

It’s a ready to go solution for every one starting from simple quizzes/exams to high end cloud preparation needs and even for live exams.

The Online Examination solution that fits all size and needs, and oh, if we’d skipped anything it’s Open Source. We’re available for the Job !

Written in CakePHP, Edu Expression is mature online examination system with tons of settings and configuration option.

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System Requirement

  • PHP till 5.6 to 7x
  • MYSQL 4 or Above
  • mod_rewrite enable
  • Apache 2x or above
  • Cpanel for Free Installation


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Support & Documentation

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Support Policies

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