creating quality content i.e resources being unusually heavy, etc.

Points to be noted: 

It is observed that in the majority of the cases when LCP optimization is considered, most useful LCP elements should be shortlisted on a page — because not all LCP elements are equally important in terms of user experience. The next step is to prioritize among the ones identified as relevant. For example: for a product description page these could be product info, product images, etc.

2. First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay(FID) is a Core Web Vital which computes the time in milliseconds between the first interaction of the user on a website (clicking on a link, pressing a key, tapping a button, etc.) and the response of the browser to that interaction.

FID indicates the first impression on the user of your website’s responsiveness and interactivity. It’s crucial to have this impression be a good one. Yet again, the lower values of FID are an indication of better responsiveness. 

For interpreting the FID score, the values are simplified as follows: 

  • FID score less than or equal to 100ms: Good 

  • FID score between 100ms and 300ms: Improvement Required

  • FID score greater than 300ms: Poor

The main reason for a below-par FID score (higher) is a browser’s main thread being busy executing and parsing JavaScript code. Naturally, a busy main thread can’t simultaneously respond to user interaction.

Points to be noted:

FID may not play as major a role as other web vitals for pages where the extent of user interaction is less, for example, blog content, text pages, etc. The FID score can be improved — for better responsiveness and interactivity — by working on the main thread of a browser. As it’s a complicated process, let’s look at a few easier ways in which FID can be improved: 

  • Finding ways to reduce the execution time of JavaScript.

  • The impact of the third-party code needs to be reduced.

  • Make sure to reduce the burden on the main thread by minimizing its work.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

It is a Core Web Vital that is used for assessing the cumulative score of all unexpected shifts occurring in the layout within the viewport during the entire lifecycle of a page. As mentioned above, CLS is the measure of the ‘visual stability’ of a web page.

Visual stability is a crucial indicator of user experience as it heavily influences their opinion of a web page. Stable web pages increase the quality of a user’s experience significantly because stability makes navigation easier.

Lower CLS scores are considered ideal. Unlike the previous two core web vitals, CLS isn’t measured in seconds. Instead, it is viewed with the viewport size and focuses on the elements moving between two frames — these elements are called unstable elements. It measures the movement of these unstable elements in the viewport. The shift in the layout is a score derived as a product of two components: the impact fraction and the distance fraction. 

The Impact Fraction is the area taken by the unstable elements on the viewport in various stages of page navigation. 

The Distance Fraction is measured as the greatest distance moved by an unstable element in various stages of page navigation divided by the largest dimension of the viewport.  

For interpreting CLS score, the values are simplified as follows: 

  • CLS score less than or equal to 0.1: Good

  • CLS score between 0.1 and 0.25: Improvement Required

  • CLS score greater than 0.25: Poor 

A poor CLS score is usually a result of images or ads having unidentified dimensions, adding DOM elements dynamically to a page on top of the existing pre-loaded content, or loading of resources sporadically. 

Points to remember:

Unexpected layout shifts can be mitigated by paying attention to the inclusion of clear size attributes for images, videos, and other infographics and making sure not to insert any content above already loaded content. 

Why are Core Web Vitals Important?

1. For Improving User Experience

User experience is the deciding factor towards improved CTR and better engagement levels. Accessibility of a website has always been an important aspect of impacting signals that impact and decide page ranking as per Google’s algorithms.

Core Web Vitals measure the overall accessibility of a website for users and therefore, directly impact search performance based on user experience. Measures of better visibility and faster loading time can help create a better user experience.

2. Impact on SEO Practices

Now that Google has hinted that optimization of web pages from the perspective of Core Web Vitals can improve user experience, it’s only imperative to recognize its impact on SEO. The inclusion of Core Web Vitals into signals that decide search ranking has presented a unique opportunity for well-planned and executed websites to be more visible than their competition.

A digital agency can be consulted or hired for streamlining website building efforts and improving SEO strategy.

How did Google Measure User Experience Before and What has Changed?

Before Google introduced Core Web Vitals the page ranking and user experience was measured by various other indicators that are as follows: 

Mobile-friendly websites are preferred by Google’s algorithm in calculating search performance.

Users tend to avoid visiting unsecured websites. HTTPS pages are known to be secure and provide a better user experience.

Malware on a website is like ticking time-bombs, as a result, Google takes away points from the user experience score of a web page laden with malware. Safe browsing helps improve user experience.

Lack of Unwelcomed Interstitials (Pop-ups)

Users don’t appreciate intrusive pop-ups when they visit a web page as they come in the way of a seamless experience and can be frustrating. Therefore, they hurt Google’s search ranking on that page. Limiting these pop-ups improves search performance. 

After the introduction of Core Web Vitals, Google’s algorithm takes into consideration a combined assessment of all of the above factors with the addition of LCP, FID, and CSR signals. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike a balance between all of these factors and Core Web Vitals for planning, designing, and developing a website that passes the test of Google’s search ranking algorithm.


Google has introduced Core Web Vitals to attract more attention towards improving user experience. Search performance can be enhanced massively by tuning a website in a way that increases the scores of these vitals. Therefore, the focus should be on enhancing page speed, visibility, and responsiveness of a page for better search ranking performance.

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