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If you’re thinking about hosting a virtual summit or conference, it’s important to choose the right virtual event consultant to help you make your event a success. A good consultant can provide valuable advice and guidance, while a bad one can cause problems and headaches. So how do you go about choosing the right consultant?

First, consider your needs and what you hope to get out of the event. What kind of audience do you want to reach? What are your goals for the event? Once you have a good idea of what you want, start researching virtual event consultants and ask around for recommendations.

When looking at potential consultants, be sure to check their experience and expertise in hosting virtual events. Ask about their approach to planning and strategy, as well as their track record of success. It’s also important to find out if they have a team of professionals who can help with things like graphic design, web development, and marketing. If you’ve already committed to a specific virtual event platform like Airmeet or HeySummit, make sure they’re familiar with that platforms features and peculiarities.

You will also want to consider exactly what kind of help you’re looking for. A virtual event consultant can certainly help with virtual event strategy, but may also be positioned and experienced in helping to produce and execute the event. Do you need a virtual event strategist? Or do you need an agency that can help you handle every aspect of your online event?

Price is obviously an important factor when making your decision, but don’t let it be the only one. The cheapest consultant isn’t always the best choice. Instead, look for one that offers a good balance between price and quality service.

Lastly, trust your gut when choosing a consultant. If you feel like something is off about them or their business model seems shady in any way then move on to another option! Virtual events require careful planning and execution so make sure whoever helps you plan yours has plenty of experience with this type of project before making any commitments or signing on the dotted line.

Here are four tips to get you started:

Ask your friends and contacts for virtual event consultant recommendations.

Tip #01: Ask Around

The best way to find a good consultant is by word of mouth. Ask your colleagues, friends, and family members if they have any recommendations. Chances are, someone you know has worked with a virtual event consultant in the past and can point you in the right direction.

LinkedIn and Twitter are excellent platforms to post your request for recommendations, as well as any communities you’re a part of, particularly if it’s a large group or channel with broad professional reach.

Research Virtual Event Consultants

Tip #02: Research Virtual Event Consultants

Once you have a few names, do some research on each of them. Check out their websites and read reviews from past clients. This will give you a good idea of what to expect and help you narrow down your list.

Again, this is where LinkedIn can be particularly helpful. A successful virtual event consultant will have built a large network on LinkedIn and should have ample recommendations from their past clients and connections, right there on their profile.

Meet With Potential Consultants

Tip #03: Meet With Potential Consultants

The next step is to meet with potential consultants in person. This gives you a chance to ask questions, get to know them better, and see if they’re the right fit for your needs.

Plan to spend 30-60 minutes on a call with them and have very specific questions prepared in advance. Ideally, identify key events they’ve talked about on their website or social media that have aspects similar to the kind of virtual event you want to host, and ask them for details.

Choose A Virtual Event Consultant Wisely

Tip #04: Choose A Virtual Event Consultant Wisely

Once you’ve met with several virtual event consultants, it’s time to make your decision. You should consider factors like experience, cost, and personality. You want someone who is knowledgeable about your industry and has the skills to help you plan a successful event.

They should also be willing to work within your budget, if possible. If not, ask them why their price point is higher than others on the market and what you can expect in return for that investment of time and money into your project.

You may also want to consider personality when choosing a virtual event consultant. Choose someone who understands how important this is for you personally and professionally! They will be with you throughout every step of planning – from strategy development all the way through execution day so make sure they’re easygoing enough that working together won’t feel like too much pressure or stress at any point along the way.

Every event brings with it pressures of being on a set schedule, with deadlines, and the stress of having intense scrutiny by attendees and event organizers alike. Virtual events add the additional complications of being dependent upon multiple layers of technology and timing. Which means that the ideal virtual event consultant is not only experienced, but even-tempered and patient.

The last thing you want is for your event to run into a series of technical snags, only to then completely fall apart because your consultant lost their cool.

Take your time when choosing a virtual event consultant and make sure that they’re the best fit for you and your brand, both personally and professionally.

If you’re interested in learning more about the unique approach I have for working with brands and helping them to determine their entire virtual event plan within an intense VIP Strategy Day, take a closer look at Sold Out Summits.

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