Woocommerce Export Products to XLS

A WordPress plugin that will export your Woocommerce products data to XLS


IMPORTANT! If you have a lot of products (thousands of products), it is recommended that you can set php memory limit to 256MB or higher.

Please read the plugin description. If you are unsure about anything (setup, compatibility etc), feel free to ask before purchasing.


  • Can export thousands of products and variations by using AJAX technology
  • Will export all products, published or not
  • Will export Variations and Group Products
  • 53 fields supported by default
  • ACF (Advanced custom fields) support
  • Will export predefined and custom attributes
  • Extensible / developer friendly. You can add your custom fields via WordPress filter
  • Easy administration with drag n drop sorting
  • Caches the .xls files for future download
  • XLS output, not CSV
  • Compatible with MS Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013
  • Supports WPML. You can export the language of the products.
  • Supports WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. You can export the Yoast SEO plugin data of the products.
  • Supports WC Vendors plugin. You can export commision, vendor id and vendor nicename.
  • Supports WC Vendors plugin. You can export commision, vendor id and vendor nicename.
  • Supports WooCommerce Brands by proword plugin. You can export Brand ID and Brand name.


In order to use the Woocommerce export to XLS, please navigate from your WordPress administration panel to “Woocommerce > Products to XLS

  1. Please check the data you want to export and drag the rows to order the columns of the exported XLS and click “Save Changes”.

    save changes

  2. Then you may export the selected data to XLS by clicking the “Export to XLS” button.

    export xls

  3. A message will be displayed with the actions taken and on the bottom of the message there will be a link to the file that has been just created. Click on the link “Download Excel File” to download the XLS file.

    export xls output

Below are the fields that are available by default

  1. Product ID
  2. Product author ID
  3. Product publish date
  4. Product description – content
  5. Product Title
  6. Excerpt
  7. Status
  8. Slug
  9. Modified date
  10. Parent product ID
  11. guid
  12. Category IDs
  13. Categories title
  14. Categories titles path
  15. Stock (quantity)
  16. Sold individually
  17. Price
  18. Sales price date to
  19. Sales price date from
  20. Tax class
  21. Purchase note
  22. Featured
  23. Weight
  24. Length
  25. Width
  26. Height
  27. SKU
  28. Products attributes
  29. Backorders status
  30. Manage stock status
  31. Tax status
  32. Sales price
  33. Regular price
  34. Virtual status
  35. Downloadable status
  36. Total sales
  37. Visibility
  38. Stock status
  39. Thumb ID
  40. Full Image URL
  41. Gallery images IDs
  42. Gallery images URLs
  43. Tags
  44. Custom attributes
  45. All attributes that have been added via the Woocommerce attribute manager
  46. WPML language display name
  47. Yoast SEO Title
  48. Yoast SEO Meta Description
  49. Yoast SEO Facebook Title
  50. Yoast SEO Facebook Description
  51. Yoast SEO Facebook Image
  52. Yoast SEO Twitter Title
  53. Yoast SEO Twitter Description
  54. Yoast SEO Twitter Image
  55. Yoast SEO Google+ Title
  56. Yoast SEO Google+ Description
  57. Yoast SEO Google+ Image
  58. Yoast SEO Custom Index Status
  59. Yoast SEO Focus KW
  60. WC Vendors plugin vendor commision
  61. WC Vendors plugin vendor id
  62. WC Vendors plugin vendor nicename
  63. WooCommerce Brands plugin brand ID
  64. WooCommerce Brands plugin brand name
  65. ACF (Advanced custom fields)
Other options
  • Version: Recommended is XLSX. Although XLS is compatible with older versions of Excel, it produces bigger files and can only hold 65535 records/rows.
  • Caching Method: Recommended is sqlite3. Please read for more information
  • Products per batch: Recommended is 100. If you get products skipped or the produced files have issues please lower the number or ask your web hosting to increase the resources or change web hosting service. If you think that your web hosting can do it, you may increase the number.
  • Join character(s) for the categories path: Character to join categories names for the categories path.
ACF (Advanced custom fields) support

You will have to add a rule to the ACF group that you want to be available for export like it is demonstrated on the documentation. Only then the fields will be on the export list so you can select them.

Developer Friendly

You can add new custom fields that are already on your products data to be exported via a filter, eg.

add_filter( 'wooxls_exportfields_filter', 'my_woocommerce_product_meta');
function my_woocommerce_product_meta($wooxls_exportfields) {
  $wooxls_exportfields['_deprecated'] = __('Deprecated status', 'wooxls');
  return ($wooxls_exportfields);


  • WordPress 3.8+
  • Woocommerce 2.1 or later
  • PHP 5.2
  • PHP extension php_zip enabled
  • PHP extension php_xml enabled
  • PHP extension php_gd2 enabled (if not compiled in)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The data on my XLS is strange on my Excel 2003

    Please use open, select the file you have downloaded, from the open button on the bottom-right click the arrow down and select “open and repair”. If a question pop up please select “No”.

  2. Can I add my custom meta data field to export?

    Please check the section For Developers.

  3. Will I be able to import the data of an XLS with this plugin?

    No, this plugin will only Export the Woocommerce products data to XLS.
    On the other hand WP All Import plugin may be able to do this by adding with the addon:

  4. Will this plugin export the images of my Woocommerce products?

    No, this plugin will only export the images ids and/or urls of your Woocommerce products in a separate column.

  5. How can I open an XLSX file on my Office 2003?

    Please read the Microsoft guide here:


This wordpress plugin can be installed as any other wordpress plugin. Installation is simple.

  1. Extract the zip file you have downloaded.
  2. Login to your administration panel (ex.
  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New.
  4. At the top of the page click the “Upload Plugin” link
  5. Click choose file (or what your browser uses to navigate to your files)
  6. From the extracted files of step one (1) navigate to and select and click “Install Now
  7. You may be asked to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
  8. If this is the first time you’ve installed a WordPress Plugin, you may need to enter the FTP login credential information. If you’ve installed a Plugin before, it will still have the login information. This information is available through your web server host.
  9. Click Proceed to continue with the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
  10. If successful, please click Activate Plugin to activate it.


0.6.0 08/18/2017
  • Feature: Added generic support for all product taxonomies
  • Feature: Added filter on DB query
  • Feature: Added support for WooCommerce Prices By User Role plugin by Festi-Team
  • Fix: Removed some deprecated Woocommerce function notices
  • Fix: Removed string to array convertion fatal error
  • Fix: In some cases not published products were exported
0.5.9 01/17/2017
  • Feature: Added the option to strip any HTML from the excerpt
  • Feature: Added the option to set a custom filename
  • Feature: Added price fields with or without tax
  • Feature: Added export to CSV support
  • Feature: Moved files in the uploads directory
  • Feature: Added ACF (Advanced custom fields) support
0.5.8 05/24/2016
  • Update the PHPExcel class
  • Added PHP 7 compatibility
  • Only published products will be exported
0.5.7 10/22/2015
  • Set default cell type to string
0.5.6 10/01/2015
  • Added WooCommerce Brands by proword support
  • Added one more filter on the xls export
0.5.5 04/21/2015
  • Added some filters on the output of the cell
0.5.4 04/17/2015
  • Added product URL/link field
  • Added Yoast Twitter and Google+ fields support
0.5.3 04/15/2015
  • Added option to exclude simple and/or variable products
0.5.2 04/14/2015
  • Added WC Vendors plugin support
  • Added categories titles path column
0.5.1 03/22/2015
0.5.0 03/18/2015
  • Added caching option
  • Added version option
  • Added products per batch option
  • Fixed jQuery bug that prevented plugin to continue when skipping products
0.4.0 03/02/2015
  • Changed the way XLS is produced by using AJAX.
  • Many UI/UX enhancements.
0.3.2 02/11/2015
  • Added WPML support. Now you can export the language of the product.
0.3.1 11/08/2014
  • Minor bug fix
0.3 11/06/2014
  • Added product tags
  • Added option to export the full featured image url
  • Added option to export all images urls of the product gallery
  • Initial release

Sources and Credits

This plugin uses the following libraries
