A number of Americans will become eligible for another stimulus check of $1,400 in 2022. This money will not necessitate the passing of another legislation by the Biden administration.

Once the Democrats came to power under President Joe Biden in 2021, the Republicans tried every trick in the book to thwart every policy of the new government. 

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Even the Economic Impact Payment or the 3rd stimulus check worth $1,400 was passed without bipartisan support. So another stimulus check seems unlikely at this moment from the federal administration.

But many Americans could still get another stimulus check worth the same amount of $1,400 this year under the American Rescue Plan. The 3rd stimulus check had provision for all dependents of the family who qualified for the $1,400 check. The payments were paid based on the 2019 or 2020 income tax returns.

The Birth Of A Child In 2021 Or The Addition Of A Dependent Will Help You Get Another Stimulus Check

These returns naturally did not have the records of a child welcomed into a family in 2021, whether by birth or adoption. So any dependent who is eligible under the conditions laid down could bring a stimulus check of $1,400 to the family.

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Individuals and families who are qualified for a Recovery Rebate Credit should expect support once they submit their 2021 income tax returns in 2022. To become eligible, a child can be the family’s own or a sibling, a foster child, step-sibling, and half-brother or sister. They may also be dependent on anyone. The child has to be below 19 to qualify as a dependent.

Dependents were limited to only children under the first two checks under Donald Trump. But the 3rd check allowed dependents of any age. So parents or grandparents could be included under the list of dependents unless they were claimed by another. They would all qualify for a stimulus check of $1,400.

People who report a drop in income in 2020 would qualify for a check if the income drops within the stipulated limit.

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