Notch - Android News Application 3.0 - 1

Notch - Android News Application 3.0 - 2

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To keep data clean, we separate web demo with data on android.


Notch - Android News Application 3.0 - 9

username : admin
password : admin

username : writer
password : writer



Notch - Android News Application 3.0 - 10

NOTCH is Android News Application, run with fast and lightweight admin panel. Android app build with native java, admin panel build with PHP, AngularJS.
You can use this app for News app, personal blog and etc. Organizing news from admin panel with topics, and tag, also available comment news, saved news, support RTL mode and many more.
We build this item with very detailed part, well structured code, neat and good design is our priority.


  • Implement Material Design for Android
  • Hide on scroll actionbar
  • Material Drawer
  • Saved Menu
  • Offline Read Support
  • 3 News Type : Article, Video, Gallery
  • Beauty Shimmer Loading
  • Register User
  • Login User
  • Profile User with Avatar
  • Forgot Password
  • Suport User Comment
  • Notification With Image
  • Notification Badge
  • Beatifull Home Screen
  • Search All News
  • Search News By Topic
  • Dynamic Topic Color
  • Dynamic Topic Icon
  • Featured News
  • Slider For News Gallery
  • Webview For News Content
  • Dynamic Theme ( Dark, Light, Auto )
  • Sort By News ( time, view )
  • Beauty Splash Screen
  • All in one request API
  • Light Server Request
  • Support Android ICS 4.1 and up
  • App Version Control
  • Support multiple Topic for one News
  • Android Parallax Scrollbar
  • Notifications Sound Setting
  • Notification Vibration Setting
  • Room database for store offline data
  • Ripple Effect
  • Integrated with FCM push notification
  • Ads Banner & Interstitial Integrated
  • Using Android Studio & Build Gradle
  • Clean & Neat Code (relative)


  • Implement Material Design Web Admin
  • Material Form
  • Material dialog view
  • Support Multi User
  • Support Multi ROLE User (Admin & Writer)
  • Responsive Web Admin
  • Responsive Drawer Menu
  • Topic Display News
  • Search News
  • Responsive Table Web Admin
  • Using Angular Material
  • Easy Customize color
  • All in one API url
  • Support multiple Image Upload for Gallery
  • Integrated with FCM push notification
  • Notification With Image
  • Direct Notification Single User
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Manage User Comment
  • Manage User Appication
  • Manage User Panel
  • Manage App Version
  • Ripple Effect
  • Material Drawer
  • Beauty Cardview
  • Dashboard Report
  • Light and Clean Code

Notch - Android News Application 3.0 - 11

VERSION 3.0 ( 18 Sep 2021)
  - Implement author at news
  - Update tools and build grade
  - Add one Signal Notification
  - Add publisher Info, privacy url from remote
  - Add related news
  - Add commend approval feature
  - Add UI style config for news, topic, home and image
  - Add 5 ad network (admob, FAN, startapp, unity ads, applovin)

VERSION 2.0 ( 15 Apr 2020 )
   - Migrate to AndroidX, 
   - Update latest gradle, library tools, 
   - Add text size menu News Reader, 
   - Fix bug home topics auto move, 
   - Fix date news not saved on admin panel, 

VERSION 1.1 ( 7 Dec 2019 )
  - Update to SDK 28,
  - Add intro screen,
  - Fix not working URL link,
  - Add full justify paragraph

Keyword : material design, news app, blog, blog app, white, black, android template, android news, news android, news, android news, notch, dark theme,

Extended License

HOSTING if you confuse when choosing hosting and domain provider, we have recommendation hosting provider that we use for all our product. This SSD hosting so make it fast. You can choose english language at bottom of every page.
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