New(Jan 2022)! Free Android Mobile App!

We are excited to announce the immediate availability of our TrainEasy Client mobile app on the Google Play Store.
The TrainEasy client app is a FREE app that any one can use to connect to and consume e-learning from a TrainEasy installation.

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Now powered by Laravel 8!

We are excited to announce that we have just launched the new major version of TrainEasy, version 3.0! The most exciting
thing about this release is that TrainEasy now runs on Laravel 8! We have completely rewritten the application and added exciting new
features! Try out the demo now!

Detailed User Guide!

Discover in-depth details about the application by checking out the Guide. Click below to view now.
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Free Android Mobile App

The TrainEasy client app is a FREE app that any one can use to connect to and consume e-learning from a TrainEasy installation. Your students will simply download this app, perform a short one-time setup step that simply involves saving the domain name hosting your TrainEasy installation. After this, they can immediately start consuming your courses, just as they would have on the white labled version of our APP.

The TrainEasy Client app can be downloaded here: . Simply share this link with your students to get them started immediately.

Get it on Google Play

Companion white-labelled mobile app for IOS & Android

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TrainEasy supports integration with our cross platform Flutter mobile app. Create a native mobile app for your students on IOS and Android. Get it here:

A Complete Training & Learning Management System

Do you organize training programs online or at physical locations? If yes, then TrainEasy is the perfect software for running and managing your entire training program!

  • Student Frontend & Admin Backend
  • Online Training
  • Manage & Schedule offline training
  • Session & Course Management
  • Class Management
  • Supports Multiple Payment Gateways
  • Multi-currency support
  • Attendance Management
  • Student Management
  • Online Tests/Assessments
  • Blogging & Content Management
  • And Lots More!

For detailed information about all the features of this application, please view our user guide.


Visit the Frontend

Use the following credentials to login as a student (optional):
Email: [email protected]
Password: password


Login to the Backend

Use the following credentials to login as an administrator:

Email: [email protected]
Password: password

Log In


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We are pleased to announce the availability of Zoom integration on TrainEasy. Now you can add a live Zoom meeting into your online lecture! All you need to save is your meeting ID and Password. Students can have live classes with Instructors right inside TrainEasy without having to install the Zoom desktop or mobile app! Integration is powered by the Zoom API.


Course and Session Management

Create multiple online courses, training sessions or a combination of both! Configure each based on your needs. Optionally enable payment collection for enrollment. The following payment methods are available: Paypal, Stripe, 2Checkout, Ipay, Payfast,PayTabs,PayUMoney, Paystack, Rave and others. TrainEasy supports all currencies.

Class Management

Create multiple reusable classes and assign them to sessions or courses to create your online courses or session calendar. You can also assign instructors to courses, sessions and classes and schedule upcoming class reminders for students and instructors!

Online Tests/Assessments

TrainEasy comes with a powerful online testing/assessment feature. Save yourself the paperwork and switch to TrainEasy’s computer based tests! Tests can be created with multiple options such as Time limit, Session restriction, Attempt limits etc. Students will see their results immediately after completing the test.

Student Management

Students can register on the frontend of the application or can be added manually through the backend. TrainEasy also features a form builder that enables you to add as many registration fields and attributes to a student as you require.

Role Management

Traineasy supports two major roles: Student & Admin. Admins can be subdivided into multiple roles. Out of the box, you have Super Administrator, Administrator and Instructor. TrainEasy enables you to create new roles with associated permissions for each role.

Email & SMS Reminders

TrainEasy can automatically send reminders to Students and Instructors about upcoming classes, test and homework.

Attendance Management

TrainEasy make it easy for you to monitor and log attendance records for your students. There are multiple attendance logging methods available that enable you set attendance either online or offline.

Payment Methods

TrainEasy ships with multiple payment methods for receiving payment for session/course enrollment. Below is a list of all our currently supported gateways

Name Currency
Bank Deposit/Transfer ANY ZAR
Paystack NGN
Ipay GHS
Rave by Flutterwave NGN ZAR USD GBP GHS KES EUR
iPaymu IDR

Homework & Revision Notes

TrainEasy comes with a powerful Homework feature that enables you to create homework for your students. Stundents can submit homework via text response or file upload. Admins can review and grade homework from an easy to use interface. TrainEasy also allows you to create revision notes for each class that only enrolled students can access. The system will also notify all enrolled students whenever a new note is uploaded.

Content Management

Easily add new information pages to your site. TrainEasy’s content management system makes it very easy to manage pages on your site as well as your homepage. Add slideshows, signup form, session calendar, text and more to your homepage in seconds. The content management system makes TrainEasy able to serve as your company’s website as well as a student portal


TrainEasy enables you to configure lots of settings on your site. Change colors, set smtp mail credentials, change the text on menus, hide or show menu options and lots more!

Student Discussions

TrainEasy comes with an easy to use student support system that gives them the opportunity to privately hold discussions with your Instructors. The feature comes with an email alert system that notifies all available instructors of new questions and notifies students of updates to their questions. There is also a student forum feature which enables students enrolled in a session or course to interact with themselves.


TrainEasy comes with a powerful certificate generation feature that enables you totally eliminate the need for creating paper certificates for each Student at the conclusion of your training programs. This feature can also be used to generate other documents such as admission letters.

Download Management

TrainEasy comes with a powerful download management feature that enables admins/instructors easily share files with students. This feature also enables you to restrict certain files to students that are enrolled in sessions you sepecify.

Powerful API

TrainEasy ships with a JSON API. This enables you to deploy our Ionic Mobile App for Android and IOS (available as a seperate purchase)

Multiple Themes

Change your look of the student frontend with the click of a button! TrainEasy supports 3 themes that you can choose from and customize to give your frontend a unique and professional look.

Multiple Languages Supported

TrainEasy comes with support for multiple languages!18 languages are supported out of the box and can be easily switched from the settings page. The following languages are included: English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Malay, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Chinese, Arabic, Indonesian and Korean.
Additional languages can be added easily.

Disable Frontend Feature

TrainEasy provides a feature that enables you to completely disable the frontend features of your site. This means pages like the Homepage, Blog, Articles and Contact pages will not be accessible to users. With the frontend disabled, the default landing page will be the login page. Users can also register if registration is enabled. Only logged in users will be able to view your course/session catalog. Learn more in this video:


TrainEasy comes with a simple blog feature with comments powered by Disqus.

And lots more!

Updated 25th Jan 2022
-Upgraded certificate generation to work after domain name change
Updated 30th December 2021
-Added 'Disable Frontend' feature
-Added feature for changing color scheme of Student and Admin dashboards.
Update 23rd November 2021
-Fixed bug with saving student mobile phone number
Update 19th November 2021
-Fixed bug with viewing of test results
Update 8th November 2021
-Fixed test results pagination error.
Update 15th October 2021
-Fixed bug with saving Test visibility.
Update 13th October 2021
-Fixed foreign key constraint issue with video uploads
Update 7th October 2021
-Added new theme
Update 4th October 2021
-Added new theme
-Fixed survey deletion issue
Update 24th August 2021
-Upgraded API to support new Mobile App upgrade (migrated to Flutter)
-Minor bug fixes
Update 3rd August 2021
-Fixed issues with some API endpoints
-Fixed problem with video thumbnail deletion
Update 10th July 2021
-Fixed bug with custom student radio button fields 
Update 5th July 2021
-Added terms and privacy settings on settings page
Update 1st July 2021
-Fixed bug on reports page
Update 15th June 2021
-Fixed issue with survey results
-Fixed redirection and attendance logging issue with post-class tests.
Update 7th June 2021
-Fixed bug on discussions page
Update 20th May 2021
-Fixed responsive layout issue with Zoom integration
Update 12th May 2021
-Removed redundant settings
-Fixed social login issues
-Fixed admin creation error
Update 11th May 2021
-Fixed pagination in assignment submissions page
-Fixed modal dialog issue in theme settings page
Update 5th May 2021
-Upgraded Zoom integration to make use of the Zoom API. 
Update 4th May 2021
-Fixed issue with student assignment notification
Update 27th April 2021
-Fixed problem with instructor contact form
Update 22nd April 2021
-Added ability to edit Admin/Instructor display picture
-Fixed issue with uploaded homework files permissions
Update 8th April 2021
-Fixed download issue with student assignment submission attachments
Update 1st April 2021
-Added email notification after invoice creation from backend
Update 31 March 2021
-Fixed issue of saving settings.
-Fixed issues of assigning instructors to courses
Update 25th March 2021
-Fixed pagination issue on student course listing page
Update 15th March 2021
-Fixed contact form Captcha not working for Buson theme.
Update 24th Feb 2021
-Added support for Cyrillic text in PDF documents
-Fixed bug with importing/enrolling students from csv file
-Added Greek language pack
-Fixed issue with inserting hyperlinks into lectures
-Fixed issue with forum replies
-Updated admin dashboard to display data based on role permissions
Update 3rd Feb 2021
-Fixed lecture completion issue (foreign key constraint)
-Fixed API bug in lecture completion (with homework)
Update: 30th Jan 2021
-Added slug to blog post for SEO 
-Fixed coupon code on cart page
Update 26th Jan 2021
-Added automated update tool
-Fixed bug in homework module
Update 22nd Jan 2021
-Removed margin from certificate
-Fixed error in report card
-Added Arabic support in PDF generation (certificates & report cards)
-Fixed default sender in password reset mail
-Fixed lecture deletion issue
Update 20th Jan 2021
-Changed text editor in blog and articles section
-Fixed issue with blog on mobile app
-Fixed bug with creating discussion from lecture page
Update 18th Jan 2021
-Fixed error on dashboard and invoice page when a user with with an invoice is deleted
Update 15th January 2021
-Added new setting for successful enrollment email
-Added page for searching course enrollment codes
-Fixed language error for registration email
-Fixed bug for student enrollment on courses with capacity limit
-Updated upgrade guide in documentation
Update 13 Jan 2021
-Fixed bug while editing lectures and other records
-Fixed issue with saving arabic (and similar) characters in some sections
-Fixed bug with Buson theme saving social handles and footer background
Update 12 Jan 2021
-Updated PayTabs payment gateway to use the latest API.
Update 11th Jan 2021
- Fixed error in sending mails to students
- Fixed language character error on blog and article pages
Update 7th Jan 2021
-Fixed PHP 7.4 deprecation notice in certificate module
-Fixed error while adding instructor to online course
Update 6th January 2021
-Fixed error with student dashboard
-Made file manager PHP 7.4 compatible
Update 5th January 2021
-Upgraded to Laravel 8
Update 29th December 2020
-Fixed bug with database access in MySQL 8.
Update 16th December 2020
-Fixed application error that appears when mail protocol is changed to SMTP
Update 4th December 2020
-Released version 3
-Changed framework to Laravel
-Added new payment and sms gateways
-Implemented new themes
-Complete user interface upgrade
-And lots more!
Update 1st September 2020
-Fixed invalid character display on forum
Update 27th August 2020
-Fixed database access error in resource constrained servers
Update 3rd August 2020
-Enabled white labeling feature to remove help search
-Fixed some missing language entries.
Update 27th July 2020
-Added Mp3 upload/playback support
-Added feature for changing upload limit of file manager.
-Upgraded API to support Zoom and Local video playback for mobile app version
-Disabled right click in video player page to remove video download option.
Update 22nd July 2020
-Added local video hosting and management feature. Now upload video files directly to your server and embed into your online courses!
Update 17th July 2020
-Added sub-category feature for courses
Update 29th June 2020
-Fixed Zoom not working in on Webkit browsers
Update 19th June 2020
-Added PayTabs payment gateway
-Added Twilio SMS gateway
Update 9th June 2020
-Fixed bug with Surveys feature
Update 21st May 2020
-Fixed bug with file browser (for image selection) not opening when language is in French.
-Added white labeling feature in student dashboard.
Update 15th May 2020
-Added feature for white labeling the backend i.e. removing all TrainEasy branding
-Fixed student registration bug via api
Update 15th May 2020
-Upgraded currency display to format currency based on locale.
Update 2nd May 2020
-Added Zoom integration
Update 30th April 2020
-Fixed bug with arabic text in pdf documents
-Enhanced full screen image slideshow during online courses to automatically change the current lecture page underneath
Update 16th April 2020
-Added feature for duplicating classes
Update 14th April 2020
-Added easy to use application update feature
-Added feature for embedding Iframes into text editor
Update 10th April 2020
-Fixed permissions issue with fresh installs/upgrade
-Upgraded CKEditor: added pluggin for embeding Video files from Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo etc.
Update 5 March 2020
-Fixed some language bugs
-Fixed dependence of php Tidy class in some areas
-Upgraded Google recaptcha to use CURL to prevent file_get_contents error
-Fixed infinite redirect issue on lecture page
-Fixed email confirmation bug
-Fixed bug on downloads creation page
-Added Firefox incompatibility notice for certificate design
Update 21 February 2020
-Fixed bug with forum topic creation
-Added ability for admin to delete invoices
-Made contact form use email settings
-Fixed some language errors
Update 25 October 2019 (v2.1)
-Added Survey feature.
-Minor bug fixes
Update 5 October 2019 (v2.1)
-Added support for multiple languages. 18 Languages supported out of the box
-Fixed some security vulnerabilities.
Update 3 July 2019 (v2.0)
-Upgrade to version 2.0! We have made major additions to traineasy including adding the learning management system, reports, customizable notifications, support for multiple frontend themes and lots more!
Update 14 June 2019 (v1.6.1)
-Student UI Upgrade: We have completely overhauled the student user interface (Frontend). The new design is a modern and clean layout
-Course cover photo: We have added the ability to add a cover photo to courses (sessions).
Update 7 June 2019 (v1.6)
-PHP 7 Support: Added support for PHP 7
-Homework Feature: Added Homework feature. Instructors can now post homework for students and grade submissions
Update13 September 2017 (v1.4)
-Download management: There is now a powerful download management feature which enables admins/instructors easily share files with students in a secure manager. Downloads can be assigned to sessions which will force them to be accessible only to enrolled students.
-Students now have an informative dashboard that shows recent sessions, enrolled sessions, discussions, downloads and revision notes. Also, the student’s portal interface is now separate from the rest of the front-end.
-The certificate designer can now display the dates for classes attended
-Bug fix for admin password reset.
Update 22 June 2017 (v1.3)
-Certificate Generation: Admins can now design certificates and letters that students can download.
-New Theme: Upgraded the frontend and backend themes.
-Bug Fixes.
Update 8. Mar. 2017 (v1.1)
-Instructor management: Users can now assign instructors to their classes. Assigned instructors are also visible on the timetable on the frontend.
-File/Image upload field on registration form: The student registration form builder now supports a file fields. Now students can attach images and documents to their profiles. Acceptable file types include jpg, png, gif, png, doc and docx.
-Time fields for classes: Users can now specify the start and end time for classes when they are being assigned to sessions (on the session creation/editing page).
-Automatic reminders for classes: The system can now send out automatic email notifications for upcoming classes to students and instructors. Please see updated documentation for more information and configuration instructions.
-Some minor bug fixes and layout enhancements.
Update 12. Mar. 2017 (v1.2)
-Added importing and exporting student records
-Some minor bug fixes