Wats new (v1.1)

See Live Preview !

* Open WWW hyperlinks by clicking on the Zeppelin.

* Holiday Special – “Mistletoe” badge

* Hover effect

* Bug fixes and timing improvements! … etc



Sending a custom common message to a large audience simultaneously.

What is Zeppelin Broadcasting ?

An animated balloon (the Zeppelin) appears to float across the browser window, slows down slightly, displays a message and then flies away. Multiple people that are currently viewing the webpage see the zeppelin and get the message more or less simultaneously.
See [Video Demo/Preview]

Who broadcasts messages and who reads them ?

An admin page called “the control room” allows an admin user to set the message text and switch the broadcasting ON/OFF. When the admin switches the broadcasting to ON, all the client browser windows see the zeppelin fly across their screen and the message that it displays.

Play with it: Live Demo/Preview

NOTE: Brace yourself since multiple other "admins" maybe twiddling the zeppelin controls just as yourself! Have fun!

How easy is it to get started with Zeppelin Broadcasting ?

Embed the zeppelin in your PHP code like so:

include "ZeppelinManager.php"; 
$zm = new ZeppelinManager; 

Fire up this page in a browser and you will see the zeppelin flying message with the default parameters.
In a separate browser window open the zeppelin-control-room.php and customise the broadcasting !

Which Zeppelin properties can the admin control from the control room ?

  • Swtich ON/OFF broadcasting states.
  • Message text content.
  • WWW Hyperlink.
  • Period/delay between repeated zeppelin flying events.
  • Font size
  • Transparency of the zeppelin and the message callout.

How “instant” are the broadcasted zeppelin instant messages ?

As of v1.1 it takes up to 5s for the newly updated zeppelin messages/properties to take effect from the control room.

All this is implemented in an easy to use PHP class that encapsulates the HTML5/Javascript based logic used to render this animation and manage the broadcasting process.

Happy Broadcasting ! \\)” title=” :)” /> Source