In both the B2B and B2C landscape, countless types of unique designs are all around us, but the path to creating seamless UX is no cakewalk. B2B marketers spend a substantial amount of time designing UX solutions to meet desired organizational goals. There are various hurdles that haunt B2B marketers, and within this article are details about three of the most common UX marketing design challenges. 

Before diving into the main topic, according to a Gartner article, 87 percent of B2B marketing leaders have prioritized buyer-facing digital business initiatives to meet their business goals this year, and that’s likely to continue moving forward. It’s also worth noting that aggressive growth within the B2B design segment is increasingly prominent with current values specifically reaching $162 billion according to Forrester. Whereas, Adobe reported that its total addressable market (TAM) for creative cloud will reach $31 billion by the end of 2021.

ALSO READ: How Data Mining Improves Buyer Experience 

Here are three extremely common UX B2B marketing design challenges and specific ways to effectively combat them. 

Unstructured Data 

It’s important to deal with data before it turns into a colossal mess. Data is the fuel to all marketing needs, and brands must work with voluminous data on a regular basis. Whether this is in the form of designing a relevant and personalized campaign or channeling buyers across the funnel, at the end of the day, companies need data. Fortunately, most data analytics databases are suitable for structured data. 

It’s up to the analysts to locate, extract, organize, and store data, which is a time-consuming process. According to this Accenture Fjord Trends 2020 report, 80 percent of surveyed organizations expressed that they believe 80 percent of their data is unstructured. The same report also revealed the importance of AI, neural networks, and search engines regarding the analysis of unstructured data with pattern recognition features.

Cross-Functional Breakdowns

Next is the significance and usage of cross-functional work. Most brands can’t overcome organizational inertia without cross-functional collaboration. To create lean and agile UX human-centric designs, companies need balanced teams and strong design abilities and ideas. As the four stages of Double Diamond Design Thinking (discover, define, develop and deliver) suggest, you must communicate, collaborate, connect, and co-create.

This nonlinear framework delivers accurate results, identifies functional silos, and fosters a positive work environment. In general, it’s crucial for brands to involve their entire team and their users regarding product creation, especially to gain ideas of what various users need and how to meet their expectations.

Confusing Dashboards

Dashboards play a pivotal role by using data visualization techniques to display actionable and relevant data insights that are easy to understand. Oftentimes, confusing dashboards are the result of poor data choices, improper layout selections, misinterpretation of data, wrong color choices, and too much clutter. 

The foremost step for brands to take is to understand their users’ psyche, their goals, and empathize with them to determine their needs. Similarly, it’s important to select layouts logically, use the right colors, and remove clutter in order to improve B2B marketing UX designs. 

Fortunately, a clear dashboard represents and efficiently displays all required information, simplifies widgets and vital data components, marks changes regarding data trends and patterns, and even improves usability. 

Major Ways to Improve UX B2B Marketing Designs

To master the art of creating top-notch UX B2B marketing designs, it’s recommended to keep note of these key points:

  • Develop strategic planning, in-depth research, and analytical insights
  • Extract relevant and fresh data, and organize and analyze them to create UX designs
  • Plan a phased approach to create buyer personas based on market research
  • Study and analyze intent data signals to target and segment audience groups in order to determine their demands and expectations
  • Keep messaging personalized, precise, and meaningful
  • Collaborate, communicate, and empathize with teams and users
  • Keep visual representations simple, clutter-free, straight-to-the-point, and easy to understand
  • Incorporate consistent branding and vibrant colors across a website and marketing funnels
  • Be clear with product information, terminologies, and languages used in UX designs
  • Keep interactive communication channels open such as chatbots and instant messaging techniques to avoid missing out on any leads

To sum it up, Steve Jobs once said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works.” With this being said, it’s about time for B2B brands to accumulate user experience designs to not only drive conversions but also business diversification. If you’re staying aboard the learning train, why not peruse some of the True Influence articles listed below?

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