Grupo Pro is Chat room & One to One Chat script. Grupo Pro offers complete, beautiful and easy to use chat script for your website that can be integrated into any online publishing platforms.

Grupo Pro is a multi user chat room script which includes a wide range of features like unlimited chat rooms, customizer, private chat, avatars, similes, language manager, user profiles, multi-level chat room management (administrators & moderators), radio player, ad slots and much more

  1. Demo/Live Preview
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Grupo Connect (API)
  5. Documentation
  6. Update Logs
  7. How to Upgrade

Grupo Chat Features

Easy Installer
Grupo is integrated with easy Installer. Just provide the database details & Purchase Code, easy installer will do the rest for you.

Create unlmited groups or rooms and invite people by email or username.

  1. Public Group
  2. Password Protected Group
  3. Secret/Hidden Group
  4. Unleavable Group
  5. Admins or Moderator only Group

One to One Chat or Private Messaging
Your users will love it because Grupo allows them to chat one-on-one. When users can talk to one another, your product engagement is higher.

Dark Mode & Light Mode
Mode Switcher allows you to change the color theme of WhatsApp from white to black or black to white. The darker tones are more relaxing for user’s eyes to take in, especially in low light, and don’t draw as much power as brighter colors.

Progressive Web App
Progressive Web Apps provide an installable, app-like experience on desktop and mobile that are built and delivered directly via the web. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that are regular web pages or websites, but can appear to the user like traditional applications or native mobile applications. The application type attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of a mobile experience.

Ad Slots
Ad slots helps you to place advertisements or html content in Grupo. You can place content in the following locations :

  • Left Side
  • Right Side
  • Welcome Window
  • Advert As Chat Message
  • Signin Page Top
  • Signin Page Bottom

This feature allows users to send different stickers while chatting just like other instant messaging apps. You can add or manage stickers via Grupo Panel.

Social Login
Social Login is single sign-on for end users. Using existing login information from a social network provider like Facebook, Twitter, or Google, the user can sign into a Grupo Pro instead of creating a new account. This simplifies registrations and logins for end users. Grupo Pro is integrated with more than 40 providers.

Grupo Connect (API)
Grupo API helps you to integrate Grupo Pro with your existing website or script. You can create user, create login link, create group, join/add user to group using CURL request.

Radio Player
This feature helps to let your users to start listening to the radio you’ve added for them. To add radio stations, you just need to add their stream links.

Language Manager(Multi-Language Support)
Grupo allows you to create easily a multilingual website, without having to install any third party extension. Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way.

Support RTL languages
Grupo supports RTL languages (Arabic,Hebrew,Persian,etc) and keeps the same layout and HTML structure as the original version of your website in the translated versions.

User Roles
User Role Manager allows you to change user roles and capabilities easy. Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click “Update” button to save your changes.

File Previews
Preview image files and videos right in your browser, without having to download the files and then open them in a different application!

Link Previews
Link previews are generated by fetching the URL and parsing meta tags of the page for title and description and image tags for thumbnails.

Voice Messaging
Sometimes we are too tired to text type messages, that’s the time we can send voice messages by recording our texts. Grupo allows to send voice messages to individual or group chat.

Auto Group Join
Auto-Join Group feature allows you to automatically join new Grupo members to Group of your choice.

Pin Group
A pinned group is a group that you manually select to stay at the top of the Group list, meaning it will not slip down the list as you continue to add other groups.

Guest Login
Alllows non members to login & join online chat rooms without account registration.

Send Tenor GIFs
Search and share the best and most popular animated GIFs to group or individual conversations.

Lets the Grupo site users to upload files. Each file is saved in private directory so each user can download/delete/share their own files after login.

Flood Control
When one chat user sends too many messages at one time, either in group chat or in private message, Flooding occurs. Grupo has a Flood Control feature that automatically ignores a user when flooding occurs & prevents users from spamming the chat.

Profanity Filter
A swear filter, also known as a profanity filter is a subsystem which modifies text to remove words deemed offensive by the administrator.

Login as User
Allows admins to have easy access to the frontend as a specific user instantly to check data. With one click, the admin logs in as the external user and handles any situation without wasting any time at all.

Block IP Addresses
If you have annoying visitors or spammers, you may find it useful to block these users from accessing your website content. You can block bad visitors by IP address or blocks of IP addresses. You can choose to block a range of IP addresses as well as blocking individual IP addresses.

User Profile
User Profile is a component that allows you to profile users by using custom fields & show user informations,

Group Info
This allows you to see group’s informations & custom fields in the Group Info Screen

Grupo comes with 50+ built in avatars. Users can choose a avatar of their choice.

Like System
This let Users to like user messages. Let your website users engage by giving them the opportunity to react user messages.

Auto Delete Group Messages
This feature will automatically delete the group messages after a specified time interval.

Auto Delete Users
This feature will automatically delete the users after a specified time interval.

Auto Unjoin Groups
This feature will automatically unjoin the users from all the groups after a specified time interval.

User mentions
User mentions are a great way to include other users within your messages, and ensure that they know about your mention. Mentions work similarly to how they work on Twitter, where you use an ”@” symbol, and then someone’s username.

Bulk File Uploads
Alow users to you to multiple files at once.

Export Conversations
Users can easily export a particular conversation via Export Chat option

Group Invitation
Users can invite people to join groups using their email address or usernames.

Play YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo videos
Allow users to play YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo videos within the chat screen

Deny direct access to user uploaded files
Prevent Direct Access provides a solution to protect from executing user uploaded php files as well as prevent Google, other search engines and unwanted users from indexing and stealing user files.

Email Notifications
This features allows users to receive email notifications of Grupo activities.

Typing Indicator
When someone is writing to you, the Typing Indicator will appear. Allows your users to see when an someonw is typing a reply back in an conversation.

Group Filtering
Allows users to filter joined & unjoined groups.

Prevent User Registrations
User Registrations can easily be disabled in Grupo, and without modifying any source code.

Auto Release Guest Usernames
This feature automatically updates the guest username with a random username when a guest user logout.

Generate Random Guest Username
This feature automatically generate a guest username if the submited guest username is unavailable.

Emoji Picker
Users can insert emojis in their messages. Include more than 2,000 emojis.

Gravatar stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is globally recognized because millions of people and websites use them. Most popular applications like WordPress have built-in support for Gravatar. Grupo supports Gravatar, it pulls users Globally Recognized Avatar from Gravatar servers.

ASCII to Emoji Convertor
Allows to convert ASCII Smileys to equivalent Unicode emojis

Custom Fields (Group/Profile)
Admins can create custom profile or group info fields. Custom profile fields are always optional, and do not appear in Users Pprofiles or Group Info until they fill them out.

  1. Short Text
  2. Long Text
  3. Date Field
  4. Number Field
  5. Drop Down Field

Show Custom fields on Signup form
Custom User Field inputs can be added to signup form. The data entered into these inputs will be displayed on user profile.

Draggable Preview Box
Users can move the preview box by clicking on it with the mouse and dragging it anywhere within the viewport.

Ban User Accounts
Allows admins to blocks user accounts and prevents users from accessing the chatroom or website.

Long Polling (Ajax Timeout)
As in regular polling, rather than having to repeat this process multiple times for every client until new data for a given client becomes available, Long polling is technique where the server elects to hold a client connection open for as long as possible, delivering a response only after data becomes available or timeout threshold has been reached. After receiving response client immediately sends the next request.

Cache System
The Cache System creates static files and stores them on the servers disk. The web server will deliver the static file and avoids the resource intensive backend processes.

User Device Logs
User Device Log is a simple module that logs the IP address & device information of users on login event to table.

Quoted Replies
Instead of hopping into a conversation and replying to a message that was sent earlier in the day without any context, a quoted reply makes it clear what you are talking about. As you can imagine, this will surely come in handy in a group conversation.

Easy Customizer
Allows easily customize the layout. Allows you to manage a site-wide central color palette for an uniform look & feel.

Limit Excerpt Length (Read More)
Filters the maximum number of characters in a message excerpt. Default length is 300 Characters. Use this filter if you want to change the default excerpt length.

Responsive Web design
Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes Grupo render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

Add Menu Items
You can easily add or manage menu items from an easy to use interface inside your Grupo admin area.

Tab Search
Tab Search provides easy tab navigation, it enables searching open tabs. Easily find the item you are looking for among open tab.

Allows you to easily customize Grupo (background,text-color,font-size) straight from Grupo Customizer.

Read receipts
Read receipts is the way by which the sender can tell or get to know whether the message is read by the receiver or not.

Headers and Footers
Lets you insert code like Google Analytics, custom CSS, Facebook Pixel, and more to your Grupo site header and footer. No need to edit any core files.

Petitions/Spam reporting
Petitions are reports made by users against messages/groups which they believe is spam or abuse.

Set Expiration time on Shared files
Some sensitive files shouldn’t live on the Internet forever. Allows admins to set an expiration time on shared files.

Prevent Deleting Sent Messages after a set amount of time.
Admins can prevent users from deleting sent messages after a set amount of time.

Profile Deactivation
Users can deactivate their account temporarily and choose to come back whenever they want.

Limit Login Attempts
Limit the number of retry attempts when logging in (per each IP). This protect your site from brute force attacks.

User Name Color
User Name Color lets users set a custom color for their username.

Boxed or Full Width Layout
There are 2 layout types avaliable in Grupo, Boxed & Full Width Layout. You can switch between these layouts with Grupo Customizer.

Emails to Hyperlinks
Converts email addresses to clickable links.

Image URLs to Preview
Create image/thumbnail preview from a Image URLs

Character Limit
Admin can set a minnium or maxmium length of text message that users can send.

Grupo Cron
Grupo Cron is how Grupo handles scheduling time-based tasks in Grupo . Several Grupo core features, such as auto delete messages, auto delete users, email notifications etc.

Drag and Drop File Uploading
Allowing users for drag and drop file upload alongside the traditional file input.

Custom Background
Allows your users to set their own custom background image for their page. It allows them to upload a new image and sets it as their background image.

Invite Non Members to Group Chat
Users can invite non site members to join groups using their email address.

Block Posting URLs
Admin can block users from sharing URLs in Individual or group conversation.

Invite using Group Links
Users can invite others to their groups by sharing a special link with them.

Send Screenshots
Users can easily share your screenshots with other people. Pressing PRINT SCREEN captures an image of your entire screen and copies it to the Clipboard in your computer’s memory. You can then share (CTRL+V) your screenshots with other people in a conversation.

Hide languages
Admins can hide languages. Go to languages & select language that you would like to hide.

Expand/Collapse ChatBox
Users can expand the Chat box so that only the chat window is displayed. Asides become hidden.

QR Code Generator
Thinking of your own way to send and receive secret messages. Well, QR codes are here for rescue. If you are more into technology, you might not be so into sending confidential messages in plain text form to the concerned person.

Alerts or Notifications
Alerts are used when the system wants to notify the user about some status or other event.

Limit Records per load
Admins can specify the number of records to return on loading list or messages.

Infinite Scrolling
Infinite scrolling is a web-design technique that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination.

Custom CSS
Custom CSS is part of the Customizer which allows to add any Custom CSS code to your website without any hassles.

Embed Group Chat
Embed your chat or group on your website or blog via an iframe with just a few lines of code.

Booster (Beta)
Speed up your Grupo performance by using Cache, Local storage, CSS, JavaScript, HTML minifications etc

Auto-rotate pictures
Ever wonder why some photos look correct in some programs, but appear sideways or upside down in others? This feature read Exif data labeled Orientation and automatically rotates the image to the proper orientation

Email Verification
This feature verifies the email address of user by sending the verification link to the email of a user at registration time.

Profile Cover Photo
Users can set an image as their profile cover. A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of your profile, right above your profile picture.

Group Cover Photo
Admins can set an image as their group cover. A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of Group info, right above group picture.

Multiple Time zones
Users can set their own time zone for their user account and have their local time zone display throughout Grupo.

Login Session Lifetime
Admin can specifies the number of days after which login session data will be seen as garbage and potentially cleaned up.

Ten+ Password Encryptions
Hashing performs a one-way transformation on a password, turning the password into another String, called the hashed password. Grupo uses more than 10 hashing methods.

Add code to Body tag
Lets you insert code to your Grupo body tag (After Opening & Before Closing body tags). No need to edit any core files.

Automatic Time-Zone Detection
Detect and set the user time zone automatically.

Multiple Notifcation Sounds
Contains 15+ Notification Sounds. Users can set the notifcations sound of their choice.

Turn On/Off Sound Notification
Some may find the notification sounds annoying, they can turn the sounds off without fearing that they might miss important notifications.

Alert in Title Bar (New Message)
Puts a blinking title on title bar to notify a user that he/she received a new message.

Lazy Loading
Lazy loading means that the images aren’t loaded until the user scrolls and the images come into the browser’s viewport.Lazy loading images improves web page performance by reducing the number of HTTP requests, and consequently reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded to render the initial page.

Unsplash Slideshow
A fullscreen automatic slideshow displaying images (Signin Page) that pulls in images from an collection.

SMTP Authentication
Easily send emails from your Grupo using your preferred SMTP server.

Google reCAPTCHA
reCAPTCHA is a provider of human verification systems which helps to protect your website against abuse and brute-force attacks.

Google Analytics
Just provide your Google Analytics ID & Grupo will automatically generate & add your Google Analytics Tracking Code to your site.

Font Picker
You can set a font of your choice from more than ten inbuilt fonts.

Welcome Screen
You can customize the welcome screen image & text to meet your own branding requirements

Custom Pages/Blocks

  1. Offline Page
  2. 404 Page
  3. Banned Page
  4. Terms & Conditions
  5. About Us
  6. Privacy Policy
  7. Contact Us

Go Offline
If users want to log into Grupo and not worry that others will see you and try to chat, they can easily change their “online status” so they appear offline.

GDPR Cookie Consent
A simple way to get GDPR Cookie Consent as per EU GDPR/Cookie Law regulations & lets visitors know that the site is using cookies.

Multiple Logins
Keeps users logged into your website securely on multiple devices.

24 & 12 Hour Clock Format
Admins can change the time format from 12 hour to 24 hour format & vice versa

& Lots More & More to Come

Our user-friendly Chat Script can provide your website with unlimited chat rooms that include more than 200 features & lots more to come. Now Your visitors would be able to discuss through public and private chat rooms. Grupo Pro provide the best approach to hold chat discussions on your website. Grupo Chat script are equipped with security features that make hackers and spammers a thing of the past. No Flash, Java, or other browser plugins are needed to run this group chat script. Say goodbye to the old group chat rooms, we offer a new and easy way to hold chat discussions on your site.

Easily start your own group chatting website without any knowledge of coding.The options and features in Grupo chat room can be adjusted according to your preference. Grupo Pro comes with all the features that you will ever need. It comes with a responsive design for your users to experience the best online group chat. Nowadays Businesses are using chat rooms to connect with their clients, customers, and other offices. Businesses could use chat rooms among the corporate or place chat rooms on their website to interact with visitors quickly.

Need help with Installation :
We also provide free installation services & we are always happy to help you. Once you have purchased Grupo Pro, send us an email to [email protected]

Demo/Live Preview Login Details

  • Role: Admin
    Username: admin
    Password: pass
  • Role: User
    Username: user
    Password: pass
  • Role: Group Admin
    Username: groupadmin
    Password: pass
  • Role: Group Moderator
    Username: moderator
    Password: pass

Do you have any questions or Do you have any suggestions ?
We’re here to assist in any way possible. We’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may have! Our email ID : [email protected] Source