Check out the complete list of email marketing statistics to find out how you stack up and see benchmarks to compare your results.

Email marketing continues to be one of the most powerful tools for growing your business. (Need proof? Check out stat #1 below.)

Although email marketing has been around for decades, it’s everchanging.

New email marketing tools — like AMP for Email — pop up all of the time. Marketers are taking innovative approaches to email marketing. And email marketing benchmarks change every year.

Want to see how your own email marketing strategy compares and what other businesses are doing to innovate?

Check out this ultimate list of email marketing statistics to find out how you stack up and see email marketing benchmarks to compare your results.

General email marketing statistics

  • 4.6 billion – estimated number of daily email users by 2025. – Statista
Email Graph of email users from 2020 to 2025
  • 46% of emails are opened on mobile devices. – Litmus 
  • On average, consumers spend 2.5 hours checking email on a typical weekday. – Adobe

Email marketing open and click-through rate statistics

  • 15.1% is the average open rate for B2B businesses. – DMA
  • 65% of small businesses average open rates between 11% and 50%. – AWeber
Average Email Open Rates
  • 77% of small businesses average email click-through rates between 0% and 10%. – AWeber
Average email click-through rates
  • 61% of small businesses with effective or very effective email copy have click-through rates of 6% or higher. – AWeber
  • The average click-through rate for welcome emails is 26.9%. – Hive
  • The average open rate for abandoned cart emails is 40.1%. – SaleCycle
  • You can increase your click-through rates by 300% when you add a video to your emails. – Martech Advisor
  • 63% of consumers reported that they open an email to find a discount. – Media Post
  • Welcome emails have an open rate 4 times higher and a click-through rate 5 times higher than other emails. – Experian
Graph showing welcome emails have a higher open and click rate

Email marketing ROI statistics

  • Companies average a return on investment of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing. – Litmus
  • Email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring customers than Twitter and Facebook combined. – McKinsey
  • Companies who A/B split test their emails average a return on investment of $48 for every $1 spent. – Litmus

Email marketing send frequency statistics

  • 54% of small businesses send emails at least once per week. – AWeber
Email send frequency
  • 306 billion emails were sent and received each day. – Statista

Email content statistics

  • 64% of small businesses say their email copy is effective or very effective. – AWeber
  • 94% of small businesses write their own marketing emails instead of outsourcing their copywriting. – AWeber
  • On average, emails contain 434.48 words. – AWeber
Words in an email graph
  • The average email takes 3.3 minutes to read. – AWeber
  • 50% of emails contain less than 300 words. – AWeber

Email subject line statistics

  • Email subject lines contain 43.85 characters on average. – AWeber
Characters email subject lines
  • Only 6.9% of email subject lines contain emojis. – AWeber
Percentage of emails that contain emojis
  • 60% of email subject lines use sentence-case capitalization, 34% use title-case capitalization, and only 6% use all lowercase capitalization. – AWeber
Email subject line capitalization graph
  • 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone. – OptinMonster

Email marketing personalization statistics

  • Personalized email campaigns improve click-through rates by 14%. – Demand Gen Report
  • Personalized emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates. – Experian

Email automation statistics

  • Automated emails average a 70% higher open rate over a standard email newsletter. – Epsilon Email Institute
  • Automated emails average a 152% higher click-through rate over a standard email newsletter. – Epsilon Email Institute
  • 51% of businesses use email automation to improve their marketing processes. – Email Monday

What customers say about email

  • 49% of consumers state they would like to receive weekly promotional emails from their favorite brands. – Statista
  • 61% of email subscribers would like to receive promotional emails at least once per week. – MarketingSherpa
  • 59% of consumers say receiving an email impacted their purchase decisions. – SaleCycle
  • 61% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email. – Statista

What marketers say about email

What small business owners say about email marketing

  • 79% of small businesses say email marketing is important to their business strategy. – AWeber
  • 60% of small businesses say their email marketing strategy is effective or very effective. – AWeber
  • 43% of small businesses have 500 or less email subscribers. – AWeber
  • 42% of small businesses with over 500 subscribers have effective or very effective email marketing strategies. – AWeber

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