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tSMS is simple to use, unique, feature rich and easy to install application for receiving SMS online. You can create your own website for receiving SMS online with tSMS.


tSMS is not bounded by any SMS Gateway. So, if your SMS gateway is not able to receive SMS from any specific provider like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. please check with your SMS gateway, tSMS cannot do anything here.


Server Requirements

PHP >= 7.1.3
MySQL >= 5.1
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
BCMath PHP Extension

Other Requirements

SMS Gateway with ability to forward SMS to HTTP URL with one level details for messages and number

Change Log

v1.9.1 - 16 September 2021
- Added Featured Image for WordPress Blogs Shortcode
- Added Ordering System for Numbers (Edit Number with Least Order to show first)

v1.9 - 19 May 2021
- Added Filters for Numbers
- Fixed 404 Error for Admin Number Delete
- Fixed Pagination for Messages
- Fixed FAQ Link
- Fixed JS Console Error

v1.8 - 17 March 2021
- Added Copy Code functionality for End Users
- Added Meta field for Numbers
- Fixed minor design and code Issues

v1.7 - 16 September 2020
- Added ability for Admin to change the Gradient Color Scheme
- Optimized Numbers View
- Added Pagination Support for Numbers
- Updated Vendor Files
- Minor Cosmetic Fixes

v1.6 - 3 July 2020
- Ability to set a Number as PRIVATE
- Ability to assign a number to a single user or multiple users
- Ability to delete all assignments in one click
- Minor cosmetic and code fixes

v1.5 - 6 April 2020
- Ability to change API Parameters
- Block SMS which contains specific Keyword
- Ability for Admin to delete an individual message

v1.4 - 10 January 2020
- API Fixes
- Truncate Messages from Admin Panel
- Allow others to use your numbers in iFrame with controlled access
- Autogenerate API key in Configuration and while installing tSMS
- Minor Code Fixes

v1.3 - 18 October 2019
- Button Fix on Layout 2 and 3
- Change in Menu Structuring to support mobile devices
- Stats in Admin Panel
- Minor Design Fixes

v1.2 - 24 August 2019
- Ability to create new home page sections and manage features 
- Added functionality to integrate WordPress Blogs via Short Code
- Added page titles in the title bar 
- Added custom page headers
- Added new layouts for viewing numbers available

v1.11 - 18 June 2019
- Added Custom Header for adding meta tags
- Fixed ads not showing the issue
- Fixed custom JS and CSS issue

v1.1 - 4 May 2019
- Added Page Module
- Added Menu Module
- Added Custom JS and CSS Options
- Added reCaptcha Support
- Added Software Update OTA Support
- Fixed ads saving issue
- Fixed Twillio Issue

v1.0 - 20 Feb 2019
Initial Release! Yay!

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