Repairer – Repair/Workshop Management System is carefully developed for easy management of any type of repairshop/workshop. It’s actually an innovative, simple and powerful management tool, designed and developed for you. It’s just your trusty employee. It’s a web based system where you can manage reparations, clients, inventory, purchases etc.
Now it comes with a Point of Sale System
URL: preview.otsglobal.org/rms_pos
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: password
Quick Installation Guide
Download .zip package
Upload it to your server
Extract the package
Run the uploaded url via browser (EXAMPLE.COM/RMS/INSTALL). Here you have to provide the settings for RMS:
- Hostname : database host name / IP
- Database Name : create a mysql database for RMS on your host and write that name here
- Database username : username of the created database (if applicable)
- Database password : password of the created database
Backend – Admin:
- Point Of Sale
- Dashboard (graphical report)
- General settings (system customization)
- Client management
- Reparation management
- Inventory Management
- Purchases Management
- Taxes, Models, Categories etc.
- Graphical Reports ( Stock & Finance )
- Sales Reports
- Drawer Reports
- Report table export to XLS & PDF
- Reparation Status
- Login
Notification/ Alert System
Notify clients with their reparation status via E-Mail or SMS
Want to know more about Repairer? Please read our Documentation
How to Update? </2>
Change Log 3.5 to 3.6
- Download v3.6
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 3.6 files in place of 3.5
- Copy application/config/database.php from 3.5 backup to 3.6
- Copy application/config/config.php from 3.5 backup to 3.6
- Copy assets/uploads from 3.5 to 3.6
- Run following in PhpMyAdmin.
ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `open_report_on_repair_add` BOOLEAN NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `hide_repair_fields` LONGTEXT NULL AFTER `open_report_on_repair_add`; ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `return_id` INT NULL AFTER `attachment`, ADD `surcharge` DECIMAL(24,2) NULL AFTER `return_id`, ADD `return_purchase_ref` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `surcharge`, ADD `purchase_id` INT NULL AFTER `return_purchase_ref`, ADD `return_purchase_total` DECIMAL(24,2) NULL AFTER `purchase_id`; ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `rma_number` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `return_purchase_total`, ADD `return_status` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `rma_number`, ADD `provider` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `return_status`; ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `track_code` VARCHAR(255) NULL; ALTER TABLE `order_ref` ADD `rep` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `re`; ALTER TABLE `purchase_items` ADD `purchase_item_id` INT NULL AFTER `unit_cost`; UPDATE `settings` SET `version` = '3.6'; UPDATE `settings` SET `hide_repair_fields` = '{"expected_close_date":"1","error_code":"1","date_of_purchase":"1","has_warranty":"1","warranty":"1","warranty_card_number":"1","repair_type":"1","client_date":"1"}' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 1; UPDATE `date_format` SET `js` = UPPER(`js`)
Change Log 3.2 to 3.5
- Download v3.5
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 3.5 files in place of 3.2
- Copy application/config/database.php from 3.2 backup to 3.5
- Copy application/config/config.php from 3.2 backup to 3.5
- Copy assets/uploads from 3.2 to 3.5
- Run the Update35.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here: otsglobal.org/cc_updates/rms_pos/Update35.sql
Change Log 3.1 to 3.2
- Bugs Fixed - added PHP Mailer
- Download v3.2
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 3.2 files in place of 3.1
- Copy application/config/database.php from 3.1 backup to 3.2
- Copy application/config/config.php from 3.1 backup to 3.2
- Copy assets/uploads from 3.1 to 3.2
- Run the following sql in PhpMyAdmin.
ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `smtp_crypto` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `smtp_port`; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `enable_overselling` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `invoice_email_text`; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `sms_caller_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER `enable_overselling`; UPDATE `settings` SET `version` = '3.2' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 1;
Change Log 3.1 to 3.2
- Bugs Fixed
- Download v3.1
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 3.1 files in place of 3.0
- Copy application/config/database.php from 3.0 backup to 3.1
- Copy application/config/config.php from 3.0 backup to 3.1
- Copy assets/uploads from 3.0 to 3.1
- Run the following sql in PhpMyAdmin.
ALTER TABLE `inventory` CHANGE `model_id` `model_id` INT(11) NULL, CHANGE `model_name` `model_name` VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL; ALTER TABLE `clients` ADD `where_you_hear_about_us` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `image`; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `sale_email_text` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `default_http_api`; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `email_footer` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `sale_email_text`; ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `invoice_email_text` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `email_footer`;
Change Log 2.2 to 3.0
- Add Image in Inventory Table - Fix Barcode Problem in Print Barcodes Inventory - Update Repair Statuses (Completed checkbox thing) - Fix any calculation issue for repairs with tax - Settings -> order & reparation -> categories: can add category but disappears after saving - Purchases -> download pdf : rounds up numbers, 2 decimals would be needed - editing purchases: When it was set up as ordered and I go back editing to mark it as arrived or trying to do any modifications to it its not possible - POS Open/Close Drawer different coins in settings - Add SMSInfo.API android Gateway - Add Original Nexmo API - Add Pattern/Pin Lock System - Warranty System - Document Sign - Calendar Widget show repairs too - Add Reparation ITEMS change quantity and price - Add Reparation Payments - Add Sales Payments. - Remove Advance Scene - Add Paid System - Import/Export Systems Customers - Forgot password email system - Activity Log - Add Table State Save based on users - custom sms api function. - Permission Lang - And the tax is not appearing in POS invoice. - Change status directly from table - And Much More
- Download v3.0
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 3.0 files in place of 2.2
- Copy application/config/database.php from 2.2 backup to 3.0
- Copy application/config/config.php from 2.2 backup to 3.0
- Copy assets/uploads from 2.2 to 3.0
- Create a folder named “signs” in assets/uploads
- Run the Update30.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here: otsglobal.org/cc_updates/rms_pos/Update30.sql
Change Log 1.1 to 2.2
- Added composer - Replaced phpexcel with phpSpreadsheet - Added Reparation in Client view modal - Added Links on Client Name And Reparation code. - Remove Tax Rate Required Attribute - Add Assigned To field - Added Manufacturer field - Added 3 Reports And Invoice Templates - Add Barcode Generator for reparations - Added different views for completed & pending repairs - Add autocompletion to defect & category - Add expected close date - Add Imei to autofill repair details - Add numeric codes for repairs - And Much More
- Download v2.2
- Take Database & Files Backup.
- Extract 2.2 files in place of 1.1
- Copy application/config/database.php from 1.1 backup to 2.2
- Copy application/config/config.php from 1.1 backup to 2.2
- Copy assets/uploads from 1.1 to 2.2
- Create a folder named “backgrounds” in assets/uploads
- Run the Update.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here: otsglobal.org/cc_updates/rms_pos/Update 2.2.sql
Change Log 1.1
— Added Inventory Images — Added Quick Add by Barcode in POS — Added Categories Filter in POS — Added Products Show with Pagination — Bugs Removed — Fixed Translations — Home Page Permissions — Added Postal Code Field for clients — Added Parsley.JS Form Validation — Updated Codeigniter and AdminLTE
- Download v1.1
- Backup your current rms_application files (v1.0) and export current database as sql (as pre-caution).
- Delete v1.0 rms_application files and extract v1.1 as replacement
- Restore rms_application/assets/uploads/logos & rms_application/assets/uploads/members folder from v1.0
- Restore rms_application/application/config/config.php, rms_application/application/config/database.php files from v1.0
- Go to phpMyAdmin , select your database and run the following SQL:
ALTER TABLE `inventory` ADD `image` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `isDeleted`;
UPDATE `inventory` SET `image`="no_image.png" WHERE 1;
ALTER TABLE `permissions` ADD `dashboard-qemail` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `categories-delete`, ADD `dashboard-qsms` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `dashboard-qemail`;
ALTER TABLE `clients` ADD `postal_code` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL AFTER `city`;
UPDATE `settings` SET `version` = '1.1' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 1;
CREATE TABLE `pos_settings` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`products_per_page` int(11) NOT NULL,
`product_button_color` varchar(50) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `pos_settings` (`id`, `products_per_page`, `product_button_color`) VALUES
(1, 10, 'default');
ALTER TABLE `pos_settings`
ALTER TABLE `pos_settings`
Change Log 1.1 to 1.11
— Added Translations
- Download v1.11
- Replace downloaded 1.11 application/languages folder in your server rms_folder (1.1)
- Replace downloaded 1.11 application/views/_base/foot.php in your server rms_folder (1.1)