Arcade Script is full featured CMS platform to create an online gaming mobile responsive website powerful features and updates included.

Site created with this script:

Monetization Options

  • Google Adsense or other ads Network
  • Earn money by publishing games from game distribution sites.
  • Subscriptions for premium games.

Mobile Responsive Arcade Site Script - 1

Dark Theme

Mobile Responsive Arcade Site Script - 2

Light theme

Mobile Responsive Arcade Site Script - 3

Light theme is available as free download from script admin panel theme repository.


  • Premium games type
  • Paypal checkout

Game types

  • Html5, JavaScript
  • Unity
  • Flash
  • Dosbox

Adding games

  • From games distributor sites, automated games installation.
  • Upload game files via control panel.
  • Adding game iframe code.

Game dsitributors (game feeds)

  • Famobi
  • GameDistribution
  • GameMonetize
  • GameArter
  • GamePix


  • Login, Signup, Password recovery
  • Player experience and level
  • Player badges
  • Favorite games
  • Optional login and signup with Facebook, Twitter, Google (OAuth client)

Language translations

  • Auto translate categories and tags with translation api
  • Translate game title, description and instructions with Translations Api
  • Google translation api driver
  • Yandex translation api driver

Theme languages

  • German
  • Spanish
  • Russian

Theme Editor

Optional extension available from script Control Panel > Extensions > Repository

  • Upload site logo
  • Code editor


Optional extension available from script Control Panel > Extensions > Repository

Site Front-end

  • Leaderboard page
  • Option to hide games on mobile device.
  • Sitemap settings
  • Mobile detect module
  • Optional game preview page
  • Ads manager extension – easy setup Google adSense
  • Multilanguage
  • Mobile Responsive Theme
  • Game search
  • Show games by category
  • Show games by tag
  • Featured games panel
  • Share buttons
  • Popular games panel
  • Popular games page
  • Featured games page
  • Privacy Policy dialog
  • Game rating
  • Games tags
  • Category thumbnail image
  • Full screen button in game play page
  • Game comments

Control Panel

  • Game thumbnails import.
  • Language translations for Cateogories And Tags
  • Category thumbnail image upload
  • Sort games by title, plays, date and status
  • Game feeds
    • Famobi
    • GameDistribution
    • GameMonetize
    • GameArter
  • Automated game installation from game feed.
  • Game categories
  • Game tags
  • Edit game
  • Upload Game
  • Game types
    • Html
    • Unity
    • Flash
  • Search game
  • Disable game
  • Delete game
  • Settings
    • Games installation task settings
    • Show/Hide game plays
  • Share buttons settings
  • Game rating settings
  • Cron scheduler auto installation
  • Google sitemap

Demo User

User Login

User: demo
Password: demo

Control Panel Demo


User: admin
Password: admin

Site Demo


  • PHP 7.2.5, 7.3, 7.4
  • PDO php extension
  • Curl php extension
  • Zip php extension
  • Apache 2 with mod_rewrite enabled.
  • Linux server
  • MySQL 5.7+ with InnoDB

Post Install Settings

  1. Crontab installation Control Panel > System > Cron
  2. Set Arcade Site theme as primary and click update button in
    Control Panel > System > Themes
  3. Language settings Control Panel > Languages
  4. Enable cache Control Panel > System > Settings > Cache

Created with Arikaim CMS



ver 2.4.3
    - Theme optimizations, improved page load speed.
ver 2.4.2
    - Code optimizations, improved page load speed.
    - Bug fixing.
ver 2.4.1
    - Added Light Theme    
ver 2.4.0
    - Added
        - Game thumbnails import.
    - Changes
        - Page load speed improved.
ver 2.3.0
    - New theme.
ver 2.2.0
    - Page load speed optimizations.
    - Theme editor added upload logo. 

ver 2.1.1
    - Control Panel improvements
    - Bug fixed in tags relations.
    - Translations extension improvements. 
ver 2.1.0
    - Install page fixing 
    - Contrl panel improvements.
ver 2.0.1
    - Bug fixing
    - Theme grid fix.
    - Contrl panel repository improvements.
ver 2.0.0
    - Changes 
        - Theme changes.
        - Improved install page.
    - Added 
        - Subscriptions, PayPal subscriptions. 
        - Premium games type - Games avaliable for subscribed users only.   
ver 1.9.5   
    - Changes 
        - Theme changes.
    - Fixed:
        - User logout
    - Added 
        - Theme editor optinal extension.
        - User remove favorite game.
        - Automated games translaion job.
ver 1.9.4   
    - Changes 
        - Theme changes.
ver 1.9.3
    - Added
        - Enable or Disable Adsense library.
    - Changes 
        - Page load speed increased.
ver 1.9.1
    - Fixed:
        - Bug in install page.
        - Theme small changes.
ver 1.9.0
    - Changes:
        - PHP 7.4 support
        - Theme changes
        - Code optimizations
ver 1.8.0
    - Added:
        - Game comments
        - Control panel filter games by status
        - Control panel filter users by status
        - Control panel package details.
ver 1.7.1
    - Added:
        - Option to hide games on mobile devices
        - Mobile detect module, 
        - Sitemap extension settings
    - Fixed
        - theme paginator, game preview bugs
        - sitemap extension
        - games autoinstallation job
ver 1.7.0
    - Added:
        - Theme translation
        - Dos games type, 
        - About, Dos games  page
    - Fixed
        - minor bugs
ver 1.6.1
    - Added:
        - User signup, login system
        - Leaderboard page.
        - Optional game preview page.
    - Fixed
        - Game delete bug (translations delete)
ver 1.5.1
    - Added:
        - Language translations for categories and tags.
        - Yandex translate api driver
    - Fixed
        - Bug in games auto instalation job.  
ver 1.5.0
    - Added:
        - Game page custom meta tags (title, description and keywords)
        - Game language translations 
ver 1.4.0
    - Added:
        - Full screen button in game play page
        - Flash game type
        - Category thumbnail image
ver 1.3.1
    - Added:
        - German language translation
        - Sort games by title, plays, date and status
ver 1.3.0
    - Added:
        - Ads manager extension - easy setup Google adSense
ver 1.2.0
    - Added:
        - Game Feeds Module
        - GameArter feed
    - Changes:
        - Mobile Responsive Theme
ver 1.1.0
    - Added:
        - Multilanguage
        - Game notes field
        - Game display name field
        - Spanish language translation
        - Russian language translation