Midrub Social Planner is the most advanced tool which can automatize the posting of posts on social networks. With several clicks you can planify the posting of your posts for the next year. You can select the days when the posts will be published, interval of two dates and interval of two hours. You can select the order of posts and limit number of published posts per day.
You can test the Midrub Social Planer here: http://planner.midrub.com/
With Midrub Social Planner you can select up to 100 posts for planification and planify them with several clicks. You can select both social accounts and groups with accounts. You can add unlimited rules for each planification.
If you have 100 posts, them will be published from 1 to 100 and then will start again from 1. And you have the option random and selected posts will be published in random way.
With this app you can create new posts with images, videos, links, title and text. You can even import from a CSV file up to 1000 posts.
On the calendar you will see the planned posts per day, week or month. You can click on them and see details. Anytime you can delete the planned posts for an exact day or edit them.
Social accounts can be connected in the manager directly from the Planify modal. Same for groups with accounts. You can select or unselect them even for saved planifications. Posts can be edited even for saved planifications and you can create new rules.
You have the possibility to add images to a category, select a number of posts and multimedia category and the category’s multimedia will be added automatically in random way to the selected posts. You can add/remove multimedia files in the multimedia category whenever you want from the Storage app.
Midrub Social Planner has a plan limit and you can decide per plan how many posts can planify users. This app can be translated and supports multiple languages.
Midrub Social Planner is not a standalone script. It is an app for Midrub. Source