Candidate finder is an advance recruitment and applicant tracking system specially designed for any organization’s HR department or head hunting / recruitment firms. It’s unique job board offers you to do an analysis and scrutiny among applying candidates before having them on-board. The built in scaling tools (quizzes, interviews and traits) can be assigned to all or some particular candidates helping you to do an overall and specific comparison among them for their skills and abilities. You can download resumes, quiz results and interview results for all or a set of selected candidates by applying different filters.

The system is built on codeigniter with a complete and easy to use admin panel for controlling content and features on the system. With the minimum set of installation requirements, it can be set up on any apache or nginx hosting. The front end is built on a nice and responsive template with features for candidates to built their resume, attempt quizzes and more.

Main Features








Demo Details

Admin :
Email : [email protected]
Pass : 60703310

Candidate Area :
Email : [email protected]
Pass : 60703310

Installation & Setup

Instructions are included in documentation for installation and complete usage of the system with step by step pictorial guides. Follow this video for database setup and script installation.

Server Requirements

The set of requirements are very simple and are available/enabled on most of the hosting providers.

  • Apache or nginx
  • Database support (e.g. mysql or mssql)
  • PHP 5.6 or greater
  • PDO extension support
  • PHP GD library support
  • OpenSSL support
  • CURL support
  • Uploads folder needs to be writeable


  • Job Board with unique features
  • Interactive Dashboard
  • Team/Users with roles and permissions
  • Multi-language with ten language translations included
  • Interviews creation, assignment and conduct with pdf feature
  • Quiz designer with concept of re-usability
  • Interview designer (similar as quiz designer)
  • Traits management
  • Quiz Wizard feature for candidates
  • Multiple resume builder for candidates
  • News & Announcements via blog
  • Gmail and Linkedin login (apis)
  • Front end features for home page and footer
  • Jobs management
  • Companies & Departments management for jobs
  • Settings for system management
  • Responsive design for both admin and candidate area

Updates Log

Version 1.5 – 05th Dec, 2021

-Added : Display job filters on home banner.
-Added : Delete job application feature from job board.
-Added : Show rejected in candidate area in job applications when rejected.
-Added : Interview view/conduct from job board.
-Fixed : Footer text formatting issue.
-Fixed : Datatables get requests converted to post requests.
-Fixed : Individual job detail page job trait as lang.
-Fixed : Interview pdf download error.

Version 1.4 – 17th May, 2021

-Added : Custom filters feature.
-Added : Candidate creation by admin feature.
-Added : Admin login as candidate feature
-Added : Link for document resume in resume view.
-Added : From email address field for mail send with auto detect domain in settings.
-Added : Option to ask for data import during installation.
-Fixed : Banner and logo upload issue.
-Fixed : Linkedin oAuth remote request issue.
-Fixed : Word wrap issue in description of job detail and blog detail page.
-Fixed : Admin Job list bulk action issue.
-Fixed : Email templates static logo issue.
-Removed : Companies module as purpose can be served with job filters.

Version 1.3 – 19th Nov, 2020

-Added : Enable/Disable multiple resume feature.
-Added : Search candidates by job titles and experience in candidates pool.
-Fixed : "strict_sql_mode" issue.
-Fixed : Candidate Interview remarks issue.

Version 1.2 – 6th July, 2020

-Added : Date, Time and Location field in interview assignment.
-Added : Notifications to user and team member when interview assigns.
-Added : Notification to user when quiz assigns.
-Added : Message candidate feature.
-Fixed : Setting -> Api redirect uri issue during installation.
-Removed : Alphabetic charachter restriction from some fields to support multi language.

Version 1.1 – 3rd June, 2020

- Added : Automatic update feature.
- Fixed : Intaller issues.
- Fixed : Some missing icons