QRexOrder – SaaS Online ordering / Restaurant management / Reservation system
QRexOrder is a SaaS-based multi-restaurant food ordering & reservation system with payment gateways. It’s very secure, well documented, fast & user-friendly. It is mainly using to make a restaurant website and online food ordering, reservation and delivery system.
It will reduce your pain of receiving order from customer as well as cost & time. Waiting for waiters is painful for customers. By using QRexOrder customer can create order for cash-on-delivery, can booking by checking available days. after finalize order customer can download QR code or can order using WhatsApp. Customer can for track order with Qr code or order id or phone number. and can continue chat over WhatsApp for quick response. There is also a reservation system for different purpose like weeding, birthday party etc.
It has a home landing pages and other essential pages. It will compatible with various payment gateways called PayPal, Stripe, Razor pay. It created with CodeIgniter 3.7 for the backend and Bootstrap for the front end. It has an awesome admin panel and user panel. Without writing any code you can manage it properly from the admin area. The application is fully responsive to all devices.
Customer Panel, Delivery Staff & Order track with Details Available Now
Make a perfect contactless Restaurant in your own Language
Some Unique features
- PWA For all restaurants
- 7+ Popular payment gateways
- 2 Unique themes / Layouts
- Extras / Topping / add-on option for items
- Multiple sizes for items
- 6 Order system COD , Dine-in, Booking, Takeaway / Pickup, Pay in cash (online payment with payment gateway) & Reservation
- Shipping Charge: Location / Area based Or Fixed shipping charge
- Dynamic QR code builder with items, logo and text
- Customer login enable / disable customer rating & feedback with customer Panel
- Delivery Guy & Staff
- Print invoice, POS invoice, Export PDF, Sales statistics
- Dynamic Near by shop with items depends on your location
- Dynamic SEO Fields with google analytics & Facebook pixel
- Order Tracking
- Product duplicate / clone
- Drag and Drop Product sorting
- Re-order previous order
- Dynamic whatsapp message
- Order Notification with sound & More….
Landing page demo | Restaurant Demo | |||
Landing page demo | Restaurant Demo | |||
Admin accessUsername: admin Password: 1234 |
Restaurant accessUsername: phplime Password: 1234 |
Video Documentation : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP_sYHPe0lYUhjmn-pPvMrpuQXsqIFBNn
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- ZIP PHP Extension
- FileInfo PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Codeigniter 3.1.7
- PHP >= 5.5+ (and PHP 7)
- Bootstrap 4
- Ajax
- JQuery
- FontAwesome 4.7 & 5
- Google Fonts
- Restaurant Landing
- Food Listing
- Food Category or Menu
- Food Ordering
- Food Delivering
- Payment Gateways (paypal,stripe,razorpay)
- Email varification with control
- SMS Notification while Accept & complete order with control
- Paypal,Stripe & razorpay payment gateway
- Dynamically create QR code for your restaurant and order
- Login and Registration with ajax Authentication
- Manage Your system with unllimlited features, packages & pages
- Unique Username with ajax cheacker
- Google Analytics
- Unlimited package and pricing
- Free, Trail with 15days & 1 month, Paid Membership System with unlimited packages
- Ajax secure Authentication
- Advanced Settings Options
- Change Favicon, Site Name, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
- Backup database
- Detailed Documentation with commented code
- AdminLTE3 integrated for admin panel
- Clean, Responsive & Eye catching Design
- Standared & clean code
- Fully Responsive Design
- Easy Integration & Customization
- Separate Stylesheet
- All fields have a validation script
- Uses standard PHP server features
- Totally Secure System
QRexOrder is a secure system. There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are:
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
- Avoiding SQL Injection
- Font Awesome Icon
- Flaticon
- IcoFonts
Photo Credit:
- Freepik
- unsplash
If you have any questions about QRexOrder, please feel free to contact with me via email : [email protected]
If you need support please send mail with purchase / License code
We will support only an apache server with cPanel.
Thank You!
If you plan to use this product and charge from your end users on the platform (using payment systems) then you must purchase the Extended License, enforced by the Envato license terms. See License Terms
There are some requirements to work on your server. These requirements are:
- PHP >= 7.2+
- cUrl
- Apache with mod_rewrite
version 2.2 - 14 January 22 Added - 1 New theme - Table Qrcode builder - Time & date format - custom css field - Enable / disable preloader - Add Order qrcode in invoices - Security pin for track order and call waiter - Customer information in pos invoice - Domain/server change widget - Fix - Package name not showing in KDS - Time slots issues - Fix some unknow issues - Whatsapp issues in iOS - Changes Some UI / UX - Improve UI / UX
version 2.1 - 7 December 21 Added - Added PWA. - Dynamic whatsapp Message - drag and drop sorting in product & categody - Google map key access from admin - twilio Message after order completed and accept with dynamic message - Forget passord for delivery guy and customer - Add sorting by order in products and category - Product clone / duplicate - Re order from track list - Dynamic fonts - Number format - Currency position - 7+ Language added - added language switcher for restaurant - Delivery order loaded dynamically in delivery guy panel - Fix - pickup time in invoice - Hide / show call waiter & review - Changes Some UI / UX - Improve UI / UX
version 2.0 - 7 November 21 Added - Added Paytm, Mercadopago, stripe fpx, Flutterwave payment gateway. - Call a waiter option - Area/location based delivery charge - added multiple images in item details - Enable / disable customer login in checkout page - Enable / disable veg type select - Dynamic QR code builder - Dynamic icon / image for restaurant banner - Custom landing page - Google analytics and facebook pixel for both admin and restaurant - Fix - Hide users in footer - Hide home section in home page - Package name not showing in pos invoice - Improve UI / UX
version 1.9 - 2 October 21 Added - Added Tax in order for restaurants - Added Discount in order for restaurant - Added Minimum amount for Cash-on-delivery (COD). - Added pickup point time slot. - Added New layout For restaurants with (single checkout page, payment gateway page, order success page & more). - Rating! Customer can rate their order. This rating will show in the restaurant's profile. - Restaurants can create customers and added a customer list for restaurants. - Customers can change information temporarily when orders or can change it for all (account included) - Fix - Double price in whatsapp share - Improve site speed
version 1.8 - 07 September 21 Added - Restaurant Close Popup. - Customer Login and registration - Customer Panel with order list and track - Delivery Staff panel with order status - Set default prepared time - Order details for customer & Delivery Staff with Different UI - Order invoice - Pos print, printer print and export pdf - Add all order in kds - Order track with restaurant & delivery status. - Add comments for all orders - Delivery status in restaurant order list - Filter option in all order list with pagination - Sells, Item, Order, Customer Purchased statistics with Filter - Impore theme design. - Fix - Decimal price in item size - Get start in landing page
version 1.7 - 01 August 21 Added - Twilo SMS notification when accept & complete order with control - Phone number, Google Map link, pickup time in whatsapp order - Weekly and 15days in trail package - Razorpay Payment gateway in Pay-in-order - Fix - Multiple item count in cart for all device - Profile link in dashboard - Decimal price in item size - Get start in landing page
version 1.6 - 25 June 21 Added - Staff / restaurant access with permission - Item pagination and search with ajax - Add single category page with search and pagination - Added pagination in users page - Live kitchen status for user's - Fix - Css issues - Time issue in order - Fix blank in reservation approve
version 1.5 - 06 June 21 Added - Extras / add-on in the items - QR menu builder - Real time notification - Order Histories - Google map link in the cash-on-delivery - KDS (Kitchen Display system) - Online payment added under package - Fix - Css issues - Responsive issues
version 1.4 - 18 May 21 Added - Seo configuration for both site and restaurant - Improve user preferences - Fix - Payment issue in pay in cash method
version 1.3 - 14 May 21 Added - Item Stock arability with control - Pickup point with google map location - Dine-in with table area and table allowed person - order prepared time slot with dynamic count timer - Improve admin preferences - Improve user preferences - Improve responsive issue - Fix - Item size for multiple restaurant - Currency issue in order
version 1.2 - 20 April 21 Added - Added Multi-language - Added Pay in cash (online payment in order) - Added Multiple currency & dial code - Shipping charge both online payment & cash on delivery - Added controller for WhatsApp, order system, payment system - Added Controller for home page menu & all sections - Improve admin preferences - Improve user preferences - Improve responsive issue
version 1.1 - 29 March 21 Added - Google recaptcha - Delivery Charge in cash on delivery - Pickup option
version 1.0 - 24 March 21 initial release