“Marketing’s prime purpose is to lead the B2B organization’s quest to identify opportunities, architect strategies, orchestrate execution, and ensure profitable revenue growth through a relentless focus on delivering value to existing and future customers and stakeholders.” This statement was shared by Lori Wizdo, the vice-president and the principal analyst at Forrester. What do you believe marketing’s primary purpose is?

Unfortunately, as a B2B marketer, achieving marketing objectives isn’t always an easy task. It’s necessary to regularly explore trends and remain aware of both current and future B2B trends. Fortunately for you, this article sheds light on the top five B2B marketing trends that could help you achieve major marketing objectives and scale your company in 2022 and the years ahead.

ALSO READ: Consistency, focus and data are the keys to setting marketing strategies that win revenue in 2022

1.  Decline of Third-Party Cookies and High Demand of Personalization

If you didn’t already know, third-party cookies are on the verge of extinction. Regardless of the eventual death of third-party cookies, personalized marketing is gaining more attention and demand in both the B2B and B2C worlds. According to one source,  74 percent of buyers prefer companies to provide personalized offers, and the demand for personalized marketing experiences continues to exponentially surge.

B2B marketers are under tremendous pressure to meet buyers’ demands, which opens the door to alternatives that allow marketers to track and collect data and even create comprehensive buyer profiles. Also, one option worth considering is to practice unparalleled marketing strategies such as account-based marketing to create personalized campaigns, surveys intended to segment audiences, and A/B testing to improve prospect and buyer engagement.

2. Effective Use of Chatbots

Let’s accept the fact that most customers don’t like to wait and want immediate answers to their queries. As human marketers, it can be difficult to deliver 24/7 assistance to all customers. As a result, online chatbots have taken precedence in recent years, and they continue to provide value to different companies for a variety of reasons.

Interestingly,  one source reported that nearly 58 percent of B2B companies use chatbot systems for customer assistance purposes, and 34 percent of B2B executives claimed to save and utilize their time more productively performing other tasks. 

3. Rising Influence of Voice Marketing

Nearly 10% of B2B companies in the U.S. are already using voice assistance and technology, and 22% are planning to use it in the future.

What may come as a surprise is that voice marketing is no longer a proven marketing strategy within only the B2C realm. Due to the rapid technological advancements and increasing business requirements, voice marketing has recently become quite a popular concept in the B2B landscape. Put simply, voice marketing uses various channels to effectively reach an audience.

The two most popular and effective methods of voice marketing consist of podcast marketing and voice assistance marketing through the use of voice assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

4.  Narrow In On Neuromarketing 

Neuromarketing can be described as a marketing technique that focuses on helping marketers understand the behavior of modern buyers. By taking the neuromarketing approach, brands can meet their goal of uncovering their buyers’ needs, motivations, and preferences.

From here, companies can tap into their customers’ intent of buying their products as well as their behavior when visiting a specific website. Brands can also generate patterns that enable them to identify their customers’ needs, preferences, goals, and objectives. In turn, brands can stay ahead of their competition within this ultra-crowded and ever-changing B2B environment. 

5.  Emergence of Hybrid Events

During the peak time of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, numerous B2B companies either canceled their in-person events or held them virtually. As a result of these unforeseen changes, many brands incurred huge losses both in terms of profit and knowledge sharing. Overall, hybrid events are viewed by many as a modern B2B marketing approach that empowers companies to engage with their customers face-to-face and virtually. By 2022, 74% of marketers are planning to adopt hybrid events for their business. 

All in all, change is the only constant even within the B2B marketing world. It’s more important now than ever before for brands to adapt to different changes, remain aware of the newest B2B trends and technologies, and transform the way business activities are performed. Thanks to these top 5 B2B marketing trends, brands like yours can effectively reach your target audiences, serve them in better and more personalized ways, and help you to become a leader in 2022. 

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