Instagram is experimenting and improving. Consistently.

It continues its support to creators and influencers by introducing fundraisers and shoppable feeds. While brands can now add swipe-up links for increased website traffic, and go for Remix and Collab Reels.

With every update, Instagram adds value to its users. So how can marketers like you extract the benefit out of it?

Well, we’ve compiled a list of 50+ Instagram statistics that will help boost your brand’s Instagram presence.

Instagram Demographics Statistics

With a massive growth over the past decade, Instagram statistics finally unveil that more than 2 billion are actively using the platform. The majority of the audience hail from India, followed by the U.S. and Brazil.

According to Statista reports, more female Instagram users have dominated the platform, making up 51.6% of the Instagram population. Check out more such Instagram stats from here.

  1. Instagram has more than 2 billion active users.
  2. 64% of Instagrammers are under 34 years.
  3. The 25-34 year old age group is the largest of the demographics, attributing to 31.2% of the total Instagram population.
  4. Daily active users of Instagram stories are 500 million.
  5. 17.6% of the world population uses Instagram.
  6. Instagram has 51.6% female and 48.4% male audiences.
  7. The highest users of Instagram are in India (201 million), the U.S. (157 million), and Brazil (115 million).

Instagram Usage Statistics

Instagram statistics have shown the platform’s growing usage over the years, with more than 60% of Instagram users frequenting the platform at least once daily. Stories have also been a favorite feature of Instagram users, with more than 70% of people watching them every day.

If you are planning to use stories on Instagram, make sure to keep the important ones in your highlights. So every time a new visitor comes to your profile, they can check out relevant stories from the highlight. Here are some more vital Instagram statistics to get you started.

  1. 58% of marketers are planning to leverage reels in 2022.
  2. About 6 in 10 Instagram users log in at least once daily.
  3. 21% of users log in weekly, and 16% log in less often than that.
  4. 38% of users log in to the platform multiple times.
  5. More than 100 million photos are uploaded on the platform each day.
  6. The average time spent on Instagram is 28 minutes.
  7. 70% of the people watch Instagram stories daily.
  8. 71.9% of the content on Instagram is photo posts.
  9. 130 million users tap on shopping posts each month.
  10. 40% of Instagrammers post stories daily.

Instagram Engagement Statistics

Thanks to reels, engagement rates are at an all-time high. Instagram has long moved from being a photo-sharing app to a video sharing platform, thereby emphasizing the use of both long-form and short-form video content.

Instagram statistics also highlight the importance of hashtags and geotags for generating exponential reach.

Posts with at least one hashtag have received 12.6% more engagement than ones having no hashtags. Posts with tagged locations also have received 79% more interaction. Have a look at more Instagram stats to understand the engagement dynamics of the platform.

  1. The average engagement rate for all post types is 0.83%.
  2. The average engagement rate for photo posts is 0.81%, video posts is 0.61%, and carousel posts is 1.08%.
  3. Business accounts with fewer than 10,000 followers have an average engagement rate of 1.11%.
  4. Business accounts with 10,000-100,000 followers have an engagement rate of 0.93%.
  5. The average number of likes per Instagram post is 1261.
  6. Longer captions get better engagement.
  7. On average, 10.7 hashtags are used in Instagram posts.
  8. Instagram has 58% more engagement per follower than Facebook.
  9. 100 million Instagrammers watch or launch live videos daily.
  10. Photos with faces perform almost 40% better than without faces.
  11. Videos get 21.2% more engagement compared to images.
  12. Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement.
  13. Instagram users engage more on weekdays, with Wednesday and Thursday showing the most engagement.
  14. Users like 4.2 billion posts on Instagram each day.
  15. 80% of the stories with voiceover or music drive better low funnel results than ads with no sound.
  16. Posts with tagged locations get 79% more engagement.

Instagram Business Statistics

Instagram has paved the way for entrepreneurs to expand their business online. From shoppable feeds to product tagging on stories and posts, businesses are growing here in leaps and bounds.

You can even take a step ahead and optimize your bio with crisp descriptions. Add a link to your site and direct more traffic to your website. Have a look at these Instagram statistics to use the platform to uplift your business.

  1. More than 25 million businesses use Instagram to promote their services and products.
  2. 90% of accounts follow at least one business on Instagram.
  3. 2 in 3 people surveyed believe Instagram enables interaction with brands.
  4. 81% of Instagrammers use the platform for researching new products and services.
  5. 44% of businesses use stories to promote their products.
  6. 98% of fashion brands use Instagram.
  7. 67% of users watch branded stories.
  8. 83% of Instagram users discover new products and services on the platform.
  9. 73% of marketers are in favor of Instagram for influencer marketing.
  10. The average monthly follower growth of business accounts on Instagram is +1.46%.
  11. There are 500,000 active influencers on Instagram.
  12. 54% of all influencers on Instagram are nano-influencers, while 33% are micro-influencers.
  13. 70% of shopping enthusiasts turn to Instagram for product discovery.
  14. Instagram business accounts post an average of 1 post daily.

Instagram Ads Insights

Though the organic reach of Instagram is pretty good, marketers still rely on ads heavily to outdo their fellow competitors. You can run ads easily from the app and target different sets of demographics.

Before going for ads though, consider boosting your best performing posts. You can use the same for ads from Creator studio and reach out to maximum people.

Also, Instagram statistics show that marketers spend 69% of their budget on influencer marketing on Instagram. So it is wise to consider influencer campaigns if you haven’t started yet. Check out more of Instagram statistics to decide on the ad specifics.

  1. 50% of Instagram users are more interested in a brand when they see ads on Instagram.
  2. Instagram marketers spend 69% of their budget on influencer marketing on Instagram.
  3. The U.S. has the highest potential Instagram advertising reach, followed by India and Brazil.
  4. 75% of Instagrammers take action on at least one ad.
  5. The highest Instagram advertising audience is from the 25-34 age group, which is 32.3% of all Instagrammers.
  6. Instagram’s advertising audience grew by 20.3%.
  7. 1.39 billion people can be reached through adverts on Instagram.
  8. Marketers can reach 22.7% of the population aged 13+ with adverts on Instagram.
  9. 48.4% of the ad audience on Instagram is female, and 51.6% is male.
  10. Collection ads receive 6% more conversions.
  11. Video ads have 3x more engagement than photos.

Instagram Top Brands

Instagram statistics on top brands show the raging popularity of the platform in bringing them closer to their followers.

From sharing inside-talks to secret tips, to even going live and mentoring people, brands are utilizing the platform in the best way possible. Take some cues from the top brands’ Instagram stats.

  1. National Geographic is the most popular, with 199 million followers.
  2. Nike has 189 million followers on Instagram.
  3. Real Madrid CF has 107 million followers on Instagram.
  4. FC Barcelona has 103 million followers on Instagram.
  5. UEFA Champions League has 85.8 million followers on Instagram.


The marketing folks rely on Instagram for exemplary promotional feats. Especially after introducing Reels, users are seemingly captivated, which results in off-the-chart engagement rates for brands.

With the above mentioned Instagram statistics, we’re sure you’d be able to create a stellar Instagram marketing strategy.

As more features continue to be released, strive to build your presence by creating engaging posts and scheduling them with Instagram marketing tools.

You can even opt for a tool like SocialPilot that lets you curate content, schedule posts and first comment, access conversations from Social Inbox, and more.

Take its 14-day free trial and empower your social media marketing not just on Instagram but on multiple platforms.

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