Varient – News & Magazine Script v1.9

Varient is a multi-purpose news & magazine script. It has clean, responsive and user-friendly design. You can manage almost everything in your site with its powerful Admin panel. It is multi-author system and all authors have their own panel to manage their posts. It has RSS aggregator system and you can use it as an autopilot script. It is secure, SEO optimized, fast and easy to use.



Key Features

  • Clean and Responsive Design
  • Built Using Bootstrap
  • Totally Secure System
  • Multilingual System (New Language Can be Added Easily)
  • RTL Support
  • SEO Optimized
  • SEO-Friendly URLs
  • Layout Options (Light and Dark Mode)
  • Unlimited Layout Colors
  • Editable & Sortable Navigation (With Mega Menu)
  • External Link & Dropdown Options for Navigation
  • Responsive & Sortable Slider
  • Responsive Ad Spaces for Any Kind of Ad Codes (Including Google AdSense)
  • Create Ad Codes
  • Author Reward System
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
  • AWS S3 Integration
  • Structured Data (JSON-LD)
  • Adding Unlimited Fully Editable Pages
  • Show & Hide Options for Page, Page Title, Page Breadcrumb, Page Right Column
  • Gallery Page (Enable & Disable Option)
  • Gallery Albums and Categories
  • Add, Delete Photos
  • Contact Page (With Google Map)
  • Search in Site
  • Reading List Page (Add & Remove from List)
  • Featured Posts
  • News Ticker
  • Emoji Reactions
  • Add, Delete, Update Posts
  • Bulk Post Upload System
  • Article, Gallery, Ordered List, Trivia Quiz, Personality Quiz, Video and Audio Post Formats
  • Scheduled Posts
  • Pending Posts
  • Drafts
  • Downloadable Files (DOC, ZIP, PDF..) for Posts
  • Add Multiple Images to a Post
  • GIF Support
  • Add, Delete, Update Categories
  • Newsletter (Send Html Email to All Registered Emails)
  • Manage Subscribers
  • Lazy Image Loading
  • Dynamic Tag System
  • Voting Poll (Add, Delete Unlimited Poll)
  • Social Login (Facebook, Google and VKontakte)
  • Social Sharing
  • Social Media Links
  • Sidebar Widgets (Add, Delete, Update Widgets)
  • Widget: Popular Posts
  • Widget: Recommended Posts
  • Widget: Random Posts Slider
  • Widget: Tags
  • Widget: Voting Poll
  • Page view Counts (Enable & Disable Option)
  • Ajax Comment System
  • Facebook Comments
  • Comment Approval System
  • Manage Comments
  • Manage Contact Messages
  • Advanced Post Options
  • Database Cache System
  • Roles & Permissions System
  • Follow & Unfollow Users
  • Email Verification
  • Sitemap.xml Generator
  • RSS Aggregator System (Auto Update with Cron Job) (Doesn’t support full-text RSS)
  • RSS Feeds (With Different Channels)
  • Font Settings (New Google Fonts Can be Added Easily)
  • Route Settings (Static Routes can be Edited)
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Rich Text Editor (Image and Video Can Be Added)
  • Membership System with 4 Roles (Admin, Moderator, Author, User)
  • Manage Registered Users
  • Ban User Accounts
  • Change User Role
  • Admin & Author Profile Page
  • Enable & Disable Membership System
  • Enable & Disable Comment System
  • Secure Authentication
  • Password Reset
  • Google Analytics
  • Advanced Settings Options
  • Visual Settings
  • Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
  • Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Runs on PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0


  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
  • Password Hashing
  • Avoiding SQL Injection


  • PHP >= 5.6+
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • Exif PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension


We will keep developing our application, but we will no longer sell support. If you see any problem with your license or if you see any problem during the installation, you can contact us via our support desk ( ) . If you see a bug, you can always report it to us via our support desk. We will check the error and make the necessary fixes for the next updates. However, support will not be provided for other questions and requests.


Demo Link : Demo
Admin Demo Link : Admin Demo

Username: [email protected]
Password: 1234

Username: [email protected]
Password: 1234

Username: [email protected]
Password: 1234

Username: [email protected]
Password: 1234

Project Updates

Login to our support desk and read this article to update your site:

30 June 2021 – Version 1.9

- Added AWS S3 Storage Option
- Added Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon  SES)
- Added Structured Data (JSON-LD)
- Added New Newsletter System
- Added Auto Post Deletion System
- Added Option to Create Sitemap.xml in Parts
- Added Color Picker Option for Site Color (Unlimited Color Options)
- Added Button to the Header to Switch Site Mode (Light / Dark)
- Added Import/Export Option for Languages
- Added Option to Open RSS Posts on the Original Site
- Added Option to Generate Keywords from Title for RSS Posts
- Added Option to Download Database Backup 
- Updated Emoji Reactions
- Updated Social Login
- Updated Preferences Section
- Updated Email Settings Section
- Removed Visual Settings from Profile Settings (Due to new color option)
- Removed Send Post to All Subscribers Option (Due to new newsletter system)
- Fixed Subcategory Links in Sitemap
- Fixed PHP 8 Errors
- Fixed Image Upload/Download Errors for CSV and RSS Import
- Fixed Gallery RTL Issues
- Fixed Reported Bugs

31 October 2020 – Version 1.8.1

- Added a New Function to Detect Bots
- Fixed Gallery Image Upload Bug
- Fixed RSS Image Download Bug
- Updated Sitemap Generator

20 September 2020 – Version 1.8

- Added Author Reward System
- Added Progressive Web App (PWA)
- Added Bulk Post Upload System (With a CSV file)
- Added Database Language System
- Added Account Deletion Option
- Added Cookie Prefix (To Avoid Collisions)
- Added Option to Admin Panel to Hide & Show Users Email on Profile
- Updated Image Optimization Library
- Updated Users Section in the Admin Panel
- Updated Gallery Section in the Admin Panel
- Updated Random Posts System
- Updated Audio Upload Section
- Updated Cron RSS System (Only 3 feeds will be checked in one request to prevent server problems)
- Updated Comment System
- Updated Sitemap Generator
- Fixed Facebook Comments Bug for Dark Mode
- Fixed Query Error for MySQL 8.0
- Fixed Reported Bugs

15 July 2020 – Version 1.7.1

- Added Edit Option to Post Details Page
- Updated Popular Posts System
- Fixed Post Share Bug
- Fixed Reading List Bug
- Fixed Popular Post Bug for Additional Languages
- Fixed Responsive Table Bug 
- Fixed RTL Design Issues
- Fixed Other Reported Bugs

28 February 2020 – Version 1.7

- Improved Site Speed and Performance
- Added Trivia Quiz Post Option
- Added Personality Quiz Post Option
- Added Dark Mode
- Added Comment Approval System
- Added Maintenance Mode
- Added Route Settings Section
- Added Font Settings Section(Different fonts can be selected for different languages)
- Updated Category Link Structure ("category" word removed from the URLs)
- Added Option to Add Downloadable Files for Posts
- Added Option to Enable & Disable Post Options
- Added Visual Settings for Users (Users can select color and dark mode from their profile)
- Added Preview Option for Posts
- Added Post Updated Date to Post Page
- Added Option to Add Posts Without Image
- Added Option to Edit Default Page Slugs
- Updated Admin Navigation 
- Changed Rich Text Editor (Added TinyMCE)
- Added Language Options for Text Editor
- Updated RSS System
- Added Download Option for RSS Images
- Added Link(clickable) Option for Post Titles in the Admin Panel
- Added Post Format Page to Admin Panel
- Updated Preferences section
- Improved File Manager
- Added Image Search Option to File Manager
- Added Date Based Directory File Upload
- Updated Popular Posts Section
- Added Custom CSS Codes Section to Settings
- Added Custom JavaScript Codes Section to Settings
- Added AdSense Activation Code Section
- Updated Scheduled Posts System
- Updated Slider
- Updated Video Player
- Fixed Facebook Video Player Bug
- Updated Sitemap.xml Generator
- Added Show & Hide Option for Home Link
- Added Send Test Email Section to Test Email Settings 
- Removed RSS Default Image Option
- Fixed Reported Bugs

01 December 2019 – Version 1.6.3

- Fixed Password Reset Bug
- Fixed Post Search Bug
- Fixed Email Logo Bug
- Fixed 404 Error for Gallery Post Pagination
- Fixed 404 Error After Clicking Load More Button
- Fixed Post Content Link Color Bug
- Fixed reCAPTCHA Bug for Mobile Devices

6 August 2019 – Version 1.6.2

- Fixed Some Security Bugs

21 June 2019 – Version 1.6.1

- Added Add Image, Embed Media, Add Video, Add Iframe Buttons for Text Editor
- Fixed Adding Video to Post Content Bug 
- Fixed Email Logo Bug
- Fixed Send Post to All Subscribers Bug
- Fixed RSS Image Edit Bug
- Fixed Some CSS Issues

29 May 2019 – Version 1.6

- Added Gallery Post Option
- Added Ordered List Post Option
- Added Album Option to Gallery
- Added Multiple File Upload Option for Gallery
- Added GIF Support
- Added VK Login
- Added Google Login
- Added Hide & Show Option for Profile Email
- Added RSS Posts Option for Users 
- Added Preferences Section to Profile Settings
- Added Telegram Social Media Option
- Added Language Options to Control Panel
- Added Responsive Table Option to Post Content
- Added Send Email Option to a Subscriber
- Added Comment Option for Unregistered Users
- Added Bulk Options for Posts and Contact Messages
- Added Sort Slider Posts by Date Option
- Added Sort Featured Posts by Date Option
- Added Image Edit Option for RSS Posts
- Added Multiple Image Upload Option for Post Images
- Added Image URL Field for Post Images
- Added Search Field to Edit Phrases Page
- Added Search Option to File Manager
- Improved Video Upload Section
- Improved RSS System
- Improved File Manager
- Updated Gallery Section
- Updated Email System
- Updated Comment Section
- Updated Scheduled Posts System
- Updated Facebook Login
- Updated Mobile Menu
- Removed Google Plus
- Removed Google Plus Links
- Fixed Some Bugs & Design Problems

30 March 2019 – Version 1.5.5

- Added PHP Mailer and CodeIgniter Mail Options
- Added Post Summary to Post Details Page
- Fixed Post Publish Problem
- Fixed JPEG Image Upload Bug
- Fixed og:title Bug
- Fixed Profile Dropdown Design Problem in Mobile Version

18 February 2019 – Version 1.5.4

- Updated Image, Video and Audio Upload Functions

19 January 2019 – Version 1.5.3

- Fixed Google Analytics Bug
- Fixed Post Editing Bug
- Fixed Category Selection Bug for RSS Feeds

22 December 2018 – Version 1.5.2

- Fixed Gallery Bug in Additional Languages
- Fixed Sitemap Bug for MySQL 5.7
- Fixed Hide & Show Subcategory in the Menu Bug
- Fixed RSS Feeds Bug
- Fixed Index Load More Posts Bug

17 November 2018 – Version 1.5.1

- Added Admin Login Page
- Added Confirm User Email Option to Admin Panel
- Added Logout Link to Mobile Menu
- Redirected All Old Posts Links to New Links ( to
- Updated Email Template
- Fixed Post Display Problem in the Main Menu
- Fixed Cron Functions Bug
- Fixed Popular Posts Bug
- Fixed Facebook Comments Loading Problem
- Fixed Email Preview Error

08 November 2018 – Version 1.5

- CodeIgniter Version Upgraded to 3.1.9
- Deleted "post" from Post URLs (
- Added Database Cache System
- Added Roles & Permissions System
- Added This Week, This Month and This Year Tabs to Popular Posts
- Added New Profile Page
- Added Settings Page
- Added Follow & Unfollow Users 
- Added Timezone Setting
- Added Email Verification
- Added Email Template
- Added Unsubscribe Link for Newsletter
- Added Choose Post Format Modal
- Added Last Seen Time for Users
- Added "Show Only Users Own Files" Option for File Manager
- Added Change Post Owner Option
- Added Change Admin Panel Link Option
- Added Approve & Don't Approve Option for Users Posts
- Added Administrators Section & Add User Section to Admin Panel
- Added Add Posts as Draft Option for RSS
- Added Send Post via Email to All Subscribers
- Added SVG Logo Option
- Added Email Preview Option
- Added Send Contact Messages to Email Address Option
- Updated Admin Panel Design
- Updated Random Posts Slider(Enabled RSS Posts)
- Updated Slug Generator Function
- Updated Mobile Menu
- Updated Google Map on Contact Page
- Updated Email Library
- Updated File Manager
- Updated Newsletter Section
- Updated Add & Edit Post Sections
- Fixed RSS Character Problem
- Fixed Sitemap.xml Bug
- Fixed Canonical Link
- Removed Admin Panel Login Page

09 July 2018 – Version 1.4.3

-Fixed Logout Bug in Mobile
-Fixed Search Page Bug
-Fixed Some CSS Problems
-Fixed Redirect Problems in Controllers and Models
-Improved Multilingual System

03 July 2018 – Version 1.4.2

-Added Emoji Reactions
-Added Option to Enable & Disable Emoji Reactions
-Added Option to Enable & Disable Newsletter
-Added Option to Hide & Show Sidebar in Post Details
-Fixed Page Update Bug
-Fixed Featured Posts Design for Mobile Devices
-Fixed RSS Wrong Charset Error
-Fixed Load More Posts Bug 
-Improved Slug Generator Function for Categories and Pages 
-Updated Post Details Page 

12 June 2018 – Version 1.4.1

-Updated Google+ Login
-Fixed Post Sharing Bug
-Fixed Adding Post Bug
-Fixed Sending Email Bug
-Added Delete Button for Post Images
-Updated Follow Us Widget

04 June 2018 – Version 1.4

-Added Multilingual System
-Added RTL Support
-Added Language Management System
-Added File Manager for Images, Videos and Audios
-Added Google reCAPTCHA
-Added WhatsApp Share Button
-Added Automatic Sitemap Generator
-Added Image Description Field
-Added Canonical & Hreflang Meta Tags
-Added Optional and Editable Cookies Warning Popup for The EU Cookie Law.
-Added Follow Us Widget
-Updated Facebook Login
-Updated Slug Generator Function
-Fixed Some Bugs

12 May 2018 – Version 1.3.3

-Improved RSS Aggregator System
-Added New Category Design Option
-Fixed Some Bugs

24 March 2018 – Version 1.3.2

-Updated Facebook Login

18 March 2018 – Version 1.3.1

-Improved Video Player
-Fixed Audio Player Overflow Issue
-Fixed Empty Additional Images Bug

09 March 2018 – Version 1.3

-Added Video Post Option
-Added Local Video Upload Option
-Added Audio Post Option (With Playlist)
-Added RSS Importer System (Auto Update with Cron Job)
-Added Navigation Section
-Added External Link & Dropdown Options for Navigation
-Added Parent Link Option for Pages
-Added Save as Draft Option for Posts
-Added "All Users Can Vote" & "Only Registered Users Can Vote" Options for Polls
-Added Load More Button for Latest Posts
-Added Print Post Option
-Added Search Button for Mobile Devices
-Added Multi-Comment Delete Option
-Added Lazy Image Loading
-Added More Ad Spaces
-Added Custom HTML Head Code Field
-Improved Post Section
-Improved Ad Spaces Section
-Improved Seo Tools Section
-Fixed MySQL 5.7 Bug

22 January 2018 – Version 1.2

-Added Remember Me Option
-Added Delete Button for Preview Images
-Improved Video Section
-Fixed Post Share Bug
-Fixed Mobile Menu Bug
-Fixed Comment Block Color Bug
-Fixed Updating Scheduled Video Bug
-Fixed Video Slug Bug

17 January 2018 – Version 1.1

-Added Italian and Spanish Languages
-Admin Panel Translated Into 8 Different Languages
-Added Schedule Post & Video Option
-Added Facebook Comments Plugin
-Added Menu Order for Categories
-Added Create Ad Code Option for Ad Spaces
-Added Edit User Option (Admin can edit a user)
-Added Option to Enable & Disable Registration System
-Added Option to Enable & Disable Comment System
-Added Option to Enable & Disable Facebook Comments
-Added Option to Show & Hide Category on Menu
-Added Option to Show & Hide Category on Homepage
-Added Option to Show & Hide Featured Section
-Added Option to Show & Hide Videos on Homepage
-Added Option to Show & Hide Latest Posts on Homepage
-Added Option to Show & Hide Post Author
-Added Option to Show & Hide Post Date
-Added Option to Show & Hide Post View Count
-Added Copyright Field to Settings
-Added Menu Limit Option for Main Navigation
-Fixed XML Sitemap Bug
-Fixed Ad Spaces Bug
-Fixed RSS Character Bug
-Fixed Category Pagination Bug
-Fixed Some Design Issues
-Improved Urls (Removed Id Number in Post, Video and Category Urls)
-Improved Search Page (Search Keywords in Post Title, Summary and Content)
-Improved Polls

08 December 2017 – Version 1.0

- Initial Release